CliqueClack TV

Alcatraz – The female head shrinker

With the new prisoner, Paxton Petty, we get more information about what Lucy was doing back in 1960. And, the relationship between her and Hauser!

- Season 1, Episode 6 - "Paxton Petty"

Alcatraz returns to its normal format in “Paxton Petty” with the team tracking down another returned prisoner. While Petty’s return was not quite as informative to the big picture, we did get more insight about Lucy and the happenings on The Rock back in 1960.

Paxton Petty
He was a war veteran who went bad. He was incarcerated at Alcatraz after setting off bombs around San Francisco in protest of the government’s decision to not award him a metal for his military work.

Doctor Beauregard tried torturing him with drowning to get him to reveal his plot with no success. Instead, he was turned over to Dr. Sengupta for interrogation, which included drugs, shock therapy, and talk.

Petty “woke up” in 2012 on the floor of a tomb that he had used prior to his incarceration. So, that answers the question about why the team doesn’t just track traffic at Alcatraz. Not all the returnees are coming back at the prison.

The purpose of his return was unclear, just like with Kit Nelson, the kidnapper, Petty didn’t seem to be on a specific mission. He just returned to what he knew — bombing.

His current status is unknown. Hauser shot him in the leg and then left the scene to track down the fourth bombing location. Presumably, he was sent to the new prison with the other recaptured prisoners.

Emerson Hauser
He knew Dr. Lucille Sengupta back in 1960 when he was a young prison guard at Alcatraz. They had a friendly relationship, but Hauser seemed to be smitten with the doctor.

He was working on interpreting Petty’s bomb locations back in 1960 for Lucy and was determined to solve the puzzle now. Unfortunately, he was stupid and stepped on a landmine while trying to apprehend Petty. He was rescued by Rebecca, but his mistake ended up costing a bomb tech his life.

Hauser really needs to lighten up. His attitude towards Rebecca and Doc are not going to help him in the long run. He needs them. Perhaps, if he was nicer and briefed them on everything he knows the mystery could be solved more quickly.

Dr. Lucille Sengupta/Lucy Banerjee
What is her story? We found out a bit more about her in the flashbacks. She used drugs and shock treatments to interrogate Petty. In response, he started singing a song that was unknown to her.

She reached out to Tommy Madsen at the prison for help. He told her the name of the song in exchange for information about why he was constantly being held in the infirmary and having blood taken from him.

So, Tommy wasn’t initially involved in the program or what it was. When did he find out? Also, Lucy had not brought in on it either when she arrived at Alcatraz. Will her inquiry about Madsen get her information and/or actually brought into the fold?

Lucy was also not mentioned on any official records regarding Alcatraz. How is the possible? Why was her presence kept a secret or erased from the records? Petty mentioned the “Female Head Shrinker” to Soto, but he was confused by that saying that there weren’t any female doctors at Alcatraz. Hmm … the plot thickens!

In the present day, Lucy continued to be in a coma. Hauser took her out of the hospital to get treatment from Dr. Beauregard. Hauser said, “You know her methods — fix her!” What does that mean? Is it a clue to how the prisoners have been kept alive all these years looking the same age? There’s always Soto’s theory … have the prisoners been kept on ice like Captain America? Not entirely crazy, right?

Unlike other prisoner flashbacks, this episode spent less time on the prisoner, Paxton Petty, and more time on the goings on at Alcatraz. Lucy’s back story is turning out to be one of the more interesting. We also now know that Tommy Madsen was not aware of why his blood was being taken or what the heck was going on.


Photo Credit: FOX

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