CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Did Joss Whedon brainwash the Losties?

I have a theory. It stems from the fact that I cannot believe that anyone would watch and enjoy Lost willingly. I find it to be the most self-serving, inflated show on television. Sure, they’ve taught their actors to master the hateful glare and they bring the non-linear storytelling to an obnoxious level of annoyance […]

HIMYM returns to its heyday with ‘The Perfect Week’

“Just because a man talks about a fictional character a lot on a first date doesn’t mean he’s not husband material.” – Lily to Robin “Sasquatch is not fictional.” – Marshall I know, I can’t believe I’m actually reviewing How I Met Your Mother again, either. What’s more, I’m about to say really great things […]

The Vampire Diaries – Methinks Unpleasantville may be Incestville

“You know I can start fires with my mind. Fires kill vampires, right?” – Bonnie to Damon I’m still not sure why last week’s episode just didn’t do it for me, but I no longer care because I loved “Unpleasantville.” Last’s week’s predictable secrets are out of my brain and tonight I kept getting surprise […]

Leverage – Never underestimate Eliot

“Eliot, I’m going to ask you not to do anything violent.” – Nate, as Sterling walked into the bar “What are you talking about? I only use violence as an appropriate response.” – Eliot, just before he beat up Sterling You suspected it was going to be a good episode of Leverage when Sterling (Mark […]

The Mentalist’s parade of guest stars share the guilt

As much as I love The Mentalist, one pattern that almost always holds annoying true is that the biggest guest star is the murderer. It almost never fails. Marguerite MacIntyre from Kyle XY and The Vampire Diaries shows up in “Scarlett Fever,” and kills out of revenge for her daughter’s death. In Kaiser Soze style, […]

Is Dr. House a psychopath?

“In the great game of chess that is our relationship, Wilson sees only one move ahead. I see dozens. That is why he will never mate me.” — House “…” — House’s team “That’s a chess term.” — House After watching the end of tonight’s House, I turned to Keith and said, “How can I […]

The Mentalist is subtle and in-your-face at the same time

I’ve just finished watching last week’s episode of The Mentalist, and I’m taking a break from my usual religion, Kripkeaism, to worship at the altar of Bruno Heller. I’ve loved The Mentalist since it premiered, but this season has elevated the awesomeness to levels worthy of the holy trinity: Bruno Heller, Simon Baker and Tim […]

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