CliqueClack TV

American Idol – We know the ten who go on tour

Someone didn't get her "orange slice" on 'Idol' last night ... but she did get sent packing.

- Season 11, Episode 21 - "1 Of 11 Voted Off"

Deandre Brackensick couldn’t possibly have been in the Bottom 3 last night, despite my best prediction. The reason he couldn’t be in the Bottom 3? Because that would have just been too easy. And we wouldn’t want things to be that easy now, would we?

Instead Erika Van Pelt, Shannon Magrane and Elise Testone ended up there instead. At least one of the hopefuls I predicted to wind up in the Bottom 3 fulfilled my wishes — Erika. Alas, it was not to be that that wish come true as she and Shannon were the last two on the chopping block after Ryan saved Elise from any such fate.

And in the end it was Shannon who had to sing for her life before the judges in a failed effort to get them to use that precious judge’s save. Not to be, not this night. And not with the kind of performance she put out at the very last. If any truth was to be laid out on the table, it was that Shannon’s voice simply wasn’t up to snuff. Her warbley, uneven efforts did nothing but prove the voting American Idol watchers got it right in wanting to cut her loose from the competition.

I didn’t think Shannon would get the boot quite so early. Still, I didn’t find it monumentally disappointing she couldn’t hang on for another week or two.


  • I don’t know about other houses around the country, but in this one, Demi Lovato is nothing special.
  • Is Jimmy Iovine ever giving Randy Jackson “the business” when it comes to putting him down for his judging efforts. Wow. But it seems good-natured and playfully snarkified. Because Jimmy’s been flashing a smile while he chides Randy, rather a rarity. (Speaking of Jimmy: What’s with the “orange slice” references? That seems odd …)
  • Chris Daughtry appears to be in fine form as evidence of his performance last evening. I mean … if you’re into the bald rocker look and sound.
  • And now we have Tommy Hilfiger on board the Idol train as an image adviser to the contestants. Huh. Over the years, I was under the impression whoever was suggesting the wardrobes for them wasn’t doing that shabby a job. Sure, there were some misses along the way … but now? Now we get to ridicule some of those looks and finger-point at a professional. What fun!
  • This was the show which revealed the lucky 10 contestants who will go on the Idol summer tour: Phillip Phillips, Jessica Sanchez, Heejun Han, Elise Testone, Deandre Brackensick, Colton Dixon, Erika Van Pelt, Skyler Laine, Joshua Ledet and Holly Cavanagh. (Shannon, obviously, isn’t one of the lucky ones.)


“He could be in trouble. Not everyone gets a trophy and an orange slice.” — Jimmy critiquing Deandre on his possible Bottom 3 appearance (which didn’t happen)


Photo Credit: FOX

4 Responses to “American Idol – We know the ten who go on tour”

March 16, 2012 at 8:43 AM

It was great to see Daughtry again, and I’m digging his new sound. For a minute there, all his songs were alike to me. I’m glad he’s changed it up.
Shannon leaving was not a surprise, as you’ve said. I really wish it had been Deandre as he gives me a rash, but you can’t have everything.

March 16, 2012 at 9:39 AM

So much for the CCC [Consdvative Christian Coalition] backing Shannon.

Expect Deandre to go next week. He’s on the tour, which means he’s available as eye candy for the preeny-boppers. And we have our quota of blond females. Can we focus on some real singers now?

By which, I mean Phillip, Jessica, Joshua, Holly, Colton, Skylar, and sometimes Heejun. Anyone want to guess who is on my early nominations for bottom three list next week?

March 16, 2012 at 9:40 AM

Conservative. I can spell, but sometimes my fingers can’t.

March 16, 2012 at 11:04 AM

Sometimes I don’t know if you really know and you’re just checking to see if we know. The orange slice reference. I loved it! Your kids are in sports are they not?

I sure hope Elise hangs in. Her facial expressions lead me to think she doesn’t believe in herself. Ya gotta believe!

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