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Emmett speaks the truth on the summer finale of Switched At Birth

In the summer finale of 'Switched At Birth' Emmett deals with a difficult decision, an important character makes an appearance, and Daphne shows that she, too, can be competitive.

The thing I simultaneously love and detest about season finales is that they pack so much into a single episode that it’s hard to take it all in. There are one or more new plot developments, a twist or two, perhaps a good cliffhanger. If the show is well-written, the finale is maddening — you are overwhelmed with not only emotion, but also making sense of all the little fragments that scatter before you.

I wouldn’t have expected anything less from the summer finale of Switched At Birth; since its arrival ten weeks ago the show has kept me on my toes, as well as appealed to my romantic side. Last night’s episode was a whirlwind. Instead of trying to make sense of it all, I think I’d  rather point out my favorite parts, as well as one in particular I’ve been questioning for quite some time.

Of course, the topic that every SAB fan has been buzzing about for the past couple of weeks has been the Bay/Emmett/Daphne love triangle. (Check out last week’s post and vote on whether you’re Team Bay or Team Daphne.) I’m very much Team Bay, but for a split second I thought I might go the other way last night. Emmett and Daphne’s fight at the car wash was so real — not because it’s commonplace for deaf people to fight at car washes — but rather, because they kept interrupting each other. That’s one thing that’s been missing from the dialogue thus far between two characters where one or both of them is signing. You know how, whenever you have a heated argument the attacks overlap and the most important statements are repeated? That’s exactly what this was like. I also like that the car wash was obscuring them from view. It was as if they were arguing underneath a waterfall.

What I hadn’t known before last night, but what I could have guessed, was that Emmett had feelings for Daphne too. The difference, though, is that Emmett has been harboring his feelings for eight years, whereas Daphne seemed to only realize it when other aspects of her life got out of control and she felt as though he was the only consistency she had. (It seems convenient, too, that she just developed feelings for him when she realized that he was spending a lot of time with Bay.)

Actually, I’m not certain whether his spending time with Bay bothered Daphne because she was jealous of his romantic interest, or whether she was just jealous in general of Bay getting in the way of her life. First the whole “rich girl who got a life of privilege courtesy of my birth parents” thing, followed by Ty, then Emmett, and now … Angelo Sorrento: Bay’s birth father, otherwise known as the man who abandoned Daphne soon after she went deaf.

While Daphne had always been the cheerful, optimistic character on the show, these last two episodes have presented her in a different way: hardened, moody, and vindictive. She actually cried during the finale, which I can’t remember her doing before. And if the end of last night’s episode holds true when the show picks back up, Daphne will show no remorse when she fights for Emmett. It was especially biting the way that everyone was laughing and waving goodbye when Emmett and the guys left for their gig, only for Daphne to turn her grin (with which we’ve become very familiar) into a stone-like expression in front of Bay. She had no qualms telling Bay what she was prepared to do.

I’m glad that Emmett reconsidered the decision he initially made when he told Bay off (or, should I say, signed her off?). It’s kind of ironic that he was complaining about not fitting in, and working so hard, when Bay has been working just as hard to learn to sign, as well as read everyone’s signs. (And he was signing so fast during one portion of their “faux break-up” that I’m not sure if she understood him — but if she did, I’m impressed, and he should have been too.)

Finally, two things that shocked and delighted me: the kiss between Daphne and Emmett, and Emmett speaking “I just want you” to Bay. The former made me squeal, but the latter made me cry.

Now, onto Angelo Sorrento. What is going on there? I’m inclined to echo what Regina said, which was that leaving is what he does best. I’m too overwhelmed at the what, why, and how of all of this that I’ll just leave my thoughts to myself for now to process. It’s just too ridiculous.

Also: I”m sorry, but I have to go back to the hospital, five hours after the girls were born. I realize that medication, at times, plays a significant role in a mother’s recovery. But, usually, doesn’t a mother hold her baby right as she’s born? And wouldn’t the mom (and the dad, because wasn’t Angelo there?) have locked that baby into their brains immediately during their initial bonding, or at least enough to realize right away that she wasn’t brought back the same baby later? It’s not as though they looked anything at all alike! Wouldn’t Angelo have noticed — “Hey, wait, hon … the baby you gave birth to looked like us, but the baby you just got back from the nursery looks completely different?” (Or was he on drugs too?) I know that Kathryn and John talked about this with their lawyer already, and she admitted to using a rather strong dose of medication after the birth. But what about Regina? Was her alcoholism so bad that she was drinking at the hospital right after her daughter was born?

