CliqueClack TV

An Nicholson

Twitter: anicho01
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Bio: An is now ABD in Cultural Studies and English Literature. Check her out on Google Plus

Posts by An Nicholson

Dan Harmon is a genius – Interview

Dan Harmon is a mother-effing genius. Nothing can contain him and nothing should. In a recent conference call, he absolutely blew my mind and left me an eternal devotee of the ‘Community’ cult.

Seven ways Smash can improve – Open Letters

Dear ‘Smash’ producers, you’ve reduced the most unique premise and talented actors to cardboard constructs. But, I’ve assembled seven suggestions that you can use to improve. No need to thank me. You’re welcome.

Transformers: Prime, Season One on Blu-ray – CliqueClack Giveaway

Interested in winning the new ‘Transformers: Prime’ season one on Blu-ray? Comment on your favorite ‘Transformers’ moment by this Sunday at midnight EST. Winners are picked at random.

Celebrity crushes – CliqueClack Roundtable

Who’s your celebrity crush and why? Is it their looks, their talent or both? The CliqueClack gang discusses our favorite actors. Join us, won’t you?

Is NBC’s Smash better than Fox’s Glee?

Which is better: ‘Glee’ or ‘Smash’? I know. It’s like comparing apples and oranges, but I’m still going to do it. My favorite? Surprisingly, it’s the show which fills me with musical joy. What about you?

Is NBC’s Whitney the modern-day Mad About You? – Monthly Musings

I know it’s cool to hate ‘Whitney,’ but it has a lot of good spots. In fact, I think ‘Whitney’ is the next ‘Mad About You.’ How about you?

Parks and Rec – Are Paul Rudd and Kathryn Hahn the new Abbott and Costello?

Are Kathryn Hahn and Paul Rudd the new Abbott and Costello? This week introduces Bobby Newport’s campaign manager, Hahn. You know, that gal who also co-starred in Rudd’s recent films? Watching her made me wonder if we’ll see a Hahn & Rudd match-up on the small screen.

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