It’s over. It’s really over. After cancellation rumors and surprise back-end pick-ups, Chuck has finally come to an end with a deserving finale.
What an amazing two-hour finale. I watched the full finale twice and the pilot in-between. I think I cried more the second time. The tears have been wiped away, but I won’t promise not to tear up a bit while writing this goodbye to Chuck.
Last week, I was shocked when Sarah lost her memory. A reset with only two hours left? I had faith that the show would have a proper ending, but to be honest there was a tiny bit of skepticism.
That definitely wasn’t needed, because it was brilliant! I loved every moment, especially the ending. I’m sure there are some who won’t like the ambiguity of the ending, but was it really? Ultimately, it didn’t matter if she got her memories back or not — Chuck and Sarah were together! She asked him to kiss her!
After five long years, these people we have grown to love have all moved on. Morgan and Alex moved in together, Ellie and Devon moved to Chicago, Casey went after Verbanski, Jeff and Lester were off to Germany to be Jeffster, while Chuck and Sarah sat on the beach kissing! Perfect!
Throughout the two hours, there were a few flashbacks, but I was glad they were used rarely and appropriately. Instead, we were given amazing callbacks to previous scenes. Here are a few of the ones I noticed. Please share any additional ones in the comments!
- Sarah’s action scene breaking into the white room at D.A.R.P.A from crashing through the window to setting the bomb was the same as when Bryce escaped with the Intersect in the pilot.
- When Sarah returns to the Buy More, it was much like when she first arrived.
- The Mexican restaurant the Chuck and Sarah visited was identical to El Compadre, where they had their first date. The same music was also playing.
- Wienerlicious
- The computer that was attached to the bomb was the same as in the pilot. Chuck used the virus, Irene Demova, to disable both bombs. Sarah remembered that!
- The beach! In the pilot, Sarah followed Chuck to the beach. That’s where she said, “Talk to me Chuck.” and “Trust me, Chuck.” It was touching that the roles were reversed this time. And, a perfect ending.
In closing, here are a few more of my favorite moments and quotes from the last Chuck ever … well, until there is a Chuck movie! Fingers crossed!
“Chuck Versus Sarah”
- World’s Greatest Dad apron on Casey
- “You were the most cold-blooded sniper in the whole world, and now you’re scrubbing our floors.” –Morgan
“Well, if you would use a plate when you’re eating taquitos, I wouldn’t have to scrub the floors, would I?” — Casey
- “I think we’re being wooed … by midwesterners.” — Awesome
- “It’s like a big silver ghost. A cloak of invisibility.” — Morgan
- “My wife never came home.” — Chuck
- “No, I was an assignment, but then you fell in love with me.” — Chuck
- “So, please remember this house and the red door and the white picket fence and the family we were going to raise together. And remember me, because if you remember me, then you’ll remember … that a nerdy guy like me that works at a buy more could make you happy. So, I’m going to give you a choice right here right now. It’s up to you. You can either take a chance on me and start over or you can take these glasses that you came for and never see me again.” — Chuck
- “This is real? You really love me?” — Sarah
“With all my heart.” — Chuck
“I’m sorry I did my job too well. I have a job to do. I need those glasses.” — Sarah (who then ends up beating up Chuck and kicking him down the stairs. Poor Chuck!)
- “I guess Bartowski’s made us both a little soft.” — Casey
- “Day 564 … because I love him. I love Chuck Bartowksi and I don’t know what to do about it. [sighs]” — Sarah on video
- “I believe you. I believe everything. The truth is … I don’t feel it. ” — Sarah
“Chuck Versus the Goodbye”
- “I mean she may be the best spy in the world, but I’m Chuck Bartowski. It’s not like she’s out of my league. I can do it. I can get Sarah Walker back.” — Chuck
- “And, yes I’ve been watching a ton of Disney princess movies with Baby Clara. But, I firmly believe with all my heart that one magical kiss from you could unlock all of Sarah’s memories.” — Morgan
- “Ye–ah. I can handle the Desert Eagle cause I’m a stone cold spy. That’s me. I’m lethal.” — Chuck
- “Is that my Desert Eagle? You shot down my helicopter with my own damn gun?” — Casey
“It was more of a warning shot than anything else.” — Chuck
- “You don’t understand. I got soft. I lost my edge.” — Casey (I love that Morgan is the one who called Casey out. Their relationship was a special one. In the beginning, Morgan would never have considered being in-your-face with him.)
