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Desperate Housewives – I used to be lovedrunk, but now I’m hungover

After a tedious two-week hiatus, 'Desperate Housewives' returns with an episode that, well, is full of fluff. Still, there were two new developments, along with a scene featuring a certain redheaded housewife telling off her lackluster friends, that seemed to make the installment all the more entertaining. Let's step it up, writers.

- Season 8, Episode 13 - "Is This What You Call Love?"

Desperate Housewives

Perfection is the word that generally comes to mind whenever I recall the very first season of ABC’s soapy sudser Desperate Housewives. Everything was just so fresh … kind of like the produce aisle of my local Publix supermarket. Fast forward to season eight, and well, things have undoubtedly changed. Still, this season has actually been one of my favorites, and the entries so far have been delightfully entertaining. Well, all except one.

Guess what? I’m about to review it.

Fluff is the stuff this particular installment was made of. Nothing really happened. It seemed like more of a filler episode which is sad after coming off of the previous episode, one filled to the brim with drama. Oh, well. No use in complaining, right? Let’s kick this recap off with good ole Susan who was surprised to discover that daughter Julie is pregnant. It turns out that the baby daddy doesn’t want to be a, um, baby daddy therefore Julie has decided to give the child up for adoption when she’s born. Furthermore, Julie’s already chosen a family. Way to go, chick! Talk about taking charge! However, Susan isn’t particularly thrilled with this and decides to change the family’s mind by sharing fictitious horror stories about her daughter. Oh, Susan. Silly, dimwitted, mindless Susan.

The storyline will play into next week’s installment when the father is revealed. Who he is is anyone’s guess, but for some reason, I’m leaning towards Andrew Van de Kamp. Yeah, I know Andrew’s gay, but still. How funny would that be? That’s a real question. Let me know in the comments below. I’d like to hear your opinions. Also, how cool was it seeing Teri Hatcher and Andrea Bowen reunited again? They have great chemistry.

Elsewhere on the lane, Lynette finally made some real progress, and I couldn’t have been happier. With Tom busy in Paris getting busy with Jane, I thought it was rather refreshing to see Lynette at least trying to move on. Surprisingly, the hair dressing gentleman from the previous episode is back. You know, the one that Lynette went psycho on at dinner? Yeah, that’s the one. Call it desperation. Call it loneliness. Call it a plot device. Either way, he’s back … and apparently here to stay. Here’s hoping he lasts, but I think we all know that Tom and Lynette will be back together before the end of the season.

However, is the same true about Gabrielle and Carlos? It was recently announced that one of the characters would bite the dust in March. I’m thinking its Carlos. He’s been absent from quite a few episodes due to his stint in rehab. This episode was no exception. I won’t bother going into Gaby’s plot because it really was just fluff. So, with that being said, let’s move on to the highlight of the episode — Edie Britt’s replacement! No, not Renee, but Bree … surprisingly.

Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that I haven’t enjoyed Bree’s descent back into alcoholism. In fact, it’s probably my least favorite storyline this season. However, words could not describe just how content I was when Bree practically cursed out Lynette, Susan and Gabrielle who staged an intervention to help her. Bree has every right to be upset. Like I mentioned before in one of my previous reviews, Bree did absolutely nothing wrong. She was being a good friend, and the housewives have no one to blame but themselves for her descent … especially Gabrielle.

With Ben missing in action, there wasn’t a mystery element this week which felt a little odd, but I did enjoy Kyle MacLachlan’s triumphant return as Orson when he tased the dude that was about to rape Bree. That was some damn good acting. Then again, what do you expect from an Emmy award winner?

With only ten episodes left this season, I’m going to need for Desperate Housewives to step their game up. I don’t mind some fluff here and there, but let’s get refocused. Having said that, we did get a few questions to ponder. For starters, I do want to know who Julie’s been doing the nasty with. What if it’s John Rowland? That would be interesting. Will Bree forgive her friends for how they treated her? How will Tom react when he discovers Lynette has a new man? And who’s dying in March? It damn sure better not be Renee Perry! Feel free to sound off in the comments below!

Photo Credit: ABC

12 Responses to “Desperate Housewives – I used to be lovedrunk, but now I’m hungover”

February 15, 2012 at 7:16 AM

hi jalen, remember me?
I read your review and I have to say that, for once, I TOTALLY agree with you on EVERYTHING you wrote. I happened to find this episode DREADFULLY filler and insipid: NOTHING happened till the very last end (it was the old same pattern: 40 minutes of NOTHING + 2 minutes of “drama”).
I just can’t believe how many people LOVED it, even saying it was the best one of the season!! o.o I mean: WTF?! seriously?! susan0s story was dragged out too long (too many scenes imho), gabby’s stuff i won’t even review cause it was fluff (I hate kid stuff, just like the competition with mj over the maths groups or the candy bars). I mean: come oooooon, who the heck cares about the romance of a fricking 9-year-old, huh?
oh, yeah… and bree’s plot was kinda predictable, too (since we all knew the writers wouldn’t have the guts to get her raped and would have made someone swooop in at the last minute and save her… -.-‘).
and you are SOOOOO right about BREE, not renee, being edie’s replacement. I mean: wgere was her? once again, she was wasted on a 12-seconds scene and, instead of the vixen, she became lynette’s bestie… AGAIN -.-‘
all in all, very very bad episode. I too don’t mind some fluff stuff here and there throughout the season, but seriously… it’s been since 8×10 that nothing major has happened on this show, as someone dying or as some hints about the blackamiler’s identity being reveald, or stuff like that. writers, it is REALLY time to step up your game!!!

