CliqueClack TV

Futurama – The whale, he be white now!

The Planet Express crew takes on Herman Melville's classic, with Leela as Ahab, Fry as Starbuck and Zoidberg as the Fonz ... wait, what?

- Season 6, Episode 21 - "Möbius Dick"

It’s interesting that this episode premieres the same week the mini-mini-series Moby Dick premiered on Encore. Surprisingly, Futurama‘s “Möbius Dick” stays pretty true to the themes of the book, considering it’s a cartoon in space. Leela’s obsession with finishing the delivery (“or die trying!”) and then with wanting the white space whale super-dead is both reminiscent of Captain Ahab’s insanity and Leela’s own tendency to demand perfection.

While the jokes were less rapid-fire this week than in the last few episodes, “Möbius Dick” had some gorgeous visuals. The whale’s design was both faithful to Melville’s iconic creature while still easily fitting into the Futurama universe, and I adored how the whale spouted a beautiful Mandelbrot set-like spiral. And sweet zombie Jesus, the “4th dimension” water effects were awesome! What a cool way to make the emptiness of space feel more like the sea. And while I’m glad it was a short scene, the crew passing though the 4th dimension was super fun — once again, Bender gets to hang out with himself. Speaking of once again, the Doctor came back again this week! I’m all for more Doctor Who references, even if his presence doesn’t make sense. Screw it, it’s the Doctor. In fact, I propose David Tennant does a guest voice next season … don’t ask why, just make it happen!

My favorite part of the episode? Zoidberg. Specifically, Zoidberg with hair. I can’t explain it, but Zoidberg with hair is just so delightful. Yet somehow, Fonz-hair Zoidberg is the least funny. I think I like Einstein-hair Zoidberg the best. Also, Zoidberg had friends? Will wonders never cease!

All the best quotes:

“Featuring Sparky, the invisible elf.” — Title card

“Huh, I knew you had other crews, but you never told us you had a FIRST crew.” — Fry
“I remember it like it was interesting …” — Farnsworth

“Zoidberg was popular??” — Hermes
“Zoidberg had hair??” — Amy
“I never said he had hair!” — Farnsworth

“Incredible. … Zoidberg had friends?” — Hermes
“It was a different time.” — Zoidberg

“Here you go: ‘In memory of the 1st Planet Express ship and it’s crew.'” — stone carver
“Hang on … ‘it’s’ shouldn’t have an apostrophe. This means ‘and it is crew.’ What the hell’s wrong with you?!” — Leela
“It’s a minor error, lady. I’m mean, we’re space aliens. It’s a miracle we can even speak English!” — stone carver

“It’s a space ship graveyard. Why did we have to come here at night!” — Fry in space

“Holy crap! It’s a giant space fish!” — Bender
“Actually, the space whale isn’t a space fish. It’s a space mammal.” — Leela
“Wow, interesting. I’m both impressed and being eaten.” — Bender

“Comport yourself, Mr. Conrad. When we’re at space, the captain’s word is law. I could marry you and Bender against your will if I wanted to.” — Leela
“GASP! You wouldn’t dare!” — Hermes
“I’ve been married to worse.” — Bender

“Leela, I’m no doctor, but I’m afraid you be exhibiting symptoms of illin’.” — Fry

“Fear not the space behemoth. In my dreams, I’ve peered beyond its eyes, and into the cackling hell within us all!” — Leela
“… OK, that’s a good point.” — Fry

“Where are we?” — Leela
“In the belly of the beast.” — Hermes
“Like that bible guy who got swallowed by the whale — Pinocchio!” — Fry

“Holy crap, four dimensional bowels!” — Fry
“Einstein was right!” — Amy

“Popsicles here! Can’t mourn the dead without a popsicle!” — Funeral popsicle vendor

“At first, I was consumed by a dark obsession to kill the whale, then I was consumed by the whale.” — Leela
“That sounds clever, but it doesn’t explain much.” — Zoidberg
“Shut up, Zoidberg.” — Leela
“OK.” — Zoidberg

“They haven’t aged a day. The whale must have some kind of möbius colon that endlessly recycles time and space!” — Farnsworth
“Yep, that stands up to scrutiny.” — Scruffy

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

One Response to “Futurama – The whale, he be white now!”

August 6, 2011 at 1:15 PM

That had to be one of the funniest episodes ever! Loved the Oceanic 815 plane wreckage, the Jupiter 2, the Close Encounters ending, Zoidberg growing hair just so it could turn white with fright … it was all just too funny. And I have to admire Leela’s obsession with correct punctuation!

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