CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Is TV a form of escapism? – Quibbling Siblings

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week we examine the different types of television escapism: the cerebral kind and the … well, not.

Are Taub and Foreman the new House and Wilson?

In “You Must Remember This,” ‘House’ has, yet again, raised its characters and their interplay to new levels. We seem to be getting a new odd-couple of roommates … and there’s a ‘Lost’ joke!

Burn Notice – Can Bruce Campbell carry the show?

If you’re a big ‘Burn Notice’ fan, chances are you’re excited about the upcoming prequel, ‘The Fall of Sam Axe.’ Do you think Sam is enough of a draw without Michael and Fiona?

Feminism, gays and lesbians … not necessarily in that order

How a discussion about the staff writers taking on regular columns came to this, I’ll never know, but Julia and Jay’s behind-the-scenes tete-a-tete was screaming to become public.

Vampire Diaries – One more secret revealed

The more things change, the more they stay the same … or at least that’s what it feels like in this episode of ‘The Vampire Diaries.’ The only thing we learned is that the werewolves are a big bunch of losers.

Human Target takes an estrogen bath

All season long, we’ve been wondering what the addition of two females to our beloved trip team would do to ‘Human Target.’ While some of it has been enjoyable, I think we finally have our answer: Chance is clearly producing his own estrogen.

Are House and Cuddy getting stronger?

The shows that are always advertised as the most earth-shattering, the ones we get screeners for, the overly-hyped episodes … never live up to the expectations. Sure, this was a fine episode of ‘House,’ but there wasn’t really any big OMG stuff.

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