CliqueClack TV

The Voice – The live rounds continue….

Our first "saves" and coaches' picks get advanced through on 'The Voice' ... and a few of them are surprising. Plus: The. Worst. Interpretation. Of. A. Song. Ever.

- Season 1, Episode 8 - "Live Rounds, Week 2"

We got some very interesting bookends making up this week’s The Voice telecast. Those bookends? Why, nothing less than the results of last week’s performances from Team Christina and Team Blake. So we’re off and running.

Mr. Personality Carson Daly announces that the “saved” contestant from Christina’s team is none other than Beverley McClellan, which doesn’t surprise me in the least. But the drama comes to town when it’s left to Christina to choose one of the remaining girls on her team to advance, leaving the other two taking a hike. After some niceties to all, Christina blubbered and chose the “powerhouse” voice of Frenchie Davis she loves so much. Raquel Castro and Lily Elise are history. “The Baldies” come through, but I’m still digging my heels in the sand and stating Frenchie  is not The Voice.

At the last we’ll see what surprises, if any, are in store for Team Blake and his crew, but in the meantime we start off with The Thompson Sisters. Their duet on “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” left them unable to escape the trappings of the stage production and supporting dancers, leaving it a cutesy mess. We’re sure to be seeing them hit the road next week.

Following behind, Casey Weston‘s “Black Horse In The Cherry Tree” wasn’t fantastic by any stretch of the imagination. It just was … and that was it. Adequate and unremarkable. But for a performance on a show called The Voice, adequate doesn’t cut it. “I always wondered what The Blue Man Group looked like without their stuff on,” Blake pointed out about the 5 gallon bucket brigade backing Casey up on the song.

And then two promising rehearsal segments concluded with interesting results. First, Vicci Martinez’ “Jolene.” Her rehearsals sounded as if there was going to be a winner emerging out of this one, but Vicci was scratchy, and strainy, and desperate when it came crunch time. Then there was Devon Barley’s take on One Republic’s “Stop And Stare.” Cripes and cripes. He was the epitome of restraint and uncomfortableness on that stage. I’m of the mind someone closed his throat just prior to him performing because there wasn’t anything coming out of it worth listening to.

The kicker in all this, however? The coaches. Each and every one of them proffered flowery, positive comments without an ounce of criticism. This leaves me floundering and shaking my head once again. Praise is good and expected when deserved, but certainly wasn’t warranted in Devon’s case.

A break in the frustration came in the form of Cee Lo’s team taking the stage for “Everyday People.” Someone (my little buddy Carson?) concluded it was “awesome.” Really? Where? When? How was it awesome? Did I miss the awesomeness of the performance? Did I blink when the awesomeness manifested itself? Clearly I understand a completely different definition of “awesome” than Cee Lo’s team committed on the tune. I would use the words “protracted” and “lethargic” to describe it, but not awesome.

Then, Holy McMoley! Nakia! Girls with fire sticks! “Sex On Fire” … !!! Nakia forcefully landing on his knees … and his knees not giving way! Spectacle to shake up the proceedings! It wasn’t Nakia at his best, but it was the best interpretation of a song up to that point.

Jeff Jenkins does “Jesus Take The Wheel.” *yawn* Many times, a song can move you with its sincerity and emotion. Jeff’s take on this one, however, just left me wanting to move along.

I know my friend Brittany was swooning uncontrollably when coach Adam and Company did “With A Little Help From My Friends,” but, seriously, they needed help. The *blech* of their representation of it was extra blechy. And I think I’m being kind in that assessment.

Then came good ‘ole Curtis Grimes and “Addicted To Love.” I have three words: Worst. Version. Ever. Think I’m kidding? Take a gander:



*ugh* I’m glad there wasn’t a screwdriver around or it would have gone in my ear. Truth speakin’.

So … the last contestant of the evening: Please … Javier Colon? Can you and your skewed hat save me from Curtis’ travesty? I promise to get into your performance (while closing my eyes so I don’t grumble about your cockeyed cap) if you would just do well. Please? Pretty please?

The result? Javier granted my wish with Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel.” Dude can certainly belt out a tune, I will admit. Best placed song of the night, best choice of a song for the night.

Hokay … that final bookend, Team Blake’s winners and losers. The voters chose Dia Frampton to soldier on with her Kanye interpretation of the previous week still fresh in their minds. But then the jaw dropper occurred: Blake selected wee Xenia over the much, much strong Jared Blake and the so-so Patrick Thomas. Now, while I enjoy Xenia’s vocal interpretations, I’m not blind to the fact there is little (and I mean little as in nonexistent) chance she can take on the likes of any other contestant saved to this point. And, much as I’ve come to enjoy Blake’s take on things, his choice was based — in my opinion — on emotion rather than common sense.

And that will make it all the more difficult when fragile little Xenia gets eliminated next time.

Photo Credit: NBC

15 Responses to “The Voice – The live rounds continue….”

June 15, 2011 at 3:14 PM

While I like Patrick more than Jared, I’m with you. On no planet did she deserve to move past either of the other two (A choice that mirrors the Thompson Sisters, whom I like, over Kelsey Rey).

