CliqueClack TV

The Genius is good stuff on American Idol

Many fall like flies, but a few shine brightly during Hollywood Week. Ray Charles sure was an influence on select contestants.

- Season 11, Episode 10 - "Hollywood Round, Part 3"

I’ve touted / discussed / maintained the opening rounds of American Idol are some of the most interesting and telling of the season. There’s a reason for that — because they are. And that’s especially true of the Hollywood Rounds. (Which, by the way, are held in Pasadena, not Hollywood as Seacrest continually notes. Go figger.)

It’s where some of the talents we’ve seen during the auditions really get to shine.

Or … where the hopefuls crash and burn. Sometime literally.

Drama, naturally, surrounded just about everyone … drama for the good of the some contestants, not so much for others.

But there were a few who really stood out. Few quite as much as Reed Grimm, however.

What in the world was this dude up to? With the revelation he could not sing a cappella during his solo, it seemed he either got real nervous or was just dicking around. Even the singing coach offering him assistance was mentally pulling her hair out at his lackadaisical attitude and flighty demeanor. Was it really jitters? He appeared on the verge of tears at one point. There was a momma’s boy-ness to him, too. Was it a “condition” manifesting itself? Or was he simply becoming unhinged at the unexpected change of his solo performance? The Idol musical director Michael Orland didn’t appear confident Grimm would be able to pull anything of substance out of his ass either. “He’s making me nervous,”  he said at one point.

But damn if the dude didn’t exude a weird sort of confidence, march right onto the stage toward the drum kit, sit down and pump out a terrific performance of Ray Charles’ “Georgia On My Mind” with conviction to the delight of everyone:

Here’s the thing: He may not have the best voice of the hopefuls, but the guy has confidence up the wazoo when he calls on it. And that’s the kind of stuff that will get you far on American Idol.

Sickness, fainting, doubt and more all made their way into the conscious of many of the performers.  But we got through Hollywood with some seventy some-odd hopefuls who are now on their way to Vegas for one last set of grueling performances before we finally get down to the business.


  • One of the best group performances I’ve seen on Idol over the years was “Group Sauce” containing Reed Grimm and Aaron Marcellus. They were a treat to behold.
  • Ray Charles was popular for a few contestants during Hollywood Week. One such contestant, Jen Hirsch? She can sing at me any ‘ole time.


Photo Credit: FOX

3 Responses to “The Genius is good stuff on American Idol”

February 16, 2012 at 1:19 PM

My daughter and son-in-law missed last night’s show. After telling them the story, I played the Reed Grimm clip above and they were stunned. Then I told them, “Not only was he NOT the best performance last night, he wasn’t even the best performance of that song.” Not sure if that will get them watching next week or not, but they were adequately impressed.

Jenn Hirsch [any relation to Judd?] was definitely worthy of mention, but what was the name of the guy who said, “Thought it was time for a little white chocolate”? I’m looking forward to seeing more of him. Overall, jazz and blues seem a popular style this year.

Phillip Phillips sounds great, but I am seeing more and more Taylor Hicks in his animation. Or, perhaps it is the rockabilly style of Buddy Holly or early Elvis. Elvis swore he didn’t plan those early hip jerks … it just came naturally when he sang. I’m willing to believe this is the case with Phillip, but I hope he is coached to control it more. Otherwise I’m afraid he will be reminding me more of early Jerry Lewis [and I don’t mean Jerry Lee Lewis] than Elvis.

February 16, 2012 at 3:25 PM

. . . . .


That would be Adam Brock, not only a favorite of mine, but another hopeful who did “Georgia On My Mind” for a Hollywood solo performance last night.

And yes: He did move on in the competition …

February 16, 2012 at 1:21 PM

Wait a minute … did Phillip Phillips make the last cut? Sometimes it’s hard to remember when they cut 20 at once.

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