CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

I can’t let go of Veronica Mars, and I want a movie – Open Letters

Dear Rob Thomas (the Veronica Mars one, not the Matchbox Twenty one), I’m writing to see if you can help me out, because I can’t seem to let go of your stellar (yet long canceled) show, Veronica Mars. There’s a lot of great TV on right now, but you know what I have the urge […]

HIMYM’s catch-phrases, but um, only sometimes funny

Ladies and gentlemen, you have just witnessed How I Met Your Mother: the catch-phrase episode. There were four — count ‘em, four — catch phrases permeating “Jenkins,” for better or for worse. And tonight, we definitely got a little bit of both. Let’s start with the “but um,” a bad habit of Robin’s that become […]

Can Elena be the new Buffy?

OK … wait a moment … I can’t quite type, what with being doubled over in laughter from that question. Of course The Vampire Diaries‘ Elena can’t be the new Buffy, I really can’t believe I asked that. Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s untouchable (though I think Needie from Jennifer’s Body could come close if there […]

Leverage’s Tara is a perfect fit

“Cleavers. Haven’t done that in a while.” – Eliot Yep, there’s a little bit of a pun in the title … it was a fashion episode, after all…. I’ve got to hand it to Leverage: even though they may not be firing on all eight cylinders like they were in their near-perfect debut season, they […]

Modern Family masters the mix-ups

“That’s hardly porn, it was a topless woman on a tractor. You know what they call that in Europe? A cereal commercial.” – Phil Modern Family has already proven that they do so many comedy classics well, like pratfalls and other physical comedy, one-liners, situational jokes and more. Tonight they so masterfully demonstrated the comedic […]

Twelve ways House makes screwing with your friends fun

“Everyone in our building thinks we’re gay.” – Wilson “We’re grown men over the age of 30 who moved in together. We’re two tigers away from an act in Vegas.” – House Oh, House, how I missed you. I didn’t realize how much until I just experienced the life-changing hour of your mid-season premiere. OK, […]

HIMYM’s big musical episode was Neil Patrick Harris’s alone, and for that, I thank you

Dear Bays and Thomas, First off, I’d like to thank you for giving Neil Patrick Harris yet another opportunity to shine, by giving him a musical number in your 100th episode of How I Met Your Mother. It’s not like he doesn’t outshine every member of the cast on a weekly basis, but we all […]

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