CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – Stocking stuffers for everybody!

With Black Friday fast approaching, may CommercialClack suggest some inexpensive offerings to make the holiday a little easier for you?

Tara: Well, Michael! ‘Tis that time of year again. The freaking Holidays. And since it’s all around us, I guess we can’t avoid talking about it, can we? Huh? Really? Can we?

Michael: Yes, we can … but that would be doing a disservice to our viewers. And we really don’t want that to happen now, do we? I mean … we have some really spiffy stocking stuffers going on here!

For example: The first little ditty below is nothing less than an outstanding item for that difficult-to-please relative or outlaw on your list. Personally? I’d be thrilled to get this compilation.

Tara: Who else would produce such a cheese ball polka record than K-tel? Of course, a person would only gift this to someone they were trying to drive cra … Hey! You’re getting me that for Christmas, aren’t you?

And did ya see that Frankie Yankovic is on this album? I always thought he was related to Weird Al, but Wiki says he’s not. Although they did play together on one of Frankie’s last efforts. Did I ever tell you I interviewed Weird Al once? Seriously funny guy.

Michael: You have not. He must have been a kick to speak with. And I’m certain 25 Polka Greats is in Weird Al’s collection.

I mean … take a look at what’s on the disc! Everybody’s favorite: The Beer Barrel Polka! And I don’t care who you are … if you give Lichtensteiner Polka a spin (better known as Liechtensteiner Polka), I can just about guarantee you’ve heard it previously. You may not know the lyrics but you’ll recognize the melody. This is one spiffy collection!

But! Mayhap you’re not a polka aficionado. No worries! We have something just as joyous!

Be happy, go Lucky for Christmas gifts this year!

Tara: I love it! “Merry Christmas and happy smoking!” I’m really relieved that they made the special Christmas packaging so colorful for under the tree.

Michael: Well … I think it’s colorful. The vintage black and whiteness doesn’t hint at reds and greens, but I’m certain you’re right. And I mean come on: Who wouldn’t want a festive carton of smokes stuffed in their stocking or waiting for them ‘neath their Christmas tree? Like, say, John Bender (Judd Nelson) from The Breakfast Club, for instance:

Tara: Poor Bender. A tortured soul. Is this the John Hughes movie you told me you’ve never seen?

Michael: No. That would be Pretty In Pink, the solitary John Hughes flick I have not yet seen.

Tara: Well, Michael, both those items above are pretty sweet, but they don’t compare to the suggestion Chris Beetem (JAG, One Tree Hill) has for everyone out there:


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3 Responses to “CommercialClack – Stocking stuffers for everybody!”

November 18, 2011 at 1:57 PM

I think that’s the first time I’ve seen the Polka commercial in color! We had only black and white television for years longer than the rest of the world, and it’s strange seeing things in color that I remember in black & white.

On the other hand, I am old enough to remember the Lucky Strike Christmas Carton. Definitely Red and Green on the store shelves. I seem to remember the bells were gold and the pine cones brown. That was fancy packaging back then.

Isn’t the actress someone who goes on to “scream” parts in sci-fi and/or horror pictures? I think I remember the voice. Note to commercial producers: If the item being Sold iS Lucky StrikeS SigerretteS, and they are really freSh and Smooth, don’t hire an actreSS with frontal teeth capS that create a liSp.

November 18, 2011 at 2:17 PM

Loved that “Be happy, get lucky for Christmas” commercial. NO wait, that’s not what it was about was it?

November 18, 2011 at 2:33 PM

Thanks for hauling me back many many years to Sunday afternoon drives with The Family (hey, gas was 19 cents a gallon, we could go for hours in that old Chrysler, and yes it was already old when we got it) with my dad blasting baseball games on the radio. After the game, it was always Polka Party Live from the Cavalier Club.

Polkas are actually fun to dance to, too, don’t even take a lot of skill or finesse. Drinking helps a lot, of course!

My MIL would always put packages of cigarettes in my husband’s stocking for Xmas. And I wondered why he got lung cancer…

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