CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – The rise of Dick

One episode away from the mid-season hiatus and we're left with more questions than answers concerning the leviathans and their ultimate plan. But there's no question that 'Supernatural's' writers borrowed a bit -- just a bit -- from 'Buffy' in this episode.

- Season 7, Episode 9 - "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters"

“A clamper or two is one thing, but you got to be damn hungry to eat a cat’s head.” – Bobby

So was that Doublemeat Palace or The Initiative? Supernatural‘s been known to do some offbeat things, like creating the alternate world where Kripke is murdered, having Dean die hundreds of times, Groundhog Day style, and pretty much everything about “A Very Supernatural Christmas.” But the creepy mojo in the sandwich just reeked of Buffy‘s “Doublemeat Palace” and I thought I’d seen it all when they locked up the “experiments” Initiative-style. Nothing outright, but the homage was there … where was it when James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter guest starred?

Probably the best things about this episode are the talks that Bobby had with Dean and Sam, each alone, clearly setting up for the possibility of him not being there. Talking to Sam, getting that he’s really OK with the crazy and that Dean’s the one to be worried about right now. Reminding Dean that he’s not a person, he’s a hunter, then telling Dean that he’d better not die before him? Nothing good can come of that … except the father-son moments we’ve grown to love with Bobby and the boys.

In fact, everything leads up to Bobby’s shooting. Of course Dick left Bobby there with the gun and the plans on purpose, and he let the boys and Bobby go as well. What’s Dick’s ultimate plan? Who’s pulling Dick’s strings? We’re not going to find out these answers until after the mid-season hiatus, methinks.

Will Bobby die? I don’t think so. He’s been added to the regular cast, so unless Supernatural is pulling yet another Buffy (like when they ousted Jessie in the second episode) we’re probably not losing Bobby anytime soon. We’ve already suffered with him through his paralysis, so my guess is we won’t end up with anything like that, either. However, there could be something weird and magical about the bullets that could change Bobby in some way. We’ve established that Sam’s doing OK and that Dean will always be Dean … maybe it’s Bobby’s turn.

This and that:

  • “You die before me and I’ll kill you.” – Bobby to Dean
  • Disgruntled waiter Brandon had a great description of the three: Big Bird, Ken Doll and creepy uncle.
  • “I guess I forgot — before you were a hunter, you were actually a hunter.” – Sam to Bobby
    “Yeah, well, we shot our dinner when I was a kid.” – Bobby
    “You used to take us hunting, remember? Dad had a case, he’d just dump us on you. Shoot, you must have taught us most of the outdoor tracking we know.” – Dean
    “Yeah, what I could get to stick. Never could get you little grubs to pull a trigger on a single deer.” – Bobby
    “You’re talking about Bambi, man.” – Dean
    “You don’t shoot, Bambi, jackass — you shoot Bambi’s mother.” – Bobby
  • “There’s some funky chicken in the TDK slammer, there.” – Bobby
  • “You always were one deep little son of a bitch.” – Bobby to Sam, after saying he was glad all his crazy was in one place
  • The sandwich eating noises by everyone were just disgusting.
  • “You’re bibbing me?” – doctor to Dick … the bib was the least gross part of that scenario.
  • “I imagine you appreciate guns.” – Dick
    “I’d appreciate one right about now.” – Bobby

Photo Credit: Jack Rowand/The CW

2 Responses to “Supernatural – The rise of Dick”

November 19, 2011 at 1:58 PM

I’m not so sure about Bobby been safe, we already lost Castiel, so i hope that we don´t lose Booby as well…

November 21, 2011 at 4:03 PM

I really hope Bobby is not killed off. Every episode of season 7 with Jim Beaver is superior. He really elevates the show (or the writers). Plus I don’t think the fandom will stand for the loss of 2 major characters in one season!

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