Though, the other choices weren’t much better. I don’t think Lily or Raquel can win, but I’m so incredibly unimpressed by Frenchie it isn’t funny.

Plus, if they kept Raquel, they could have continued making her a J-Lo clone without ever mentioning Lopez. That connection is just too fun not to make fun of.

June 15, 2011 at 3:53 PM

. . . . .


June 15, 2011 at 4:38 PM

*holds smelling salts under Michael’s nose*

June 19, 2011 at 11:45 AM

Oh, I much prefer letting him linger there, on the ground. :)

June 19, 2011 at 11:47 AM

. . . . .

Michael <——- currently reconsidering Ivey’s “friendship”

June 15, 2011 at 5:03 PM

I disagree with you about the Team Adam and Celo contestants. With the exception of the Thompson sisters, who were karokee with a capital K, I thought these teams were so much better than Team Cristina and Blake.

I can’t believe that Blake saved xenia. She has a nice unique voice but she is so awkward that it made me uncomfortable to watch her. Blake really is going to have to work hard with her.

And finally, Cristina continues to be irritating.

June 15, 2011 at 5:28 PM

I am being totally serious when I say that I had to look away while Curtis Grimes did whatever he did. OMG!!! It was just terrible!! Unreal uncomfortable. Did I mention it was really really bad?

Xenia…really? Oh the poor little thing. I’ll bet she’s been chugging Pepto since she first tried out. Probably figured she would finally be relieved of the internal torture last night. Didn’t she look like she was going to puke when Blake announced her continuing in the competition? Poor thing. Honestly.

I thought Celo’s shtick was a hoot. Completely cracked me up.

As for this review, well said, dito all around and dead on target once again. I’m willing to endure yet another week.

June 15, 2011 at 5:58 PM

Um. Nakia is O.K. and all. But he has a turrble turrble lisp. And he sweats worse than Meatloaf. (the singer, Michael.)
I heard Nakia sing … “You seth is on fiya.”
And poor Robert Palmer. He must need some Dramamine from twirling in his grave so much over that ridiculous version of his song.
I wonder how off key you would have to sing not to be “amazing” according to the judges. Cause Devon was cringe worthy tone deaf.
I like Vicci. She’s a little powerhouse.

June 15, 2011 at 7:22 PM

I’ll give kudos to Blake for his “emotional” choice. Ackward, painful to watch, and out-classed as she may be, Xenia has found a champion that will probably succeed in making a working artist out of her. There was little he was going to do to re-direct Jared or Patrick, but Xenia is already responding and overcoming stage mannerisms that would have killed her chances.

Great recap and review.

June 16, 2011 at 12:39 AM

. . . . .

You know … I thought about that, Nyela. I wondered if Blake pulled that save out of his hat to give Xenia the confidence she needs build on performance character. It makes complete and total sense.

You’re absolutely correct: There’s only so much he could teach Jared or Patrick if either had remained. There’s no possible chance Xenia can go very far, but maybe that boost from her coach will be the trick to assist her in improving all the more so …

June 15, 2011 at 10:19 PM

Ok, I’ve been holding it in because I’ve been trying to formulate a coherent argument for what I’m about to say, but I just have to blurt it out: I. HATE. THIS. SHOW!!!!! I thought I was going to like it. In fact, I did at first. But seriously…Carson is unbearable. The judges are unfunny and obviously have cotton in their ears. (Really, is nobody other than Simon Cowell willing to tell the truth?) I hate the “Social Media Room” or whatever it’s called with everyone responding on Twitter and half the contestants looking like deer in headlights not knowing what in the world is going on. Many of the singers are out of tune and/or completely clueless when it comes to performance. Most of the numbers are painful to watch. And even worse is the judges’ hokey, overtly sexual banter. It’s just gross and in bad taste.

I really should write a thoughtful piece on this. I might. But for now I just want to be immature and complain! Blah blah blah! :) I can’t even say that my love for Adam Levine saves this show … because I am so NOT into him. At all. Sorry ladies who love him.

June 16, 2011 at 12:34 AM

. . . . .

So … what you’re saying, Rachel, is that my “grouchy” comments of week’s past … aren’t so grouchy after all.

Thank you. I feel a little bit justified.

June 16, 2011 at 6:36 PM

You’re very welcome, Michael ;)

June 16, 2011 at 11:29 AM

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I’ve decided to share some of the comments from some on-line friends when I put up a link for this post and as a result of them viewing the embedded video:

(possibly former) Friend: “Seriously – you hate us.”

(another possibly former) Friend: “Geez. I don’t know why I looked.”

(yet another possibly former) Friend: “Should NOT have thought you were kidding… got about 1/5 through it and had to wash my ears out with soap!!!”

June 16, 2011 at 3:27 PM

I’m really enjoying The Voice and especially love Beverly, Nakia, Vicci, and Javier. I think Xtina made a mistake taking Frenchie over Raquel, but I do think Blake’s choice of Xenia might surprise us.

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