CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack: Playing Favorites

The 'parents manual' can be a tricky thing to navigate. Sometimes, you just have to wing it.

Tara: It was my pick this week and I have to say: This commercial just makes me laugh. It’s mean-spirited and sarcastic, however you have to admit: Parents having a conversation like this in front of their kids is kind of appealing to the “Dark Side” … don’t you think?

Michael: I hear you. Still … it’s pretty funny. Love how the father is the instigator in this ordeal.

Tara: It is rather sad how the kid’s only attribute is his hair, though.

Michael: No. I’m finding other attributes. Well … not exactly attributes per se. But, I mean … why’s he wearing a scrunchy around his left wrist?


Tara: Maybe it’s a new fashion statement. I don’t know. I don’t have kids. But! If I did I’m sure I’d have a favorite. After all I have a favorite cat.

Michael: Is that really fair to the cat?

Tara: What do you mean?

Michael: Well … for example: Does the “favorite cat” know he/she is a favorite?

Tara: Yes. More belly kisses. Duh!

Michael: *cough, cough … hairball*

Tara: Obviously, you give cats belly kisses, too, because you just coughed up a hairball!

Michael: That’s not what I meant and you know it!

When I was a kid, my father would never (yes … I used “never”) let me have hair as long as the boy’s in the video. But, putting personal grooming aside, both parents are fighting over who’s “the better kid” instead … know what I mean?

Tara: Interesting.

Michael: How so?

Tara: Okay … it’s not so interesting. I was just trying to spur along the conversation. That is a mean story about your dad, though. After all, weren’t those hippy times when everyone who had long hair was cool and everyone who didn’t was a dork? Poor you! You’ve been “uncool” your whole life, haven’t you? I thought at least when you were young you might have had a shot at it.

Michael: The last thing I thought about then was “being cool”. And! There was no word “dork” back then.

Tara: Seriously? You never thought about being cool?

Michael: Not at that age I didn’t.

Tara: The nuns must have really been hateful at the school you went to, then.

Michael: Hello! No nuns! Didn’t attend that kind of school! Went to public school!

Tara: Oh. I don’t get you people. Public school people, I mean. I was under the impression everyone had nuns.

Michael: Cripes! Had you brainwashed … didn’t they? Bet they had a favorite, too … and you weren’t it …

Tara: You’re going to make me say one of those words that will send me to hell.



Photo Credit: AT&T

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