CliqueClack TV

Man Up! in a galaxy far, far away

Guess who's coming to dinner? Grant. Guess who's never seen 'Star Wars' before? Grant. Guess who hugs instead of fights? Yep, Grant.


Sometimes, there is sacred man-stuff that is conducted. This isn’t any grand secret. (And, if it is, well … you don’t know men very well, do you?) It can be anything from passing along a family tradition in the form of a penknife (as we saw last episode with “The Old Mohoska”) to, say, an initial viewing of Star Wars with “friends” … as was the case with the guys and Grant this episode. (And more sacred still, a rare BetaMax video of the film. The cool thing about that is it’s a pristine, unaltered original version of the film, not one that’s been “updated” or “revised” or “director’s cut” in any way, shape or form. That’s worth the price of admission right there.)

I’ve got to give it to Kenny: He tried his best to give Grant the full Star Wars treatment … right down to the Jedi cloak, light saber and sound effects, as much as his hyper-nerdy self could accommodate. But Grant (*sigh*) the guy just couldn’t contain himself from popping off inanities. (I wrote about this over on CliqueClack Flicks some time ago and it basically applies here.)

Additionally, I’ve also got to tip my hat to Kenny for deciding to challenge Grant in a show of machismo. Of course, I’m talking about the fight he picked with him. His methodologies are so comical — accented with his hilarious, angsty yelling ala Sam Kinison — that I just can’t help but dig the guy.

But, here’s a thing: We saw Grant launch himself in defense of Craig last episode when the wedding party came riding into town to lynch him. This time? He “hugged” Kenny in an effort to subdue his primal. Conclusion? Grant’s just as much a mess as the rest of the guys.

This second effort of Man Up!, while replete with comical moments, didn’t quite grab me the second time around as did the pilot episode. But it’s worth giving up a half hour to see what kind of monkey business the guys are up to. They’re guys after all — I can identify with them.

Michael’s “Time To Man Up!” Moments:

  • Craig using lip gloss … or lip protector … or whatever the hell it was. It wasn’t the fact he was uses it, it was the way he applied it … with pinky. *yeesh*
  • And! Craig justifying his manliness to that shopkeeper. Overcompensation for his under-appearance.
  • And! His telling Kenny he’s his best friend, too, after Will made the attempt to console him. *sigh*
  • Will’s wimptastickness at making an attempt to blame Theresa for Grant coming to dinner. If anything screamed “Grow a pair!”, this was it.

Special Mention:

  • Hands down, Brenda — Kenny’s ex-wife — has more manliness than Craig. That entire exchange with the henna tattoo on Lucy (Charlotte Labadie) was classic. (Not to mention the “dream sequence” Theresa had about her pole dancing.)
  • While not necessarily a manly (or unmanly) moment, Grant’s reference to R2D2 as “Beep Boop Boop gave me a chuckle along with Kenny’s follow-up fuming.


“Have a nice life as The Three Douche-keteers!” — Kenny to the guys


Photo Credit: ABC

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