I’m thinking back to the birth of my daughter (which wasn’t too long ago, so I can remember the little details), and even if it were five hours later — heck, even if it were ONE hour later — I would have recognized her. I held her practically the entire time we were in the hospital together. How could it have happened that not one, but two moms didn’t recognize their own daughters?

On a lighter note, I think I know the signs for “mad,” “but,” and “know!” I love how all the characters are learning the language, so that we can pick up on some of it too. Actually, the show has made me want to take a class in ASL.

What was your favorite part of the Switched At Birth summer finale? And what do you think Kathryn will do for herself so that she won’t be known as “the mom whose daughters were switched at birth?” I hope we see some exciting developments in that regard when the show returns.

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Emmett speaks the truth on the summer finale of Switched At Birth”

August 9, 2011 at 1:01 PM

I have absolutely fallin in love with this show. I have watched it from the beginning. With Emmett. I was all for him and Daphne. But Daphne waited to long. But its a hard decision since he has wanted her for so long.
The only thing im disappointed in is that we have to wait so long for it to come back on.

August 9, 2011 at 10:49 PM

I agree … I can’t wait to watch again! Glad you’re watching and reading our posts. :)

August 17, 2011 at 5:49 AM

Love the show – loved your wrap up. Im team Bay for who gets Emmett. I liked the Daphne character better as a person than Bay but it seems to me that Bay is growing up and Daphne is becoming the child. So Im kinda leaning toward liking the Bay character more now too.
Also a little unsure about the Angelo Sorrento guy as well…leaving is what he does best – but it that just talking about him running out on her because his alcoholic wife tells him she didn’t have an affair when he holds proof in his hands that Daphne wasn’t his, just after he learns that their life is gunna get a lot harder now as she is deaf. Seems like a lot to put on a guy, don’t know how many people in real life would stick that out. So is Regina just pissed coz she knew it was a SAB thing and he didn’t trust her and left or is there more to this ‘what he does best’comment that we don’t know about yet. If so then maybe that kinda devious angle they were pushing is true. Just don’t know – I think they were pushing for us to not trust him but there isn’t really any real reasons for dislike yet I think.
Also a comment on the SAB thing itself…I’ve read it a couple of times around the place now – Im in my 30’s so if your my age ask your parents, back in the day you didn’t see your baby, hold your baby what have you. You pushed it out, they caught it, cleaned it, held it up for you to see and then put it in a humidicrib and wheeled it into the nursery. If you had a pro-boob hospital they brought it in for feeds every few hours if you were in a formula freenzed place (which most were 60’s onwards) then you didn’t see the bubs unless you asked or got up and went to the nursery. Surely you remember all those 70s/80s shows with the rows of bubs in the cribs with blue or pink blankets. Don’t even need to be dopped up to be SAB, they think something like 10% of the population is SAB these days with all our technology (they catch most of them before the leave the hospital they say). So if it’s that easy now it would be far easier then. Plus I gave birth overseas in a country where they still do it pretty much like we did in the 60’s. They took baby away for 2hrs before I was allowed to be with him. Got to hold him first but that was just me and my demanding ways, mums over there don’t usually touch their bubs. Also if the nurses want to they can take your baby and not give it back if they feel you are not rested enough. They do what they want not what mum wants. Most mums there leave baby all night in the nursery so they can sleep. So if bubs is born in the evening (like mine was) then 2hrs in the humidicrib for monitoring then into the nursery so mum can get some sleep as it’s now past lights out – mum would not see that bub until morning – if she sleeps in then after breaky even. Can easily seeing SAB happening in that situation. That was one of the reasons I wouldn’t let them have my bub after he had done his 2hrs (which I had hubby sit and watch him) even though my bub was ethnically very different to all the others there so no real chance of a switch going unnoticed.

August 17, 2011 at 7:04 AM

Wow, thank you so much for your comment!!! I am glad you liked the show and the writeup. I also appreciate your take on SAB and how/why it happens and might have happened even more in the past.

November 29, 2011 at 9:32 PM

I am team bay and emmitt all the way!! But my one ? Is, is emmitt using bay jest to make daphnie joules?? I Have know idea but he did speak!!! For the first time ever and only to bay I was so so suprized and it was so cute.

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