CliqueClack TV

Two and a Half Men – I’ll give it one more shot

At least there was a redeeming segment in the premiere. No such luck this week. Was anyone else humming 'If I Only Had A Brain' beside me throughout the episode each time Walden came into the picture?

This is why I don’t often watch comedies on television.

Please … someone: Tell me Walden Schmidt’s (Ashton Kutcher) character gets better.

Someone. Anyone. Please. Tell me this.

Alan hasn’t changed one whit. Berta is her same, old irascible self, too … just a lot more lecherous with Walden in the picture.

I’m trying to imagine the person who finds Kutcher’s character even remotely interesting. (I guess it would help if I understood the attraction of the characters he plays … but, then again, maybe not.  I don’t.) Even Walden’s wife Bridget (Judy Greer) mentioned he has “the emotional maturity of a 12 year-old.”

I can understand the massive ratings of the premiere of Two And A Half Men last week. Everyone — including me — wanted to see what became of Charlie … wanted to see the introduction of Walden into the mix … wanted to see where Alan would wind up. And we did. Moreso in the second installment this week.

But I’m not certain I can take much more. My jaw was on the floor for the first segment of the premiere. It was amazingly, incredibly loutish and lowbrow. (This was not news to me.) Still, it wasn’t funny. Not for me, anyway. The only redeeming thing about the episode was Alan’s “discussion” with Charlie’s remains. This week? There wasn’t anything of worth.

I’ll give Two And A Half Men one more episode to see where it goes. I’m trying to keep an open mind, but I have a pretty good idea I’m not going to be pleased.


“I wonder what his sweat tastes like?” — Berta daydreaming about Walden

“I could bite that ass like an apple.” — Berta daydreaming, again, about Walden

“Alan? Why are you on top of me?” — Walden waking up with a towel-wrapped Alan on top of him
“Because … I didn’t want to be on the bottom … ???” — Alan

“And don’t worry: I’m not one to overstay my welcome.” — Alan, after asking Walden if he could stay at the condo with him for a couple days … a week … a month, tops


Photo Credit: CBS

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19 Responses to “Two and a Half Men – I’ll give it one more shot”

September 27, 2011 at 12:25 PM

Why not do show with just the “original cast”; berta, Conchata, Jon, Angus, and eliminate Aston… I mean they actually are the funniest and carry the show… Ashton is just really lame.

September 27, 2011 at 12:43 PM

I do not like this show, I would like to have Charlie back.

September 27, 2011 at 1:52 PM

Charlie was funny without trying hard. I miss his character. Ashton, I am sorry, but you are not funny at all. So boring.

September 27, 2011 at 1:13 PM

Everyone I know agrees that the ninth season sucks. 90% of all net reviews are saying that the show is rubbish and I couldn’t agree more!!!

Lorre’s tasteless parting with Charlie on the show is a slap in the face of all fans. We’ve come to know and love the characters on the show, and now they suddenly all turn into heartless idiots who hate Charlie???
(i.e. long term fiancee Chelsea shouting he gave her some sexually transmitted disease at his funeral, his mum trying to sell his house at the same occasion, Rose ‘admitting’ to killing Charlie and Jake’s reaction to that is that he’s hungry????? – the list goes on – never mind Bertha not giving a damn hat he’s dead and worst of all Alan who seems totally cold to Charlie’s death and vacuuming C’s ashes from the floor without blinking… there’s more: why is Judith’s sister being reintroduced into the series as Ashton’s wife???)

These scripts/story lines are an insult to the viewer’s intelligence, they are an insult to the fan’s loyalty over 8 years – NOT FUNNY! NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!! Bring Charlie back – otherwise it’s obvious this show will go to hell… At the funeral they should have announced R.I.P. Two and a half men and not R.I.P. Charlie Harper!!

Looking forward to Sheen’s new movies and sitcoms!!

September 27, 2011 at 1:50 PM

I watched the show again last night and I tried to enjoy it but unfortunately, I don’t think it is working. There just seem to be no chemistry between the characters. Not funny at all, found it so boring. Very disappointed.

September 27, 2011 at 2:00 PM

The real problem is Ashton is playing the same character he was on the 70s Show. They really should have invented him a new character. At least give him a little more brains; it gets tiring watching a dumb guy all the time.

September 27, 2011 at 2:25 PM

Well, I gave it one more shot. I’m not wasting another half hour of my life on this crap. Bring back Charlie.

September 27, 2011 at 2:52 PM

This show is awful without Charlie!! Ashton Kutcher is a huge disappointment! What a mistake!

September 27, 2011 at 3:14 PM

I think you liking this show in the first place is the problem.

Hashtag burn, hashtag your tie is still dumb, hashtag just kidding kinda!

September 27, 2011 at 5:55 PM

Hahahahaha Ivey!!!! HIMYM for the win!!!!!

September 27, 2011 at 6:24 PM

well at least before it was funny and Sheen character added some sarcasm, real cynicism therefore depth to this shallow it is just dumb and boring.

September 27, 2011 at 3:47 PM

The show is boring, ashton sucks, he is an stupid with no brains. Bring back Charlie Sheen Lorre, he’s the winner piece.

September 27, 2011 at 4:18 PM

I don’t understand the writing for Ashton’s character… he cheats on his wife with two women in the first episode but now they seem to make it about him trying to get his wife back while at the same time being the same kind of ladies man Charlies character was. Charlies character womanizing was forgivable b/c it was part of his character flaw and he often suffered consequences for his actions.

I know I am reading too much into this for a silly show but if they don’t pick a direction for Walden and stick with it, I don’t think the show is going to work.

September 27, 2011 at 5:57 PM

I said before the season started I would give it four eps, because I’m sure it will take a bit to find their footing, but seriously…..they need to hurry up, because what I’ve seen so far is NOT GOOD!!!

September 27, 2011 at 10:03 PM

It’s got to get better, you’d think the writers could write a little of Charlie’s wit into the new character

September 28, 2011 at 12:18 AM

I will not be looking at any more of this Season Nine. The show had a perfect with the last episode of Season Eight and I don’t want to spoil my impression of a good thing. I started looking at Season One again.

September 28, 2011 at 8:51 AM

“why is Judith’s sister being reintroduced into the series as Ashton’s wife???”

she was herb melnicks sister. jennifer bini taylor who played chelsea did also have other roles in the show before. how many roles did joel murray played in this show? 10? 12? – so what’s the problem?

September 28, 2011 at 9:17 AM

. . . . .

In other news: Charlie played his ashes in the premiere to a “T” …

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