- “I got a plan. You’re not going to like it, but I’ve got a plan.” — Morgan
“One word — Jeffster.” — Chuck
- The use of Jeffster in the finale was amazing. Not overdone. And, Morgan conducting the orchestra along with them. Wow. The song: a-ha’s “Take On Me.”
- Chuck chose to save all the people over getting his Sarah back. And … he is the Intersect again! It was never mentioned again. But, he is the Intersect AGAIN! (Perfect for the Chuck TV movie that will eventually happen, right?)
- “How about Irene Demova?” — Sarah
“Chuck, find the porn virus. Find it now.” — Casey
- Casey and Chuck – tight bear hug!
- Subway moves into the Buy More.
- “Women and men will adore you.” — German Record Exec to Jeff and Lester
- Morgan and Chuck at the fountain. Best friends. Morgan says, “Use your heart. Where is she?”
- “Trust me, Sarah. I’m here for you always.” — Chuck
- “Morgan had this crazy idea. He thinks with one kiss you will remember everything.” — Chuck
“One magical kiss.” — Sarah
“I know…” — Chuck
“Chuck, kiss me.” — Sarah
I’m going to miss Chuck, Sarah, their family and friends, Nerd Herd, Buy More, and even Jeffster. I will dream of them happily living out their life! Maybe even a Baby Bartowski!

Photo Credit: NBC
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Clacked by Carla Day
on Jan 27, 2012 @ 23:50 EST5EDT
I loved all the callbacks! I recognized the Mexican restaurant right away and figured they’d use it as a recurring theme over the episode. It was a great way to pay homage to all those episodes without making it a clip show.
I have to admit – I was a little disappointed (just a little!) by the very end. I guess I was one of those people who thought it was a little too ambiguous. I mean, yes, I know we’re supposed to think they’re finally together for good, but there aren’t any guarantees that they’ll get back to where they were.
Going into the final episode, I kept thinking they’d find a way to fix her. Between Ellie and Chuck’s Dad’s research (and my hope that Chuck’s Dad would magically still be alive), I figured there’d be something like that. Even when the one last upload was used by Chuck, that just made me think that Ellie/Steven Bartowski would appear and fix the problem just in time for the end. Or something.
And Chuck *is* the intersect again!
Man, I’m going to miss this show.
I was more than a little disappointed by the ending. Classic case of a show runner overthinking the series finale. Light weight romantic comedies, that hang on for 5 seasons due the loyalty of their fans should not conclude with an ambiguous ending designed solely to provide a potential hook for a reunion show / movie that will most likely never happen.
Would it really have been that difficult to finish on the fairy tale ending 100% of the fans were hoping for? Would it really have been so bad to have Chuck and Sarah in the house with the white picket fence that has been dangled in front of the fans for the last 2 seasons?
The call backs were great, but this isn’t the Sopranos. The ending blew. The 5 year journey was the heart of the show, to rip the journey away from 1 of the main characters was stupid. Creative types in the entertainment industry wonder why the executives won’t leave them alone to run their shows. This is example #1.
I must completely agree with what metz said.
i agree this ending was bad,they had 7-8 months to write this last 2 hours of show and this was crap .this was a great show,to blow it with this bored ending is crap.i agree with metz about the fairy tale ending that would been nice,but no nbc messy up ,i never watch nbc again
I loved it, it made me remember the reason I kept watching it, it was gut wrenching to watch Chuck so heartbroken, then determined, and the way they took Sarah on the emotional journey that she went through in 5 years in the last hour was really well done.
I am of the belief that on the internet/TV land you can’t please all the people, ever, and it’s kinda sad to know that all the people who are disappointed were wanting something else.
Finales are tough to do, but of many of the shows I have enjoyed that have ended in the last few years this has left me the least disappointed yet the most upset that it’s over.
Sadly, I’m in England & have no influence over the mad ratings systems in the US