CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – It’s the Egg McMuffin of commercials

No. It's not. It's not 'the Egg McMuffin of commercials' ... but it is silly and sad. The things advertising agencies try to get away with. Plus! The Mayans are messing with us! Read on ...

Michael: It’s well known I have a big, fat love/hate relationship with McDonald’s.

I’ve frequented McDonald’s since I was a kid when it was a privilege and a treat to walk through those Golden Arches for a burger and a shake. Those were the days when it was a minor thrill to eat out. Over the years, however, and except for the occasional Coke, the times I’ve stepped into these restaurants have been few and far between. Yes … I still get a craving for a Big Mac or Filet-O-Fish each blue moon, but it doesn’t happen often.

You see, things have changed at McDonald’s. Drastically. For instance, I’ve never understood the attraction of a McGriddle or a McRib sandwich. Their breakfast burritos? Hideous and inedible. And I’m convinced the only way to eat an Egg McMuffin is with mayonnaise and mustard nestled within it.  (You doubt me? Try it. If you like McMuffins, you’ll like them more with mayo and mustard.)

But the food isn’t the only thing that’s changed at McDonald’s. What’s happened with their advertising of late? Have you seen the recent McMuffin spot? Silly isn’t the word for it. “Embarrassing” is, however:

That’s not an ad campaign — that’s a mockery. And it’s not the first (nor last) of the goofy ad campaigns McDonald’s has committed.

Tara: I’ve heard you rail on Mickey D’s for years, Michael. So I’m used to it. Here’s my feelings on the whole deal:

  • A. I stayed away from hamburger meat for a few years because of this Augusten Burroughs novel I read, in which his brother discussed the fact that any ground meat is most probably composed of many different carcasses. That was it for me, until recently. When out of the blue yonder? All I wanted was a quarter pounder with cheese. Quite frightening, that craving. So I ventured into my local (not far as you can’t swing a dead dog without hitting one) McDonald’s. And ho buoy! So different! I remembered juicy goodness. I got dry “hockey puck.” I realized I’ve missed nothing.
  • B. In terms of this commercial? At first, when the guy says he loves her, and she responds using the Egg Mcmuffin metaphor … I thought she was insulting him! As in “I really like you but love is a strong word and I really like Egg McMuffins so you are a tasty egg sandwich to me.” Then! As we moved along, I couldn’t believe McDonald’s was trying to pull us into making this a catch phrase for the “ultimate” in taste and class, because really? Egg McMuffins are just so … BLAH. What are they thinking??
  • And per usual, I always think I have a “C,” when most times like now, I do not.

Michael: Exactly! Who at the Bonehead and Guff Advertising Agency believes anyone — ANYONE — is going to effortlessly interchange “Egg McMuffin” with “ultimate” or “best” or “the bee’s knees” … ?!? Because it’s nothing less than comical in a sad, sad way. If anything, I will use the term to indicate it’s a “barely passable rendition” of something … and that is if I use it at all.

How about we get back to basics instead? Say … with this little ditty from almost 3 decades (!!!) ago:

Michael: And yes … that’s John Goodman and Megan Mullally up there.

Tara: Woah. And I guess nothing says “It tastes great and you’d be so happy with yourself!” more than a large man like John Goodman mowing one right in your face. Ew.

Michael: But I digress! Let’s get back to that original commercial, because there’s one thing that’s really bugging me. And it’s a big one. Check out the screen shot below:

Michael: What in the world does THAT mean … ?!? You can”t get freshly cracked eggs in certain areas of the country? You can only get them at certain McDonald’s? Is there a “freshly cracked egg” shortage running rampant in the world we don’t know about? And, if so, shouldn’t we know about it? I mean … seriously … !!! Could it mean you can get cracked eggs for your Egg McMuffins at certain McDonald’s locations … but they won’t be anything near “freshly cracked” at the time of order? Maybe there are no longer eggs available in Durham, North Carolina or Blythe, California! Cripes! Or does this go even further than anyone can imagine: Do the Mayans, who have predicted the end of the world in December of this year, have anything to do with the shortage of freshly cracked eggs … ?!?

Tara: Criminy. You’re really bringing the Mayans into this?? I wonder what Ivey’s doing next week around this time. …

Michael: I have one more quibble before we end. It’s a well known fact — at least it is around these parts — that Ronald’s places host the best damned Coca Cola to swoosh out a dispenser hands down. It’s the tastiest on-the-fly Coke in town. My problem isn’t with the Coke, it’s with the way you can purchase it. Recently, McDonald’s has dispensed with their extra large cup for fountain drinks, a staple of hard-working outdoorsman-types such as myself when the sun is hot and beating down on you. All in the name of them throttling back on the “super-sized” offerings so their image stands proud.

