CliqueClack TV

The Celebrity Apprentice gets ugly and cruel

Man. It's getting fairly dog eat dog on 'The Celebrity Apprentice.' Some of "the meek" step up and some of the brave get questioned, and solidarity rears its head yet again.

- Season 12, Episode 5 - "I'm Going to Mop The Floor With You"

I love this picture of Clay Aiken. Aside from the fact that he’s looking like The Lorax, he’s also wearing the expression that I myself had on my face for almost the entire episode of this week’s Celebrity Apprentice. (Clay, what is up with that crazy beard? It doesn’t make you look intimidating. Just hides your cuteness and makes you look a bit silly, quite frankly. And I expect you Claymates to tweet this review out on my behalf, simply for your boy’s own good.)

I’ve been on Clay’s side since the beginning of this show for a couple of reasons. First … I was crushed when Reuben won Idol instead of him, and secondly because I know the guy has some smarts. It was nice to see him stop taking a back seat role this week and take on the arrogance that is Penn Jillette as well as stand behind project manager Lou Ferrigno.

With a forty-five minute boardroom and the whole two hour extravaganza that CA is in these early days, I think it’s best if I chop it up into categories. Are ya with me?? Yeeeeaaah Boo! (As we used to cheerlead in fourth grade.)

Here we go …

The Task both teams face this time around is a challenge from age old company O-Cedar to produce a viral video for their Mist Spray Mop. Per usual the brand messaging, entertainment value and presentation are key points to the executives of the company.

The male executive from O-Cedar just killed me when he asked the women’s team to basically do a “sex sells” theme. They definitely ran with his idea. But with lackluster results. I’ll tell you why the women (led by project manager Tia Carrere) failed miserably in their presentation…

1.) The video itself was confusing. The whole “What is your number” idea (put forth by Lisa Lampenelli) was never fully explained correctly to the audience.  Lisa goes on and freaking on in the boardroom about how creative she is, but she missed the mark on this one and should have been called to the carpet more by Tia. The script was weak and could have been a lot funnier than it was. (Which was not even mildly amusing.)

2.) Coming from a background in television producing I can tell you that I learned this next lesson the hard way. You cannot, as a producer, stick people in front of a plain white screen! It looks horrific on camera. Boring and amateurish. As if you put absolutely no effort forth for the viewer (or your client for that matter.)

3.) They showed the product but didn’t use it. Um … nuff said. Again, a mistake by Tia.

However! These chicks spend so much time whispering behind the project manager’s back (for the benefit of the cameras) how much they hate the concept and the manner in which it’s being executed that it’s ridiculous. It’s become a strategy on this show to cover your ass in the boardroom by saying early on that you don’t agree with what the key players are doing, so you can sit back on your ass and then tell Trump you knew everything was going south all along, should your team lose. I’m growing weary people! Wear-y! Step up and do something! If you dislike the concept or the t-shirts or the whatever the hell? Say so and try to take charge and change it. Geez.

Best chortle of the women’s team? Yeah. It’s got to be Dayana Mendoza’s idea of having a pregnant woman’s water break so she could use the mist mop to clean it up. Good Golly that girl is a fount of pretty uselessness.

 The Men’s Presentation was by far more interesting. It’s great that the men can argue and out of that comes a premise for their theme. (Paul putting up the slogan “I’m going to mop the floor with you.”) Now that’s making some lemonade instead of just the endless kvetching the women do, with no results. Maybe that’s why men rule the business world. They can infight yet still get things done at the end of the day and not let the drama overtake them. Sorry feministas … but there may be a lesson here.

Here are some reasons why the men’s team won by a landslide for me.

1.) Arsenio and Clay got behind underdog project manager Lou Ferrigo and helped him to shine. Not trying to drag credit in for themselves, but by agreeing to move their team forward.

2.) The overall quality of the writing and shooting of their video was presented way more professionally. It just looked better. Plain and simple.

3.) Lou dancing with the mop while the woman in front explained it’s features was just what the executives asked for. Utilize the product for gosh sake’s! It’s a mop. So mop with it!

