CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

My favorite Supernatural quotes

This winter hiatus of Supernatural‘s is just wrong. It’s turned me into a weirdo, or even more of one than I already was. Last night, I literally went back through every one of my Supernatural virgin diary entries to re-live the episodes in capsulated form. Supernatural, I miss you, but I totally don’t have time […]

Seven things to love about Supernatural

It’s only been a few weeks and I’m already feeling a gaping void in my Thursday nights … how will I fill that 9:00 time slot until January 21? I suppose there’s always Supernatural, seasons 1-4 on DVD, but it’s not the same as getting a new installment in the lives of Sam and Dean […]

Five reasons Jennifer’s Body should become a TV series

I’m a little embarrassed to admit it (but then again, I enjoy The Vampire Diaries….), but I watched Jennifer’s Body this past weekend, and I really kind of liked it. It was just the right amount of campy and has everything you’d want from a teenage horror flick: blood and gore, awkward sex, the occult, […]

How I Met Your Mother smokes and steals

I’ve been pretty vocal about episodes of How I Met Your Mother sucking in the past, but one thing I’ve never accused it of is stealing. Whether or not I enjoy an episode, I’ll admit that they are pretty original. Tonight, though, they blatantly stole right from the pages of Friends. Remember the episode when […]

Andy, king of Cougar Town … last night anyway

“I can’t decide if you’re a really good dad or a really bad one.” – Travis “I am both, and I am neither.” – Andy I’ve always said that Cougar Town is all about the men, and this episode was no exception. I’m taking it one further — Andy ruled the show last night, which […]

How I Met Your Mother managed to put two characters into the same overalls tonight

“I hate Barney Stinson.” – Ted, to no one, as he ran through the streets trying to get to Maggie before Barney wooed her. “Me too!” – off-camera female voice The chanting in my head began early this evening: HIMYM, please don’t suck tonight … HIMYM, please don’t suck tonight…. Well, the jury was still […]

Was Glee’s Will abusive, praise for soap operas & don’t drink the Kool Aid – CliqueClack Behind the scenes

I know what you’re thinking … it’s been far too long since you got a glimpse behind the scenes at CliqueClack. You miss the quirky charm of our discussions about sitcoms, our lively debate about the top 100 sci-fi shows, even the derogatory statements about Jenny Wade that subsequently contributed to us getting booted from […]

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