CliqueClack TV

Has Modern Family lost its luster? – Quibbling Siblings

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week, we discuss whether or not 'Modern Family' is still as funny as it ever was.


A strange phenomenon has happened over the last few weeks while I’ve been watching Modern Family. Let me preface this by saying that I always enjoy the show and think it’s funny and clever and beyond the average sitcom. But for some reason, this season hasn’t been quite as sparkly.

I caught the repeat of the “Halloween” episode, one of the funniest episodes of the series, and I could understand why they didn’t even try for a new one … how could they top that (especially Gloria’s accent)? So then, when I watched last week’s new episode,”Treehouse,” I thought that Modern Family had returned to its former glory, especially with the straight Cam storyline. When I laugh out loud, I know there’s something good going on. I’m wondering if the Halloween episode just got me “back in the mood” for Modern Family, or if the past week’s episode was really that good.

What do you think — has Modern Family lost its luster, or is it as good for you as it always has been?


It’s interesting. I’ve heard from a bunch of people about how the show has dropped off in quality since the first season and I just don’t see it. Perhaps it’s because I never really saw the first season as sitcom nirvana the way everyone else did. I’ve always enjoyed the show, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that I never thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I certainly don’t have a problem with the show winning a ton of awards, it is very, very good. If I was immune to the highs, though, perhaps I have been immune to the lows as well.

I think the acting has been as good as on day one, I think the writing remains some of the best on TV. What doesn’t sparkle about that?


I agree with you that the acting hasn’t dropped in quality at all — it’s probably gotten better, in fact. And for me, it was never about being the greatest thing since sliced bread, so I’m right there with you.

However, it’s the subtle things that aren’t as prevalent, or maybe just aren’t as clever or irreverent or … sparkly, which is the writing. Take the pilot, where Phil questions Mitchell and Cam’s choice of names for Lily, fearing she wouldn’t be able to pronounce it. “Fizbo.” Bixby. Luke chasing his grandfather’s car down the street like a dog. Jay and Cam in the locker room together. I’m just not feeling “Dude Ranch” is up to par with that kind of brilliance. Do you think the third season has had moments like those?


Seriously? We’ve had seven episodes so far this season and you want me to pick out as many great moments as in the first two seasons — over forty episodes? That’s not fair, not at all. I think there have been some great moments though. I loved Gloria yelling at the dog when Jay was giving it too much attention. I enjoyed Claire going insane at the promise of a night to herself — particularly blowing off the other neighborhood moms.

I just don’t get it. The ratings are still stellar, so if people are enjoying it less, they certainly aren’t turning off Modern Family.


Well, no, I don’t want you to pick out as many moments, but just to find one or two subtle moments, undercurrents, sneak-attacks, if you will, that are reminiscent of the first two seasons. I agree that those moments you mentioned were funny, and one thing I have loved about this season are the moments between Phil and Luke. Those two together are gold.

And yes, we’re all still watching and enjoying, but I guess what I’m trying to say is that Modern Family is evolving into a … sitcom. It happened with HIMYM too, but I like to see a show keep its original vibe (I think Arrested Development might be a good example of one that did), and for Modern Family, that’s irreverent, sneaky, tongue-in-cheek situations and lines that don’t take the typical sitcom path. It’s almost there, but something is missing.

Readers, what do you think?

Photo Credit: ABC

5 Responses to “Has Modern Family lost its luster? – Quibbling Siblings”

November 11, 2011 at 1:09 PM

I understand what you are saying, Deb, about this seasons Modern Family. There used to be so many “laugh out loud” moments and I have not seen it this season. Although this past week was a little better. Will still watch and hope for belly laughs.

November 11, 2011 at 1:55 PM

I wonder if the show appears “not as good” because it’s just consistent. Every show is going to have episodes that stand out from the others. Maybe we’ve just become jaded?

November 11, 2011 at 2:24 PM

I think there is definitely something to that Keith. I know during some of the mid and later seasons of 30 Rock I felt like the show was just going through the motions, but watching through the episodes again in syndication and through netflix, it has been consistently strong through its whole run.

November 13, 2011 at 9:08 PM

I have one word for you “STELLA” i laughed for ages with that and renewed my faith in the series. x

November 22, 2011 at 6:57 PM

Dude Ranch was disappointing and felt like the old days when we needed to take the Brady Bunch to Hawaii to boost ratings. Except Modern Family didn’t need it. Stay home gang.

Modern Family has the staying power of Seinfeld. And if you think about it, a similar format. Usually has two or three stories going on and they come together in the end – usually in a wonderfully surprising way.

Baby Jesus’s for everyone this holiday season!

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