The Boardroom, Clay Versus Penn, and Aubrey O’Day’s Big Mouth:

I think that unlike a lot of you, I’m not a big fan of the boardroom. It makes me twitch. It reminds me of the old days going up against my mother. There is no right answer to give Trump there, and he throws you off guard with a compliment before grilling the life out of you and inferring things you never said. It’s a freaking minefield. And for that reason, I can’t blame Tia for saying that it’s getting ugly and cruel at this juncture, and being relieved to get out of there.  Only the mega strong quick thinkers survive here. It’s definitely not for everyone. I’ve said before I’d probably just tell him to shove it under the pressure. Hey … life’s too short. And if I were a celebrity, I’d just cruise away in the limo and give my own money to my charity.

Who needs to have an aneurysm?

But Clay Aiken’s not like me. He can take it as well as dish it out. I loved how he took on the beast (Penn Jillette’s ego) and came out the clear winner. Penn has obviously not been questioned a lot in his life. I was surprised (and I thought it an outright lie) when Penn wanted us to believe that at his height and menacing appearance it is he that is always “condescended to.” C’mon! Does he think it’s our first time at the rodeo?

And Aubrey O’Day needs to shut it. That’s all. She is good at the game. I’ll give her that. But pleeeaaaase? For my sake? Just stop kissing Trump ass, crowing about yourself, grabbing camera time when there’s no reason for it and go away.

Wow. I guess I don’t like her.


Who do you like? Or hate? Please feel free to loosen your jaw in the comments section below …

And one last thing? I find it hard to look at Eric Trump and Don Junior after seeing the pictures of their horrifying hunting trip to Africa. Loathsome.

Photo Credit: Fox

13 Responses to “The Celebrity Apprentice gets ugly and cruel”

March 19, 2012 at 10:21 AM

Clay’s hair looked thinned out a bit this week. Not that it is a good look for him, I think he looks like a redhaired Wolfman! I really like him though,he’s a smart guy.
Aubrey saying Tia was 50 something just cracked me up!!!
I have worked with both groups of women and men and I would take the men any day. They might get mad at each other..but they call you out to your face..duke it out..then are friends by the end of the day. Women let it fester and tell everyone but the person that they have the problem with.
Past seasons I wished for more boardroom, but it is just Donald stirring the pot trying to get everyone to fight. I am waiting for Theresa to blow though. I think she feels intimidated by these people and has been trying to just be quiet and fly under the radar.

March 19, 2012 at 12:48 PM

Clay handled things very well this week!

He and Aubrey are project managers next, and Clay sings!!! Can’t wait!

March 19, 2012 at 2:28 PM

Awww, Clay looks fine. Other then that, your blog was right on. Aubrey needs to shut up, and Clay rocks! That’s all I got. Next week should be awe-some!

March 19, 2012 at 3:13 PM

I thought Clay was looking particularly hawt in those suits in the Boardroom. Enjoyed your blog..and really enjoyed this episode. I thought Lou’s dance with the mop was hilarious, and the men deserved to win. Aubrey is so about herself, and was very rude to Tia. But, I am really waiting for the next show. Clay will be singing. Can’t get better than that.

March 19, 2012 at 3:30 PM

Love your review. As for Clay’s beard and him looking like The Lorax(LOL),he’s like the weather, wait a little while and it will change.

Aubrey is such a “ME” person and I’m finding it hard to get around that.

I do think Penn was surprised that Clay confronted him, but someone had to do it and I think Clay did it well.

I can’t believe the backbiting on the women’s team and even though there have been a few confrontations on the men’s team, they are coming off as the saner of the two.

I’m looking forward to watching Aubrey and Clay face off…this should be good!

March 19, 2012 at 5:28 PM

Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

I can see I’m alone in not liking the beard. And one thing I don’t want to do is anger the Claymates! Or are you just “Mates” now??

I’ve heard rumors.

March 27, 2012 at 3:36 PM

What kind of rumors?

