This week marks the return of Pan Am for it’s final run of five episodes (Or four episodes, and the eventual airing of the out-of-order “Romance Languages,” if you want to get picky about it). ABC still contends that they’ve not yet made a decision on a second season, something I’m sure is actually probably kinda-sorta true. But the writing is on the wall, is it not? Regardless of the show’s long term future, fans can be excited as the show deals with the return of Bridget, the aftermath of Kate’s last mission, and the unfortunate Amanda/Ted relationship.
Oh, poor pitiful Dean. Not because he had a future with Colette, and possibilities with Bridget. No, I pity him because he’s an idiot. Early on, I was on Team Bridget, but as he began to get past her and become involved with Colette, I admittedly changed my tune. I truly understand that Bridget was in an unfortunate position, having to lie to the man that she loved. But if she could use coming clean as a tactic to keep Dean, it could have, should have been something that she did before leaving. Looking at the integrity that Colette showed in “Ich Bin Ein Berliner,” I can’t imagine a world where a hypothetical spy Colette wouldn’t have told her hypothetical boyfriend Dean what she really did.
Was Anderson lying to protect Kate, or to protect himself? Throughout the entire story, I just had this nagging feeling that Anderson’s story wasn’t on the up and up. It seems like he’s hiding something, like the mission wasn’t sanctioned by either MI6 or the CIA. If that’s the case, then Kate’s actions really do work out to be murder. I hope for her sake that it isn’t the case.
It isn’t exactly a surprise that Ted is a bit of a dope. He’s proved it time and time again since we started flying Pan Am’s friendly skies; he might have some moments where his true heart is on display, but they are the exception to the rule. But here, he has really stepped in it. There’s a distinction between not seeing the awkwardness in his evolving relationship with Laura and walking head first into it. “Thanking” her with the camera shows just how oblivious he really is.
Notes & Quotes
You’re doggone right Dean made the wrong decision! ARGH! Are we supposed to SERIOUSLY believe that Bridgette has that much power that she can waltz right in after being away for such a long time and she and Dean just fall into the bed and poor Collette is left alone with those Beatles tickets? If I’d been Collette I would’ve went to the concert anyway and said the hell with Dean if he’s that ‘whipped’ by Bridgette! I liked Pan Am at the start but now that’s turning more into a soap opera…boo hiss!
I really, really hope ABC doesn’t cancel Pan Am. My 19-year-old daughter and I both love it, love it, love it!