CliqueClack TV

Is Rookie Blue’s Chris Diaz dating his mother?

We've known that Gail Peck had a bit of a high pressure childhood, but seems that her boyfriend might have had one too. If 'men marry their mothers,' what does that say about Chris Diaz dating Peck?

- Season 2, Episode 4 - "Hearts and Sparks"

Get your head out of the gutter, boys and girls, I’m not saying that in some weird time-warp kind of way, that Diaz is the actual fruit of Gail Peck’s loins. Because that would be both impossible, and very icky. What I am getting at, though, is that age old concept of men marrying their mothers. Google it, it’s a thing. If you do search it out, you’d find an article or two about the recent Royal Wedding. You totally know that Prince William knows what I’m talking about.

If you’re fortunate to have an awesome mother (count me in that particular crowd), then marrying someone awesome is … well … as Dove said so many times in this episode, awesome. But if you’ve got the kind of mother that we are learning Diaz’s mother was, well, that makes things a bit more tenuous for Peck.

Gail Peck is a bit … brisk. She definitely is used to wearing the pants in any particular relationship she’s been in. This is not a bad thing. I know we were not supposed to like Peck when the show started last year, but even by the end of the first season she was growing on fan and, obviously, fellow rookie Diaz. These two actually work very well as a couple. But does she have reason to worry about his mother?

As much as Diaz’s mother might be a bit “out there,” her son turned out pretty good. Peck seems like she might be a hard person to love, but I think Chris is exactly the kind of guy that can give her what she needs, and vice versa. So they need to go pick up a new dog, stat.

What do you think?


Photo Credit: ABC

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