CliqueClack TV

Homeland – The terrorist plot goes in a new direction

Brody has agreed to an interview, while Carrie is working her asset for information. Will either end well?

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "Clean Skin"

What the heck is happening on Homeland? In “Clean Skin”, we get further insight into what Brody’s time in captivity was like and it wasn’t pretty. Each episode I’m more convinced that Nazir manipulated Brody into supporting Al Qaeda, but at the same time, I don’t believe it entirely took. Clearly, Brody still has issues adjusting to being home. He still sleeps on the floor, has sexual issues, and is keeping major secrets from both his family and the government. But, that doesn’t mean he is going to betray his country.

Last week, he spoke out against the United States and re-enlisting in the military to Mike, but then he was all smiles agreeing to a public interview. Why? As Carrie is dealing with her psychological issues, we are seeing a similar duality in Brody.

More important than Brody’s story this week was what was going on with Carrie and her asset, Lynne. It’s unfortunate that Carrie’s outlandish behavior inhibited her ability to get the resources she needed to do her job. This time, Lynne paid the price with her life. After it all played out, Prince Farid didn’t appear to be involved at all. He came across as someone truly upset over Lynne’s death. Given that, I don’t think Lynne’s cover was broken, instead she was just a convenient mule. Farid’s associate (security guy?) is the one working with Nazir. He needed money to fund a terrorist operation and the necklace was his way to get it. An added bonus, he got rid of Farid’s lover, who was getting too close for comfort.

In the first three hours, the story has quickly developed. The pilot ended with Brody looking at the United States Capitol and tonight with a couple buying a house near an airport. Are these hints at what is to come?

Other stuff:

  • Poor Jessica! She thinks her husband is dead and moves on. He comes back and she puts up with his sexual issues, while he is able to get through to the kids in a way she hasn’t. She is a real hero in this story at this point.
  • I hope Dana doesn’t out Jessica and Mike’s relationship. It’s a difficult situation for sure, but she is old enough that she should understand why it needs to remain a secret for all concerned.
  • Is finding out about Jessica’s infidelity a trigger for Brody to act against his country? He mentioned that was something used to break him down while held captive.
  • The Brody family interview went surprisingly well. I’m interested in Carrie’s reaction to some of Brody’s reveals about his captivity. I hope we get to see her watch the aired interview or at least the good parts.
  • I’m convinced that Lynne was killed for the necklace not because she was working for the CIA. Agree? I hope we see more of Farid and he finds out how he was betrayed.

I’m enjoying the intrigue and constant forward movement of this story. What do you like or not like about Homeland?

Photo Credit: Showtime

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