CliqueClack TV

Homeland – Should Brody be trusted or not?

Another shocking episode of 'Homeland' tonight! We find out several answers including: if Walker is alive, if he is the turned POW and whether Brody is to be trusted or not.

- Season 1, Episode 8 - "Achilles Heel"

What a shocking ending!  Homeland did not disappoint. As soon as I saw someone was in the diplomat’s house, I knew it had to be Brody. It was the only thing that made sense. This reveal sets into motion what is sure to be an exciting final four episodes of the season.

With both POWs turned, Nazir has quite an elaborate plan to infiltrate the United States. Many of the clues from the beginning of the series are starting to make sense. With this episode, I think we have the clearest picture yet of his plan.

Nazir planned on getting both POWs to work for him, but in very different ways and played them off each other. Brody thinking he killed his friend and fellow Marine was devastated and when Nazir offered him comfort he took it. When he needed solace, he reached out to the only religion available — Islam. Perfect conditions for Nazir to get Brody to work for him.

The first episode ended with Brody looking at the Capitol and I took that to mean that he was either going to infiltrate the Congress or physically attack it. Well, after tonight, we have the answer. Brody is going to be appointed or run for the office about to be vacated by Representative Dick Johnson. Brody was being positioned to come home a hero and quietly work for Nazir.

Walker, in contrast, was almost beat to death by his friend and fellow Marine. That betrayal, while we don’t know the details, would have made him an easy target. He must have had such anger over the situation that Nazir used that to groom him to undertake an assassination. That anger was probably muliplied when Walker saw Brody– his almost-killer and American hero — return home to his family.

Who is he supposed to assassinate at the airport? The President? Someone else? The President would be too obvious a choice and Nazir’s plans are very calculated. I’m going to guess that the target is actually the First Lady. While the President’s death would create political turmoil, our Constitution lays out a clear path of succession. The death of the First Lady, though, would hit the country and the President deep in the heart. (Given that the title credits show President Obama, rather than a fictional president, leaves me to wonder if the show would really go there for either scenario. Wouldn’t that hit too close to home?)

These two American POWs, both captured at the same time, were played against each other by Nazir to create two traitors. One would secretly return to the land of his birth to commit a terrorist act of unparalleled damage. The other would return home a hero and infiltrate the government to quietly do the bidding of the terrorists. Scary stuff!

That’s my theory of what happened. What do you think? Agree?

What will happen now that Brody has turned on Nazir? Too bad we have to wait another week to find out!

Odds and Ends

  • Walker’s “Achilles Heel” was his family. While he is working for Nazir, the fact that he remembers his family and knows they are out there provides some hope that he won’t carry out his plan. But, at the same time, he may feel anger towards his wife for moving on without him.
  • Helen Walker was put in a terrible situation with the phone call, but it was the right thing for the government to do. Will she be charged with treason for telling her husband to run? I doubt it, but I hope for her sake they catch him before any more people die.
  • I didn’t care for the Rep. Dick Johnson scandal, but I did chuckle at his name. And, full out laughed when Jessica mentioned it in the car. That made it all worthwhile!
  • I’m still don’t understand the point of Saul’s relationship with his wife. She is leaving him because he is addicted to his job — his “Achilles Heel,” but what’s that have to do with the big picture? At this point, it seems to just be a way to provide some background story for Saul.
  • Carrie fell for Brody. Sad and scary at the same time. Have we seen the end of their relationship? If Brody is going to run for Congress, I think so. If he is going to get appointed, then maybe not.
  • Brody and Jessica cleared the air about he relationship with Mike … finally! Will Brody forgive Mike too? I hope so. I liked having him around and the kids need him.
  • Few outstanding things: have we seen the last of Aileen? Who passed Hamid the razor blade? I’m wondering if we will ever get the answer to that question.

Photo Credit: Showtime

15 Responses to “Homeland – Should Brody be trusted or not?”

November 21, 2011 at 3:08 AM

Not everything has to fit into the bigger picture. At least half of this show is personal drama, and I care about what’s going on in the three main characters’ lives.

November 21, 2011 at 3:16 AM

The writers have been very good at showing us information which at the time may not mean anything, but in the big picture means a lot. I feel like there is a direction for what we have learned about Saul – his relationship w/ his wife, the family story last week, the praying after Hamid’s death.