Tara: This news just makes me mourn. I’m not a “hard-working outdoorsman-type” obviously, but the extra large Coke with easy ice is my greatest guilty pleasure. Drat them all and that stupid clown!

Photo Credit: McDonald’s

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16 Responses to “CommercialClack – It’s the Egg McMuffin of commercials”

January 13, 2012 at 10:26 AM

There are tons of local free range organic chicken farms around Durham, NC. Sadly, I bet McD’s is too cheap to pay for them.

January 13, 2012 at 10:28 AM

That reminds me The McRib is Back! Whoooo hoooooo, but it’s Lobster Bisque day here so the Micky D’s will just have to wait :-)

January 13, 2012 at 10:29 AM

The McDeath near your place, Tara, is pretty scary. Not that they all aren’t scary, but that one gave me the heebie-jeebies when I stopped to get something to drink once.

You wanna great burger? Come visit and I’ll take you to Ray’s Hellburger. You will be floored—in a good way. Same for you, Rupe. Come on out this way! I’ll even offer to make *my* version of Egg McMuffins, which you won’t need to have with mayo and mustard (though egg + mayo is pretty much heaven, I agree).

January 14, 2012 at 12:31 AM

I would definitely make the trip for a home made Egg McMuffin (sans pig, of course) and have the added bonus of seeing you, dear David. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! (It makes us look better than we are.)

January 13, 2012 at 10:33 AM

McDonalds…pass. And it must be the end of the world if people really get paid big bucks to come up with these commercials.

January 15, 2012 at 2:56 AM

I wish they’d come to me for advertising. I’d go with truth.

“McDonalds. Sure it sucks, but it’s cheap and everything we sell can be eaten while being held in one hand, leaving your other hand free to text while your passenger holds the steering wheel.”

January 13, 2012 at 9:38 PM

:-) Say what you will about McDonalds, but my dad bought McD’s stock back in the early 60’s & put his 4 kids thru college on the earnings. So I say Whoo-Hooo Micky D’s! :-)

January 13, 2012 at 11:07 PM

Here is something for you to think about Michael and Tara……300 calories in an Egg McMuffin and 990 calories in a Quarter pounder meal. Now that is down right scary and has been keeping me out of there. Because I will agree with Michael they have the best Coke of any one. Tara I do love the Quarter Pounder but when I think about 990 calories I can just drive on by.

I remember when I was a kid (probably a lot longer ago than either of you) we use to go there on the way home from Church on Wednesday night and I think the burgers (just the little burger) was about 10 cents. Wow my brothers could eat about 10 of them and we could afford it.

January 14, 2012 at 12:42 AM

I hear ya, ginas. That was just another of the many reasons why my craving scared me to the core.

January 14, 2012 at 7:06 AM

I have to agree that if they’re trying to make a new catch-phrase, the folks at McDonalds are full of Egg McMuffin. Those Egg McMuffin heads have got me so agitated by it that I’m going out and getting Egg McMuffin faced tonight. They can eat Egg McMuffin and die!

January 14, 2012 at 8:33 AM

Tom just might have something there.

BTW, I think the “fresh cracked egg” was to show McDonald’s used a whole egg for each McMuffin – as opposed to the liquid scrambled egg mixture used in many commercial restaurants. The creation of the “egg ring” for the grill was an innovation brought to us by the creator of the Egg McMuffin.

January 14, 2012 at 10:45 AM

. . . . .

Nyela, I’m not subscribing to that line of thinking and here’s why:

“Freshly cracked eggs in most areas” is a weird and wacky way of stating something. There’s a method to McCrappage’s madness in using this phrase, I just don’t know what it is. “Fresh, whole eggs” is a better, less confusing way of putting it, verifying that a “fresh, whole egg” is used in the concoction of an Egg McMuffin, right?

I’m going back to my original thought the monkey boys at the Bonehead and Guff Advertising Agency are exercising their own little brand of mischievous behavior.

Or … it’s those damned Mayans …

January 15, 2012 at 2:53 AM

I’ve always believed that every single item of food from McDroppings is made from some formless goo stored in tanks underneath each location, much like a gas station stores fuel. Said goo is pumped through different flavoring/coloring/texturing systems, injected into the appropriately-shaped molds and then heated until it solidifies.

Where do you think they got the idea for “Soylent Green,” hmm?

And the “freshly cracked eggs” simply means that there is a high probability that somewhere in the vicinity of a McDogturds is a freshly cracked egg. They have to include “in most areas” due to the probability, however insignificant, that there may not be any freshly cracked eggs nearby.

It’s all smoke, mirrors and lawyers with these people.

March 20, 2012 at 11:29 AM

I have fun with, lead to I discovered just what I was taking a look for. You’ve ended my four day lengthy hunt! God Bless you man. Have a nice day. Bye

March 20, 2012 at 11:46 AM

. . . . .

Better late than never to the party, dieta.

You’re more than McWelcome!

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