CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – The downside of Kraft macaroni and cheese

I personally find it funny that there are groups of people out there with an agenda against the folks at Kraft Foods. News Flash: They're just commercials, people.

Take a look at the commercial below from Kraft Foods. Take a close look … watch it a couple times. Absorb it.

After you do, answer these questions:

  • Is this a humorous commercial about macaroni and cheese … or are people jumping on the bandwagon accusing Kraft of misrepresenting the fine pawn shopping establishments of America? (They are shops, after all.)
  • Does this commercial promote children and theft? Or have advocacy groups gone off the deep end and “pawned” their senses of humor?
  • Do pawn brokers always keep baseball bats right there next to the entry gate button … or is this just a vicious urban myth?
  • And seriously: Can a kid really schlep a loaded bag of golf clubs miles from home to the local exchange all by her lonesome? (Perhaps that heaping helping of mac ‘n’ cheese has aided in her virtual superhuman strength….)

Meanwhile, in the commercial below courtesy of the fine honchos at Kraft, we have proof that redheaded children are just no good:

They’re mean … they make trouble … they’re continually up to something.

It’s true. I’m not pulling this stuff from thin air, you know. Think about some of the notorious redheads out there who have caused havoc for others: Scut Farkus from A Christmas Story … Danny Partridge (Danny Bonaduce) from The Partridge FamilyFoghorn Leghorn … the list goes on and on and on.

Now we have this kid, causing mayhem at the tender age of mean. It’s just not right. (Granted: it’s not right Pops is kyping Red’s cheesy noodles, but come on … it’s Dad, for Pete’s sake. This is part of the parenting process, a rite of passage, something parents are expected to do.)

Kids and their mac ‘n’ cheese: They’re the same as women and their chocolate, men and their sports programs.

Those guys at Kraft. Turns out they’re human after all, truth speakin’ about their product and its effect on folks.

Photo Credit: Kraft Foods, Inc.

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8 Responses to “CommercialClack – The downside of Kraft macaroni and cheese”

May 27, 2011 at 11:21 AM

Gingers gone wild!

May 27, 2011 at 11:45 AM

Boy, the Flylady people were all over that first commercial… it was ridiculous! Like pawn shops run that way, or parents feed their kids mac & cheese every night… that was actually the one they were most ‘het up’ over. It’s a commercial, for Pete’s sake, and it’s meant to make us laugh, and remember when mac & cheese was our favorite, too.

I most certainly didn’t have m&c every night growing up in the 70’s, but I dare say I had it once a week or so, usually alongside a pork chop and some broccoli with cheddar grated over it, or Farmer John link sausages and a side of green beans (yes, I grew up kind of poor). It definitely made dinner more palatable when the main entree was minute steak. My mom cooked those things to death, so the noodles and sauce helped it slide down easier.

I’ve seen some annoying or downright disturbing commercials in my time, but I think Kraft is doing okay with these.

May 27, 2011 at 12:42 PM

“Kids and their mac ‘n’ cheese: They’re the same as women and their chocolate, men and their sports programs.”

Or me and my mac ‘n’ cheese, chocolate, and sports programs. ;)

These commercials are fun and silly, and they work because kids like to think they’re smarter than adults.

May 27, 2011 at 7:38 PM

. . . . .

I will be the first to admit, Ruby: I have been outsmarted by my kids on occasion …

… and, sometimes, there was even “thinking” involved …

May 28, 2011 at 12:30 PM

The funny thing is, kids really do stuff like that – maybe not the pawn shop, but calling the police? oh yeah.

I know a little girl who dialed 911, and when the cops arrived at the door, she told them to make her little brother give her toy back. True story.

May 27, 2011 at 4:22 PM

The PC police are everywhere! Note the plate the redhead has in the commercial. Salmon and steamed green beans?! Sure … Dads everywhere fix that kind of a meal for their kids – every night!

Pawn brokers have an image problem, which is why you rarely see the three golden globes outside their doors any more. Resale Shops, Currency Exchanges, and even Fast Cash Brokers are how honest businesses just trying to get by are now advertising. But if Mac & Cheese is your drug of choice, better find an 18 yr. old with photo ID and no rap sheet to do your bargaining for you. These aren’t the innocent days of pop bottles for penny candy, Kid!

May 27, 2011 at 4:45 PM

. . . . .


May 27, 2011 at 8:23 PM

The creators of these commercials have a sense of humor. The detractors of same do not. That is all.

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