Out of all the characters and stories, it is the one that I can’t see more from at this point.

In previous posts, I’ve suggested that he could be the mole. Is he and these are the reason why? I’m not sure.

I want to learn more about Saul and all the characters. More of a question of how does it fit the show’s story.

November 21, 2011 at 4:54 AM

Saul’s prayer was in Hebrew, not Arabic btw. So, he’s not Muslim as far we know.

November 21, 2011 at 11:17 AM

True. It was the Mourner’s Kaddish. I don’t think he believes in Islam. I do think that he could be the mole. Given what we learned about him during his road trip with Aileen, it makes the prayer all the more intriguing.

November 21, 2011 at 8:07 AM

Regarding the target of Walker, I would think that since we’ve seen the VP, the VP is the target.

November 21, 2011 at 11:20 AM

Hmm … I forgot about seeing the VP in the pilot. That let me to think about whether he could be the target, but would he take Marine One? The President and VP don’t usually travel together.

That got me to thinking … is Marine One even the target?!? Love this show because they continue to surprise, so anything is really possible.

November 21, 2011 at 9:11 AM

Jon raises a good point … We have met the sitting VP in this world, and as it’s not Joe Biden, I’d say the identity of POTUS is likely up for grabs.

Though I’m not sure the distinction between assassinating POTUS or FLOTUS is that great, if anything, I’d still think POTUS is the greater “target.” The last time a sitting President was assassinated, there was certainly a lot of turmoil. From what little I understand about the philosophy of terrorism, specifically Al-Qaeda, the end game doesn’t have to be specific, just as much turmoil inducing as possible.

Brody can’t be appointed as replacement for Rep. Johnson. If Johnson was a Senator, then it’s a possibility, but the Constitution calls for special elections to replace members of the House.

November 21, 2011 at 11:28 AM

Thanks for clarification on the law for replacing Rep. Johnson. I thought it was a state by state thing, but didn’t realize there was a difference for the House and the Senate.

November 21, 2011 at 11:32 AM

For Senator it is state by state. Most states allow for a temporary appointment until an election is held.

It’s weird. It actually dates back to how Senators were not originally directly elected by the people.

November 21, 2011 at 6:25 PM

Great coverage Carla. Glad you brought up Saul’s wife. That is the only yawn in this show so far. It always bugs me when wives of high powered men get all bent when their husbands spend more time at work than at home. Did you not know that he worked for the CIA? Maybe there’s something else there – but I say good riddance Mrs. Saul.

I think Carrie’s falling for Brody and her little mental problem is the most intriguing part of the plot. And given that Claire is the star – how WILL this play out?

Love it.

November 22, 2011 at 5:35 PM

Thank you, Denise! If we don’t see Saul’s wife again, I’m ok with that!

I’m sad there are only 4 episodes left, but at least it has been renewed for another season.

November 21, 2011 at 6:56 PM

Great episode and a great review. I admit I was totally surprised by Brody being in the diplomat’s house–just when I was finally convinced he was innocent. That’s some great writing for me to be so thoroughly surprised! Now that it’s settled that Brody is a bad guy, I’m even more persuaded that Saul is part of the conspiracy, too. His failed lie detector test about passing the razor to Hamid is very hard to get around, pluse when he talked about family being Tom Walker’s Achilles heel, I couldn’t help but think he (a co-conspirator) was talking about himself as well. What I’m wondering now is how Carrie will react when she finds out that both Brody AND her long time mentor are working for Al Qaida?!? She will REALLY sense her aloneness at that point.

November 22, 2011 at 5:38 PM

I’ve been on the fence about Saul, but I’m leaning towards him not being involved. It would be a lot to have Brody, Walker and Saul all being part of the Nazir plot.

But, I do think that Saul gave Hamid the razor blade. But, it wasn’t part of a larger plot. It was out of compassion.

November 22, 2011 at 6:50 PM

There’s no way Saul’s involved. Maybe his wife….hmmmm…….that’s why she had to leave town. Or did she?

November 22, 2011 at 12:09 AM

Naaaah… Walker was a Muslim all along, and I suspect he was also born in Kenya. Guess we won’t know until we see his birth certificate.

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