March 19, 2012 at 4:38 PM

I sort of wish people would get over Clay’s looks and just focus on what he’s accomplishing. Wolfman? Really? I think it was a fine testament to the men that “some” of them forgot their personal agendas and tried to help Lou. Afterall, it should have been a team effort and he definitely needed help. Clay’s education and previous work experience came through in helping Lou speak more distinctly. Penn is an overblown bully who pouts when he doesn’t get his way. Good for Clay for calling him on it – and Dee and Arsenio for their support. Aubrey is like a bad caricature. I’m just waiting for Lisa to go off on her! Woooeeee – would sell tickets to that for anybody’s charity. Next week is going to be great! OH – nice review! OH – and if anyone looks like the Lorax it’s Paul Sr. Just saying……

March 19, 2012 at 7:49 PM

Enjoyed your review. The women’s team drove me nuts this week — they seem to have 3 who think they are the best of the best and the other ladies on their team are “beige paint”. The men had their moments but ended up working pretty well together. I was glad to see Clay call Penn on his attitude — Penn wants to be the one large & in charge and I think he is condescending. Truth hurts sometimes but if he is smart, he will learn from it. It was very interesting to see Clay show Lou how to pronounce “dirt”. Never thought about that word & how it is formed. Evidently his degree in special education and working with those who have disabilities helped. How can a person speak and enunciate words if they can’t hear them? Can’t wait to see the next Episode.

March 19, 2012 at 11:59 PM

I agree about Clay’s beard and hair. Egads, he does look like a wolfman. I’m surprised that the professional stylists with the apprentice crew don’t cut his hair and make him shave. He is one smart cookie though. His getting mad was pretty tame. Can’t believe Penn acted like such a baby about it.

March 20, 2012 at 10:26 AM

Loved your review. Clay’s a smart guy and doesn’t suffer fools lightly, so I’m glad he called Penn out on his patronizing attitude toward Lou’s ideas. It was nice to see the entire men’s team support Lou at this juncture( even big ole pouty Penn was smiling at one point watching Lou do his silly dance so the man does have his redeeming qualities).

But, good Lord! I am SO tired of people focusing on Clay’s looks. I think he looks great; he’s gained some much needed weight since his AI days and has matured quite nicely, fuller face, red hair, red beard at all. :) The man is mad talented, smart as a whip, and I’m really enjoying his time on Apprentice. Hope he takes the entire thing!

As for the women. Puleeeze stop with the meowing, cat fighting, and scratching. It’s gotten very tiresome and I’m rooting for the men for EVERYTHING just because I can’t stand the bitchiness from the gals.

March 27, 2012 at 3:42 PM

I know. I see nothing wrong with Clay’s looks. For heaven’s sake, look at the other men! Someone seriously needs to give Penn a makeover. So Clay has some stubble now and then. So what? They’ll be gone in the next scene. Seriously, have you not noticed how great he looks in those beautiful suits? Wow.

March 20, 2012 at 3:57 PM

Enjoyed your review….I’ve watched 3 seasons of TCA, and in all three of them the person who did the least IMO only I guess…and was Donald’s favorite, won. So it’s looking good for Arsenio this year LOL! The Donald seems to have a permanent mancrush on him.

Who SHOULD be the winner? My vote goes to Clay (#1) or Penn (#2), both of whom have, up to this week, been actively facilitating their teams. Penn almost slipped to #3 this week for me with his whiny brattiness (how OLD is he, for heaven’s sakes!) but I have to give him participation points for the last few challenges.

OTOH, the women’s team….ah, the women’s team; the ones who will soon permanently destroy ANY chance of ANY women getting ANYwhere in the business world if they keep it up. Except perhaps for Ronald McDonald’s sister, who may have a chance if McDonalds allows nepotism. She’s just SO perfect.

Someone PLEASE tell me the women’s team doesn’t have a chance of winning this thing! Oh wait…there’s Dayana, The Donald’s next wife…yikes. Hold me.

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