CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – Holiday Hell

Aren't there just some holiday commercials that make you grind your teeth? Of course there are. And Tara and Michael get Grinchy and take them on in this week's CommercialClack.

If you’ve read CommercialClack before, you know that Michael and I have no problem griping with the best of ‘em. As a matter of fact, I do believe that complaining and general snarkery come naturally to us (whether or not that’s a good thing is a matter of debate.)  So, if you’re one of those “happy pappy people” (Lucille Ball reference) who just love the holidays and cookies and fellowship and all that stuff? This may not be the post for you. Or! You could read it anyway and then give us the ole “what for!”

Here’s the deal: We each picked a Holiday commercial that makes us want to throw a shoe at our televisions when we see it. We’ll tell and show you why. It’ll be a good Holiday stress reliever. Ready?? Good.

Here’s Michael’s choice …

Michael: I ask you: Could a bigger brat be out there on television right now? This kid has got some nerve.

Christmas is a time of family … traditions … lights … togetherness … acceptance … joy … and tolerance. Yes … tolerance. As in: Deal with what you get and be gracious about it. This little nitwit just spurts out her dislikes as if it was her right do so. What a snot! If she was a relative of mine, I’d make an announcement to the entire family to retrieve any gifts given to her as well as spurn anything she gives you! And toot sweet!

This commercial is reprehensible. Seriously: Where does this kid get off? You know who she reminds me of? Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory. What a holy terror. Just as bad are the rest of the family who don’t do or say anything about her behavior … except Aunt Carla, who pissily throws down her needlepoint and storms out of the room.

This commercial has got to go down as one of the worst of the season’s holiday spots.

Tara: And here’s mine …

Tara: Although this one doesn’t come close to being as obnoxious as Michael’s choice, it still annoys me to no end. First of all. I hate the implied pressure it puts on women to have the house completely and perfectly decorated for the season. I actually felt like I wasn’t measuring up to what’s “expected” in a good “holiday homemaker.” There’s too much of this sort of guilt placed on women every year to create a blissful and amazing experience for their families. And then make a show of it to friends and neighbors. It’s like some sort of horrible “keeping up with the Jones’ ” kind of thing. Only with Santas and reindeer.

Geez. It’s so stupid. And Sabrina Soto? The designer for Target that gets locked in the closet? I hope they leave her there. She’s too perky.

So! Michael and I feel better. It’s good to vent some frustrations this time of year. Keeps ya from going crazy. Remember that.



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4 Responses to “CommercialClack – Holiday Hell”

December 10, 2011 at 5:29 PM

I’d never seen Tara’s choice before. However, I’d like to get a carving knife and … anyway, Michael, my son becomes livid when your choice comes on. He goes on and on about how obnoxious it is, but mostly how disrespectful and rude the girl is to make demands. It’s not nice to wish harm upon children, but it’d be nice the piano became man-eating and swallowed her up.

December 10, 2011 at 7:55 PM

I hadn’t seen either of these commercials due to the blessing of the DVR. Yikes! I could get out my soapbox for Michael’s choice. What good does it do to label shows and video games for violent content when we allow commercials to teach children to stab family members? Can you say Entitlement? I knew you could.

As far as Tara’s choice, what is up with Target’s ad campaign manager? Black Friday commercials – Strike One. Sabrina Soto for Christmas – Strike Two. Did Target get the adman that Geico rejected?? What is going to be Strike Three? Cockroach guided tours of the Target Christmas candy aisles? Oops – delete that. No reason to give them any ideas.

December 10, 2011 at 10:23 PM

And to think…these commercials hit the air waves before Halloween was off the shelves. And that is usually, about a week before the 31st. Annoying…!

December 11, 2011 at 11:16 AM

This is why the rest of the world hates America…

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