February 15, 2012 at 10:20 AM

Lavinia, I’m sorry. I don’t remember you. LOL Kidding! You commented on my Renee Perry editorial. Duh! And btw, Chuck responded to you. Anyway, yes, this episode was filler. However, there were things to be celebrated. I did enjoy the scene between Mike and Julie. Very touching. Also, I liked seeing Julie remind Susan how she took care of her, and I especially loved Bree telling off the other housewives. That’s some real stuff right there! I would have preferred another plot for Gabrielle. I think that’s where the real fluff came from.

In regards to Renee, did you see the previous episode? Renee had a TON to do. I understand that the writers have to focus on the core four from time to time, so I was cool with Renee’s one scene. She’ll be back with her own story next episode if the press release is any indication. I still think this season has been great. One fluff episode doesn’t destroy it. However, let’s just keep it to a minimum! Also, in March, a major character will be dying. Any idea as to who it could be? My money’s on Carlos.

February 15, 2012 at 10:25 AM

ahahah i just asked you if you remembered me out of courtesy! XD anyway, I know FOR SURE who will die but can’t say it here. all I can say it’s not carlos ;-)

February 15, 2012 at 10:30 AM

and yes, I know that one fluff episode doesn’t destroy anything… but don’t forget i had to wait 3 weeks to watch this one, so i guess it was perfectly fair of me to demand and expect a little more :-)

February 15, 2012 at 10:45 AM

Understandable. However, that’s what happens when ABC spaces these episodes out. And uh oh! If it isn’t Carlos that’s dying, then I have a feeling who it may be…and I BETTER be wrong! LOL Lavinia, thanks for always reading the recaps and responding. I really like your feedback!

February 15, 2012 at 9:20 PM

I seem to remember Julie having a penchant for older, married men, so it would make sense to me if that’s who her baby daddy is.. a lot more shocking, too, if it’s someone we know all too well… like someone’s husband or ex-husband. But what on earth is up with this “shocker” storyline? It’s seems to have come out of nowhere and it also seems pretty lame- another chance for Susan to wish she could “fix” everything.. Oh God, I’m already cringing at the thought.

As for your question about Tom, I wonder if he and Jane are already having problems in Paris. I don’t think Tom will react very well to Lynette sleeping with someone new- especially in his old house where his kids still live. As for who dies… well, it could be anyone! Someone could finally kill Susan for being an idiot (she could also die in one of her weird clumsy accidents). But I think it seems unlikely that it will be any of our four heroines… That would be a truly bizarre note to go out on! And on that note, I truly hope they don’t do another waste-of-time “memory” episode! Ugh!

About this season in general, it’s hard enough with all of these long 2-4 week breaks between episodes. Do they really need to feed us crap once it finally does air? I miss all the times I used to “LOL” while watching the show, and yes even “COL” (cry out loud- just throwing it out there). So much of the writing for the last two seasons has just been snooze-worthy. Also, I hated the way the ladies treated Bree this time. Frankly, I didn’t think it was entirely believable, so yeah, not that surprised when Bree told them to go to hell. Thank God for Renee, for Bree’s sake and for the show’s sake. She is one of the only characters that I consistently love her scenes. Vanessa is just awesome. :)

February 16, 2012 at 11:02 AM

Rachael, thanks so much for your response! Yes, you’re correct about Julie. She does have a thing for the older dudes, doesn’t she? She had Nick Bolen in season six, and that grown man back in season five when she returned to visit. Anyway, I actually know who the father of Julie’s baby is…and it ain’t a older man! LOL Stay tuned!

Also, while the baby storyline was out of left field, at least it gives Susan something to do, right? I liked her art class shenanigans at the start of the season, but this story seems like a good one.

As for Tom, I really hope that he and Lynette can get back together and just be happy. I mean, I definitely don’t blame the man for leaving her. We all know she’s a piece of work, but jeez. Tom and Lynette were the couple that could weather any storm. And I don’t imagine him being particularly happy with Lynette’s new love interest either.

