CliqueClack TV

Glee – The Michael Jackson episode

With 'Glee' featuring the music of Michael Jackson this week, and the anticipation of waiting for Rachel to answer Finn's Big Question? I knew we were in for a good one. And I wasn't wrong ...

- Season 3, Episode 11 - "Michael"

From start to finish, I was completely satisfied with this week’s episode of Glee. Maybe it’s the cold medicine I’m on, but I don’t think so. No. This hour long homage to Michael Jackson had it all except the chimps. It had the “wee hee hees!” and the “woo hoos!” It had  the mandatory thrusts, spins and “crotchal maneuvers” signature to the King of Pop.  Overall, I think Michael tipped a sequined glove to the song choices of the producers and the sheer talent of the cast in performing his songs, from Wherever he is right now.

My guess is it must have taken weeks to shoot this single show. The choreography alone was spectacular (especially in the excellent opening with Darren Criss leading the way with “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin'”). And we just kept moving right along through a great range of tunes of the MJ songbook that seamlessly fit the storyline. When I saw that no less then ten Michael Jackson songs would be covered tonight, I had my doubts we’d see any movement in plot at all. But I was pleasantly surprised.

While I had to chuckle at Mr. Shue’s theme for the Club this time around (WWMJD? What Would Michael Jackson Do?) the writers certainly took a clear and interesting bent on the question. They focused on Michael’s ability to ignore “the haters” and keep producing wonderful music for a legitimate legacy.

And although I don’t agree that Jackson was particularly strong and certainly (in his private life) someone to emulate? I found myself being swept away by his obvious genius in songwriting and showmanship.

Huh. I’ve been serious for several paragraphs now. That’s  gotta stop, so we can get on with dishing about the characters and what they’re up to this week …

Rachel said yes to Finn. Oh geez. We’re in for it now. Against Quinn’s rather sage advice that Rachel say goodbye to the past in order to pursue her gigantic dreams, Rachel agreed to marry Finn. (No accident before she got her acceptance as a finalist to NYADA.) I see trouble on the horizon as Rachel’s ego starts a-flappin’ in her ear about how far she might go without the affable (but not so smart) Finn riding her coattails in New York City. Hey! Don’t shoot the messenger! Finn’s a top notch guy. I just calls ‘em as I sees ‘em.

Artie carried this episode along.  Whether in his wheelchair or out of it in a fantasy sequence, the success of this MJ tribute show is highly due to the talent of Kevin McHale. Holy Moses! His character practically told the story through his monologues and musical treks. I dig this guy more and more. The way I saw him move in the “Scream” sequence, made me wholeheartedly agree with those that have pointed out how very difficult it must be for McHale to remain so motionless in his chair ninety percent of the time. And really make us believe it the way he does.

Santana is the best bitch ever. It’s easy to miss Santana’s (Naya Rivera) biting riffs even if you’re paying attention. They’re wickedly clever. I know, as I turned on my closed captioning. Once you get past the awkwardness of reading and watching, it’s a good way to appreciate the witty writing of her character.

Santana now has a fascinating nemesis in Sebastian (Grant Gustin), the captain of The Warblers. Though New Directions and The Warblers kissed and made up by the end, Sebastian remained sitting in the audience alone. You know he’s not done causing problems. I mean, really. What kind of kid throws a rock salt slushee into someone’s eye? A creepy kid, that’s who.

So how did you feel about this episode? What was your favorite rendition of an MJ tune? (I personally liked “Smooth Criminal” and “Human Nature.”)

You can check out all of the songs featured this week just by clicking on the links below. You’ll be helping out CliqueClack as well, so thanks in advance!


Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | Glee | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Glee – The Michael Jackson episode”

January 31, 2012 at 11:42 PM

I usually hate theme episodes, so I was thrilled this one worked so well (as someone mentioned way back somewhere, a staff story editor this season has done wonders for the scripts). The music was well-integrated into the plot instead of the plot forced in around the songs. And I agree with you, the song choices were good instead of being obvious. Artie did really carry the show, and I loved his rage at Mr. Schue after Blaine’s injury. I have certainly felt that way at times. Quinn’s advice to Rachel was perfect, and the fact that Rachel impulsively said yes to Finn only after thinking she had been rejected by NYADA was, well, not unexpected nor was the arrival of her letter (if Kurt had just said his dad just got the mail and brought it by, she might have waited until she got home before having a meltdown). Overall, it was a pretty great episode for a theme show and while I enjoyed all of the songs, I have to say I was flabbergasted by the production on the “Scream” video. Pretty much shot-for-shot of the original, and integrated into the story much better than the awesome, but nearly pointless, “Vogue” video with Sue last year. I even went back and watched it a second time. And no Sue this week! Also nice that they learned she didn’t have to be in every episode.

January 31, 2012 at 11:53 PM

. . . . .

Didn’t see all of it … but I admit I enjoyed “Smooth Criminal” …

February 1, 2012 at 5:44 AM

I fully agree about Kevin McHale in this episode. He was amazing. I didn’t know he could move so well! I also loved the morphing faces at the end of “Black or White.”

February 1, 2012 at 11:53 AM

I watched this ep while waiting for New Girl and enjoyed some of the music – particularly “Smooth Criminal” – but Rachel continues to annoy the hell out of me. Seriously, her life is over if she doesn’t get into her top school? Has she not applied to any other schools? Why the hell not? If the writers are trying to make her seem stupid, they have succeeded.

On top of that she comes off as incredibly shallow and selfish, using Finn as her post-graduation contingency plan. Instead of thinking about applying to more schools, her plan B is to marry Finn? He makes her feel special and she feeds off his affection like a short, needy vampire – but as soon as her letter from NYADA arrives, Finn becomes the unwanted anchor holding her back from her dreams?


This loathesome Rachel is the main reason I don’t care for Glee anymore. But there are still glimpses of the hilarious, tongue-in-cheek show it used to be. Case in point: Mr. Shue saying with a completely straight face, “In all my years as a teacher and a student, I have never known a slushie to do that kind of damage!”

February 5, 2012 at 1:52 PM

I’ve read numerous interviews where the producers have stated that Kevin McHale is the second best male dancer in the cast – they never mention if they regret casting him in the wheelchair. I honestly think that he is able to give Artie so much movement because he is such a good dancer – good dancers dance with their whole body, not just their feet.

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