CliqueClack TV

Rookie Blue – The squad’s in danger … again

The 15th goes into a preemptive lockdown, Luke and Andy's break-up continues to make waves, and Dov has an interesting first date.

- Season 2, Episode 8 - "Monster"

Another week, and another instance where members of the 15th may — or may not — be in mortal danger. It has become a bit of a staple on Rookie Blue, but honestly, I can’t complain. The silly little summer drama, already picked up for a third season, continues to deliver quality programing.

The awkwardness that is Luke and McNally continues. I’m not sure how much more of it I can handle. Both should be able to show a little more maturity than they currently are, but Luke really should. Instead, we get her fumbling around and his moping. And that might have been cute for a little while; I think it is time to start bringing that particular story line to a close. What would be a perfect way to do that? Why, I think a little Swarek/McNally action sounds like a really good idea.

It was hard not to like Gail throwing a little nutty. Yes, she did come in direct contact with the dead guy, but everyone else was playing it low key. It made for an interesting contrast: the normally buttoned-down rookie researching every world-ending disease that the Internet had to offer. The cuteness that was Diaz coming to calm her down tiptoed on the “too cute for its own good” line, but stayed faithfully on the good side of that line. They really do make an interesting couple.

Fortunately, it seems that we’re moving on, at least temporarily, from the idea of a Dov/Gail/Diaz love triangle with Bomb Squad girl. There’s only a few people that would consider joining an ad-hoc investigative team as a good first date, but Dov lucked out there. I don’t necessarily see this as a long-term relationship for the rookie, but it is a nice change of pace to see him in a positive place instead of being the butt of everyone’s jokes.

I’m not exactly sure where the relationship between Noelle Williams and Frank Best is going. It’s funny … while I have no problems with workplace relationships on television (or in real life), there are rules that one should follow. Primarily: Don’t date someone you report to. The relationships between the rookies and the detectives are coming very close to this particular line, but a relationship between Frank and Noelle is over the line.

Is Rookie Blues Chris Diaz dating his mother? [5137DFmBASL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)  Is Rookie Blues Chris Diaz dating his mother? [51LRa6%2BW jL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: ABC

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