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Fringe – Is Peter being selfish?

Peter is trying to get home, but he is needed to bring down David Robert Jones. What will he do? Be a uniter or destroyer of a universe?

- Season 4, Episode 9 - "Enemy of My Enemy"

Fringe has been on a course to get to “Enemy of My Enemy” for a while. When Walter took Peter and saved him, he disrupted the two universes. This came to a head at the end of last season when the universes were on track to destroy themselves. Unselfishly, Peter sacrificed himself in the machine to bring peace between these two universes and he succeeded.

While there is some animosity between the current two sides, they are at peace. The connecting bridge provides a way to safely pass between the two sides. But, for some reason that we still do not understand, the eliminated Peter reappeared.

This world was new to Peter. He may have maintained his memories, but to everyone else, he just appeared and was an unknown.Now Peter, craving the love and affection of his family and friends, wants to return to his world.

I recap those events because they lead me to ask this question: Is it wrong for Peter to want to return to that timeline?

His desire to find “his” people makes sense and is natural. But, at what cost? In theory, that world doesn’t exist anymore. The timeline was reset when he got into the machine and died in the lake 26 years ago. For him to get back into that machine and recreate his original universes seems selfish and counter to what he wanted when he originally got into the machine.

I find it difficult to believe that there is another co-existing timeline given the season finale. Peter walked out the machine, disappeared, and “his” people did not remember him. That was the people he is currently with and the bridge that he is now using to cross between universes.

The existence of Jones makes sense in this world. Peter wasn’t around to prevent him from crossing over and ultimately dying. His friends and family weren’t influenced by him over the last 26 years, that’s why they aren’t “his” people. But, that doesn’t mean they can’t now become “his” people. They loved him once, why couldn’t they love him again?

Peter has become the uniter. The two universes now have a common enemy — Jones. And, this fight will bring them even closer together. It was inspiring to see Walterate leading a team including: Broyles, Alt-Broyles (traitor!), Olivia, Bolivia, Lincoln, Alt-Lincoln and most importantly Peter. His knowledge from the other previous world, will help them bring Jones and his nefarious crew down.

This crew of Jones, Nina, and Alt-Broyles is not going to be easy to stop. Why have they teamed up? Are they doing this of their own volition or are they either being coerced or now a shapeshifter. At this point, I think Nina is involved. She took Olivia into her care for a reason. But, Alt-Broyles … I’m not sure. That staredown at the elevator when Jones was released was intense. But, then again, Alt-Broyles just watched Jones drive away. I’m up in the air about him. Which is a shame, because with those tight shirts he wears over there — hot!

Our Lincoln suggests to Bolivia that there is a mole in their group, but nothing comes of that prior to the new combined team meeting. There were several information breaches, why wasn’t this made into a bigger deal? They know that shape shifters have inflitrated their ranks. I was surprised that Walternate brought Broyles and the others in on the shape shifters without doing some sort of test. That seemed unlike Walternate. But, then again, perhaps this version is too trusting.

He definitely is not the same Walternate that we knew before. He loves his wife and was pained by not being able to help Peter. The old Walternate would never have allowed Elizabeth to crossover to talk to Walter. That would have been forbidden, even if he had to lock her up to prevent the meeting. These two are another reason, I don’t want to go back to the old timeline. I don’t want the world with a vindictive, hateful, ready-to-destroy-universes Walternate to exist anymore.

Elizabeth’s visit to Walter was heartbreaking. The pain of losing his wife and his son were released at the sight of her. But, it was therapeutic. It was the white tulip drawing from Alistair Peck of the old Walter. Her forgiveness was his sign from the heavens that it was time to forgive himself. Her words opened up his heart to helping this version of their son.

Peter may not have “his” Walter back, but he is on the path to getting his father back. To me this was the greatest sign that Peter is where he belongs and that he isn’t going to return to the old timeline. These people are his people. It’s just that none of them know it … yet!

Is Peter selfish to want to go back to the old timeline? The timeline where the universes were on the brink of destruction.

Either way, do you think Peter is where he belongs now? Will these people become the family and friends that he loves once they get to know him?

At the beginning of the season, I was like Peter; I wanted to get back to what I knew. But, now … I want to stay in this happier place.

Odds and Ends

  • What was the yellow liquid that Alt-Broyles put into the syringe? Was he planning on using it on our Lincoln?
  • Olivia had Astrid run some tests on a blood sample. Whose blood was that? Olivia’s? Is she close to figuring out that she’s being drugged?
  • “I lost a universe” — Peter
  • 100 pounds of Amphilicite! What is Jones going to do with all that?
  • When Jones got into the truck at the quarry, he said to someone, “We are done here.” Who was he talking to? Who else is helping him?
  • “I forgive you, Walter. I forgave you a long time ago.” — Elizabeth
  • “She’ll be ready soon.” — Nina typed to Jones. Things do not look good for Olivia. What are they going to do to her? Does this have anything to do with the Observer saying she has to die? Does this have anything to do with the man that is going to kill her?


Photo Credit: FOX

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8 Responses to “Fringe – Is Peter being selfish?”

January 21, 2012 at 9:08 AM

No, I don’t think Peter is being selfish to want to go back. Right now he believes that this timeline is simply not his world and that his world is out there. From Peter’s perspective, this timeline was going along just fine without him. Heck, the Observers worked to make certain that every trace of Peter was removed from this timeline, so they didn’t think he was necessary to it. The appearance of Jones may change Peter’s willingness to stay in this world. He has already proven that he is willing to die to save the universes and if he becomes aware that his universe no longer exists, then I see him fighting for both universes again.

January 21, 2012 at 9:40 AM

in the previous episode peter mentioned to olivia about her potential to crossover without the machine. i think she is starting to realize she is special…

thank you, there is no old timeline to go home to. it dissappeared when he got in the machine. did you notice the moment between peter and olivia at the end of the show, saw a spark. fauxlivia & our lincoln seemed to get along…

January 21, 2012 at 9:58 AM

And how is this any selfish than OLIVIA wanting to go back to her universe in season 3? Both Olivia and Peter were/are in worlds that weren’t theirs and there is nothing wrong with wanting to go home. Let’s not be hypocritical here, Olivia is just as selfish to want to go “home”.

January 21, 2012 at 8:24 PM

The blood that Olivia was running a check on, was from the observer that was shot. Overall, GREAT episode!!

January 22, 2012 at 12:51 AM

The blood is from the Observer.

January 22, 2012 at 2:23 PM

Am I the only one who doesn’t think Alt-Broyles is a traitor? I think it’s more likely that he’s being forced into this, whether by his son/wife being held hostage or something else. He didn’t exactly look endearing to David Robert Jones last episode.

January 22, 2012 at 4:13 PM

Although I think the syringe was full of some poison to kill the “true” Lincoln Lee, the look of it reminded me of the promycin from ‘The 4400’…..

January 22, 2012 at 10:18 PM

The blood is the Observer’s. The way this is going I don’t think Peter will be able to go to the other timeline, since it’s probably erased. Primeval (UK) did the same thing in S2 and never went back. They are building up so much story in this timeline even I don’t want to get back to the old one. :)

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