Rachael, I have to disagree with you in regards to this season. I think it’s an improvement over season seven. I loved season seven, but this one seems a bit more solid, and I really like that the writers are striving to give Renee something to do. She keeps things fresh, but let’s hope she isn’t the one that dies in March…because if she does, I’m boycotting! LOL

One more thing…I didn’t like how Bree was treated either, and you know what? I didn’t think it was believable either. It was just a sad way to cause conflict, and as a result, my dislike for Gaby has skyrocketed. I’m siding with Bree. Gaby should be slapped. I’m just sayin’.

February 16, 2012 at 12:36 PM

True… Who is sending Bree the notes and who is watching her in the bar parking lot every night (we know it’s not Orson!)? Who ran over Chuck? What is Ben really up to? You’re right! These are the questions the writers should be making us salivate over! There is plenty going on this season, but I feel like the writers keep writing around it! I loved the Susan in her art class plot line, the Gabby trying to run Carlos’s business while he’s “away” plot line, the Tom/Lynette/ and Jane plot line, The Ben and Mike shady business plot line, and the Bree and Chuck plot line. But these juicy bits were definitely swept under the rug on this episode.

Granted, we did see someone watching Bree when she got herself into a parking lot pickle, but I don’t believe that we’re supposed to think it was Orson in that car all these nights. They never showed anything to imply that, nor anything to imply that someone was still sitting there watching. For the record though, I love Bree + Orson! So that made me happy. :)

As far as Julie’s Baby daddy; I hadn’t even thought of the possibility of it being a previous character, so now I’m excited. :) If it’s not someone older, then I have PLENTY of ideas bubbling up in my mind as to who it could be. By the way, did anyone think it was weird that Susan never said anything to Julie about waiting six months to tell her about it? She said, “You didn’t even tell me you were seeing someone,” which is something you might say if your daughter told you she was 2-3 months pregnant, not SIX. Julie has clearly NOT been talking to her mom… which REALLY makes me wonder who the father is!

I also have my theories as to who might die at the end. As we know from Season One, the writers are not above killing off a husband. And as we know from Edie’s Britt’s last season, they aren’t above killing off a major supporting role either. Looking forward to some suspenseful improvements in the rest of the last season! :)

February 15, 2012 at 11:31 PM

WTH happened on Sunday? For this to be thier last season it sure is boring. I usually plan my Sunday evenings around viewing my girls but this season has been such a yawn I’m wathcing the episode two at a time just because I want to see how it will end. Nothing is keeping me sitting on the edge of my seat this season. As a matter of fact, I think I have been doing more complaining this season than anything else. Tom and Lynette was a story line that tugged at my heart, not to mention it was unexpected. But now…Yawn! Susan has just behaved like a complete idiot this season and Julie’s pregnancy was predictable. the Solis’s are getting boring too. Bree has had most of the juicy storyline, but when I say juicy I mean juciy like a carrot. I think last season was a little more action packed than this. This last episode took the cake for me. I felt like I wasted 45 mins of my life. I am dissapointed if you can’t tell. I really hope the show takes a turn for the better. This has been my favorite show since it started and I have liked every season. But season 8 isn’t what I thought it would be so far.

February 16, 2012 at 11:10 AM

Kellie, hi! Thanks for commenting! Question: Do you REALLY think last season was more packed than this? As much as I loved season seven, I have to say that Paul Young did absolutely nothing last year. That plot moved a bit too slow, and it wasn’t even a mystery. At least this year we got a full fledged whodunnit. I still don’t know who is sending Bree the notes. I don’t know who ran Chuck over. And I don’t know what Ben is up to. Maybe it’s the storylines of the housewives that aren’t doing it for you.

I’ll admit that I did prefer Gaby’s baby drama over her plot this season, but it’s cool. I also love that the writers have found an effective way to use Renee. She has a nice subplot that gives her more to do, and while the majority of the episodes have been packed with good stuff, we do get fluff every once in a while. However, every TV show does this, right? I wasn’t a fan of the last installment, but it doesn’t ruin the season for me. The tone of the show has changed drastically since season one, so going into season eight, I knew what to expect.

I like to break DH down into two sections – pre five year jump and post five year jump. The first four seasons were stellar. I never had a problem with season two. Season five is what I despised. The quality changed with the fifth season and forward. However, out of seasons five, six, seven and eight, this one has been the best…at least in my opinion.

February 16, 2012 at 2:28 PM

I agree with you, Jaylen. This was not one of their best episodes. I don’t think that Julie’s baby daddy is Andrew. I think it is probably Zack. If not, it’s someone with red hair. Also, I think it might be Carlos who dies. This is why the writer had Gaby to take Juanita to see him in rehab. This will be Juanita’s last time seeing her dad alive. I think Carlos is going to OD.

Also, I like the title you gave this recap. YOU ARE GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!

February 16, 2012 at 2:31 PM

Thanks so much! Yes, I’m now leaning towards Carlos too. The way the character has been treated as of late suggests that he may be a goner. This will give Gabrielle a juicier storyline. Then again, it could be Mrs. McCluskey!

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