CliqueClack TV

So You Think You Can Dance goes Gaga

Lady Gaga makes a spectacle of herself on 'SYTYCD'. Well, come on ... doesn't she always?

- Season 8, Episode 18 - "The Top 8 Perform"

From start to finish, it was pretty much the Lady Gaga show on So You Think You Can Dance this episode.

She critiqued, she cried, she tossed shoes. When first introduced by Cat Deeley, it appeared by what she was wearing she’d gotten caught in an explosion at the Crayola Crayon factory. Cripes, was she colorful! Later, when she doffed her eye wear, she looked like a reject bellhop from Disneyland’s Tower Of Terror. Never let it be said she can’t bring her special brand of drama, even when she’s not in the limelight. (Yes … I used “never” …)

The evening started off with Sasha and Pasha puttin’ on the ritz in a Quick Step. Personally, I thought it was a bit uncoordinated and floopy. Not Lady Gaga, though: “I thought it could be a little bit looser.” Really? Because if they were any looser up there, they would have been spineless dancing noodles. Both of them might be nifty dancers (and they are) but the routine did not work.

Caitlynn and Ivan teamed up for a little hip hop number with a bench. Very mellow and unremarkable. Had I known it would be that boring, I would have done the dishes. *yawn*

Jordan and Ade committed a Tyce D’Orio hot jazz number that didn’t disappoint. Cripes! Jordan forced leg kicks that appeared able to split her in two! And those splits, and the routinte, did not get lost on the judges either as they commented robustly about them. “Is there nothing that little body can’t do?” Nigel wondered.

Look … I’ve been trying to cool my jets over the superb dancing of Melanie Moore of late, but I just need to accept the fact she’s marvelous beyond comprehension week in and week out and surrender to that fact. Pairing with Neil in a rather loud routine (the music — Total Eclipse Of The Heart — was overly 80’s schmaltzy for contemporary), the two pulled out a performance that would have been just *meh* played out by anyone else. Yet … it got a “standing O” from the judges, no doubt a big part of the ovation coming from the air time she claimed during that one fantastical leap.  “I would hire you tomorrow to dance on my tour.” – Lady Gaga said to Melanie during the judges’ comments.

Ricky & Anya’s fast and furious offering to River Deep Mountain High didn’t really do anything for me. They didn’t do badly by any stretch, it was just rather forgettable.

I completely missed Jess LeProtto’s routine with Lauren because of the instant frozure on my television set. The wonderful signal I get decided to take a little siesta causing a blank screen and personal time for myself. Yes, I know I can go back and review this piece on the ‘net, but I’m crying foul and I’m going to be obstinate. (Besides, I heard it was rather awkward and not Jess’ best performance.)

Dancing to Queen’s Another One Bites The Dust, it was difficult for me to concentrate on the Mandy Moore routine with all that leg and heel action displayed by all-star Lauren. I’ll admit: I was transfixed by her moves. But! To be fair, I do know Tadd was plunking away along with her. Even lost his chapeau and got schplonked in the kisser in a pretty spectacular pugilistic move by Lauren. Props for Tadd not going down for the count.

Then came Marko and Allison’s contemporary stint courtesy of Sonya Tayeh. With his mother in the audience (supposedly flown in from abroad to see the show), Marko gave it up for all it was worth … and it pretty much showed. Brought tears to the rather staid Lady Gaga even.

Single routines with all-stars complete, the show took the usual turn of pairing the remaining contestants with each other … the bulk of the dances being mostly unremarkable.

Except that of Melanie and Sasha in their muscley jazz routine by Sonya Tayeh. There were elements of it fitting and powerful, but I wasn’t that impressed. And I think I was the only one not impressed because everyone else in witness to the dance gushed mightily, from the judges right on down to Cat Deeley and onward throughout the audience. It even caused Gaga to remove her shoes in appreciation. (I’ve never heard of this move of recognition before, but apparently it’s a big deal in the show world.)

Conclusion: With a packed two hours’ worth of show, did anyone fade into the background such that they’re due bottom status? Much as I like Jess, I think he’ll be there. Ricky, too.  Of the ladies, I think Caitlynn will be joining them.

Down and dirty, it might be Ricky and Caitlynn ‘s time to hit it.


Photo Credit: FOX

5 Responses to “So You Think You Can Dance goes Gaga”

July 28, 2011 at 1:08 PM

I don’t watcn SYTYCD, but wow, that girl flew about 6 feet across the stage! I’m impressed!

July 28, 2011 at 8:17 PM

If Melanie doesn’t win, it will be the biggest crime since Jakob’s loss. I truly had goosebumps at the end of that number, and that leap made my jaw hit the floor (and the fact that Neil caught her without missing a beat was pretty spectacular in itself). I have to admit I did get a bit teary after Marko’s number, and I pretty much agree with you on the rest of the critique (although I thought Jess did well in his number, except for that one lift that Nigel compared to hauling a side of beef). And I’m with you on the Sasha/Melanie number. It didn’t wow me as much as everyone one, and I saw a few times when they were slightly out of sync. However, those two girls, Marko and Tadd deserve to be the final four.

July 28, 2011 at 9:31 PM

I don’t get the fascination with Melanie at all.

July 29, 2011 at 4:34 PM

I’m with you bsgfan. I think Melanie could go on stage and take a dump and the judges would find it wonderful. I think she is a good dancer, but don’t like how they show favoritism. She also hasn’t done any dance that is fast and bouncy like hip hop or bollywood has she? Hers have all been flowing dances like comtemporary and waltz, if I am remembering correctly

July 30, 2011 at 4:02 PM

Well, she did do a “bouncy, fast” dance this week with Sasha! Melanie has been my favorite from the get-go, but I’m surprised they let Jordan go this week. I thought Caitlynn’s solo was just sloppy and all over the place and she hasn’t wowed me in anything in particular. Maybe they were just stacking the deck to make sure Melanie and Sasha were the last two women standing.

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