CliqueClack TV

Biggest turkeys on TV (and some thanks) – Quibbling Siblings

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week, in a holiday mood, we talk about what we are thankful for, and who the biggest turkeys on TV are.


Alright, I know I’m a week early, but Thanksgiving is my favorite day of the year, and I’m a little excited, okay? As we approach Turkey Day, I thought we could discuss two things. First, what are you most thankful for this TV season? Secondly, I thought we could have a little bit of fun: who’s the biggest turkey on TV?

For me, I think I’m most thankful for my HBO subscription. There’s no doubt in my mind that HBO is putting out some the best TV today, with a completely unrivaled level of production value. Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire are two of my favorite shows and I adore Bored to Death, even if I feel like I’m the only person who watches it. Now in its third season, the show is stronger than ever. With a cast of Jonathan Schwartzman, Zach Galifianakis, and Ted Danson I just don’t get why there is no attention given to it. It just tickles me.


I’m probably the most thankful for the fact that my son is falling asleep better at night (thank you, melatonin…) so that I can actually watch TV again. Oh, screen devoid of all things intellectual, how I have missed you.

At this very moment, I’m feeling blessed by the continued goodness of The Vampire Diaries as well as the return of Psych. Between those two shows, I spend my evenings gasping (OMG!) and laughing (LOL?); there’s no better entertainment than that.


Is this rash of text speak acronyms an attempt to feel younger?

So what’s your biggest turkey? I’m tempted to go with the programmers at NBC for yanking Community from our TVs come January. However, given the ratings, as Brett pointed out, it’s hard to argue with their logic. I know I for one, though, am going to miss the show terribly. Getting 30 Rock back will be a consolation.

No, I think my biggest turkeys have to be the writers on The Office. I think they were so close to getting things right following Steve Carell’s departure, but ultimately they missed. James Spader has been great on the show, and I love the character, but I really wish that he were the manager of the office. Instead, we have to deal with incompetent Andy, who is just a little too close to what Michael Scott was. The more I think of it, the more I think of how funny it would have been to see Robert California, a smart, supremely competent person bothering all the characters we know. We’re getting some of that this year, but I want more.


I’m not sure writing strange groupings of capital letters makes me feel younger, but it was worth a try. …

I’ve got to agree with you — I’m so sad about Community because that clever, clever show was one of the most entertaining sitcoms in the history of sitcoms. And probably that is the biggest turkey. I could also go with Lisa Edelstein’s decision to leave House, because as unfairly as she was treated, I don’t miss her for a second. Talk to me when Hugh Laurie decides to leave. But just for fun, I’m going to go with …

Glee. They lost me last year at the shrill squawkings during their Christmas special, but the publicity surrounding their “sex” episode was ridiculous. It could have been handled beautifully, I didn’t watch the episode. But something about the sensationalist qualities of the ads showed me just how much Glee has sold out.

Photo Credit: HBO

5 Responses to “Biggest turkeys on TV (and some thanks) – Quibbling Siblings”

November 17, 2011 at 2:49 PM

Hey! That was a mighty fine episode of Glee! Didn’t you read my review? *wink wink*
Happy Thanksgiving you two!

November 18, 2011 at 10:41 PM

I did read your review, didn’t watch the episode though. It’s the sensationalistic hype I’m complaining about, not necessarily the episode itself.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

November 19, 2011 at 12:11 AM

There was tons of hype. Tons! They had me almost expecting soft core porniness. Fox is way good at hype.

November 17, 2011 at 4:42 PM

Actually, that was probably the best episode of “Glee” in a season and a half, and it wasn’t really due to the “sex” part, which really ended up being chaste cuddling in the last few minutes. It’s annoying that they finally produce a well-made episode, in terms of the writing, editing, story, characterizations (mostly), acting, lack of ridiculousness, etc., and all it’s known for is being the overhyped “sex” episode.

November 18, 2011 at 10:42 PM

Maybe it’s known as more than that to the people who actually watched it! ;-) But it’s the promos that I’m complaining about.

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