CliqueClack TV

My maiden voyage through Westeros – Game of Thrones – Baelor

Are you new to the 'Game of Thrones' world? Each week, I will review it from the perspective of a newbie to the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. You won't find spoilers from the book here, just a review of the show itself.

- Season 1, Episode 9 - "Baelor"

The first season of Game of Thrones is close to an end with the second-to-last episode, “Baelor.” Much of the action took place off-screen, but these events will have ramifications for quite a long time.

After weeks of betrayals, this week was all about loyalty to family, whether that family is one of blood or brotherhood. Unfortunately, loyalty came with sacrifice. It was painful to watch Ned speak out against all that he believed was right, in order to save himself for his daughter. I never thought this situation would end with Ned alive, but I never imagined it would be so dreadful. King Joffrey is ruthless. Cersei should be so proud, though even she couldn’t believe what he did. I can’t wait for his own painful death. I can only hope it is by Arya’s hand with Needle.

Ned’s “confession,” sentence, and execution scene was the most heart-wrenching, emotional one I’ve endured. It was tragic, but necessary. The days of King Robert and his Hand, Ned, were over. It’s now time for the next generation to take over. How long will Joffrey be able to hold the Iron Throne? I’m guessing his reign will be over soon, but who will take his place? Will it be a Stark? A Lannister? Or, perhaps, Stannis Baratheon?

On the other side of the salty sea, another potential heir to the throne faced death. Given the circumstances surrounding the Dothraki-Targaryen union, I wouldn’t have originally expected Dany’s sacrifice for Drogo. The love and strength of their partnership has been enthralling to watch, but I don’t think it will have a positive outcome. If Drogo lives, will their son die? If Drogo doesn’t make it, will the Dothraki turn against the Khaleesi? As much as I like the two of them together, I fear for Westeros if they make it across the water. I hope that Jorah continues to stand by Dany’s side and protect her.

Only one hour remains this season and I hope it ends with some sort of resolution, but I doubt that will happen. I expect that we will have to wait until Season Two to find out how this war will end.

Other thoughts:

  • Jon has a difficult choice between his family and the Night’s Watch. I think he will stay at the Wall, but being pulled between two strong loyalties is never easy.
  • So, Dany isn’t the last Targaryen. Maester Aemon may be old, but he remains family.
  • Tyrion’s story about his marriage and the situation surrounding it made him even more endearing. It’s a shame he’s a Lannister. Though, I still think at some point he will go against his blood family.
  • At first, I was disappointed that the two battles happened off-screen, but after watching the episode a second time I’m glad it happened that way. It created drama between the two locations with the outcomes. More importantly, all the death and killing on-screen would have desensitized the viewer and taken away from the impact of Ned’s execution.
  • Arya won’t be happy to find out she is engaged to be married, but will it ever happen? At least when the decision was made, Robb also had to make a sacrifice, though will he make it to theĀ altar?
  • Sansa lost her direwolf because of Joffrey and now her father, will she be able to forgive him? I certainly hope not. If Arya and Needle don’t get him, maybe Sansa will poison him! He needs to die.


Photo Credit: HBO

5 Responses to “My maiden voyage through Westeros – Game of Thrones – Baelor”

June 13, 2011 at 3:32 PM

I just found your blog today and enjoyed reading through your “fresh perspective” for each episode. I’ve read all the published books and while I have not been surprised by any of the events of the plot, I think the production team has still managed to make the story fresh again with this dramatic presentation. Cersei Lannister had the one-sentence synopsis for the book in her line of dialogue that she delivered in Episode 7: “In the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” I think George R.R. Martin gives one character such a line in each of the books–one that sums up the entire plot in a sentence or two.

I definitely agree with your take on the battle scenes being cut. I hadn’t thought about your angle on it though–but throwing scenes in there that remind you of the first ten minutes of “Saving Private Ryan” would have greatly minimized the impact of the execution scene.

If you stick with your plan of reading Book 1 after the season concludes, you’ll find that a lot of back story and character development is filled in, but for purposes of production, the way a number of back story items are presented to the viewer have been changed from the books. Not giving any specific spoilers, but sometimes bits of the back story that we have seen in the first nine episodes did not get explained to readers until the second or third book, and in other cases different characters communicated bits of back story. I’m definitely not complaining–I think it makes it easier to follow the plot of the TV show for new viewers that don’t have any reference to the books, and it answers some questions much more immediately than we readers had a chance to learn about them. The changes also help those of us who have read the books keep more on our toes for these subtle differences.

June 13, 2011 at 6:14 PM

The game of truth was fantastic. If only you could hand another person a cup and get the truth!

June 13, 2011 at 7:20 PM

I am happy they kept the battle scenes off camera, they are probably very expensive to shoot and they did a very good job of making us not miss them. I think it’s because of the general violence shown in other scenes, the viewer isn’t dependant on a big battle scene to see the ruthlessness present in this world.

The last scenes of Ned looking at the statue were Arya was just on top of and missing her by seconds really tore me up… so very sad.

And dang, Jorah sure looked good fighting!

June 22, 2011 at 8:25 AM

Just wondering (hoping) if we’re gonna get a recap for the finale??

June 22, 2011 at 8:59 AM

Yes. It should go up tonight or tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, I have been traveling, so that has delayed my post on the finale.

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