CliqueClack TV

What will you watch during the hiatus? – Quibbling Siblings

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week we discuss what classic TV show we would like to see rebooted, because it seems like TV wants to reboot every classic show.


This could be an annual topic for us, as I know we’ve discussed this before … I’m thinking about the impending hiatus, since even this week’s schedule looks very quiet. What will you be watching?

I’ll be catching up on the couple episodes of Grimm, Revenge, Castle and The Mentalist that I’m behind. If I have time, I’m also thinking of checking out a few episodes of Boss. Meredith raved over this series and I really like Kelsey Grammer, so I’m curious to see what it’s all about. Not being a political junkie, though, I’m not sure how long I’ll last.


I’ll be catching up with some TV as well. I’ve been falling way behind on Homeland, and whenever I start making good progress something crops up and I end up falling behind another couple of episodes. I also have the pilot episode of HBO’s Luck recorded after the advance premiere that followed the finale of Boardwalk Empire. David Milch, Michael Mann, Dustin Hoffman — so much talent! I’m excited to check it out, and even more excited for when it comes to the air for real in January.

Other than that, I think I’ll continue playing massive amounts of Skyrim and maybe catching up on a few movies. There are some other series that I would definitely like to catch up on, but I think they may have to wait until the end of the season. The hiatus just isn’t long enough!


Are you planning on revisiting any old favorites? Maybe a New Year’s Eve Buffy marathon with the gang? I find that oldies but goodies work well for winter hiatus because of what you’ve said, it is so short.

I’m always in the mood for Veronica Mars, Buffy, Firefly … but lately I’ve been craving some of the awesomeness of Leverage, season one and some vintage Supernatural as well. Oh, give me “Houses of the Holy,” “What is and Shall Never Be,” “Mystery Spot,” “Ghostfacers,” “The Real Ghostbusters” … I love it all.


Honestly, who has the time for old favorites? I already rewatched the entire run of Mad Men right before the network season started. I have slowly been rewatching 30 Rock whenever I’ve had some down time, so perhaps an episode or two of that to fill in the blanks.

If I have tons of spare time maybe I’ll get on board with a show that I’ve been meaning to catch up on from the beginning. Maybe Justified or Sons of Anarchy. I’m afraid, though, that they’ll have to wait until summer.


The winter hiatus really is the ultimate catch-22 … too long (oh Vampire Diaries, how I miss you so…), yet not long enough.

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Clack | Columns | General | Quibbling Siblings | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “What will you watch during the hiatus? – Quibbling Siblings”

December 15, 2011 at 9:25 PM

I have S2 of Boardwalk Empire on my plate after powering through S1 for the first time last weekend. I also have the last half of the last season of Flashpoint on my DVR and I’ll probably work my way through that (A great little underrated show).

I’ve been slowly working my way through an Angel rewatch for what seems like eons. Though I doubt I’ll give that any more of a priority now than before. I’d really like to watch Game of Thrones again, but am considering waiting until the BluRays are out, because that’s going to have to be a day one purchase for me. Instead, I’ll probably turn to books … I’ve just started Clancy’s new book, and am planning to reread the Hunger Games trilogy.

I’d never have guessed Bob for a Skyrim guy though … MW3 FTW :)

December 15, 2011 at 9:33 PM

Currently rewatching series 5 & 6 of Doctor Who leading up to the new Christmas special. Then I really want to rewatch the latest seasons of Being Human, Shameless and Justified before those new seasons start up. Also have the last 3 episodes of Burn Notice piled up. Way too much. :)

The worst I ever did was catching up on the first 2 seasons of House in less than a week before the 3rd season started. :)

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