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Army Wives – Now you’re talking!

I really liked what Frank said to Roxy about Trevor’s actions during the night jump accident. As long as Trevor’s back to normal, I’m rooting for him to succeed.

- Season 5, Episode 11 - "Drop Zone"

I’ve long been wondering where most everyone on Army Wives has been heading this season, and it took until last night’s episode for many of the swirling plot lines to finally take shape. Not all of them are good — and not everyone’s involved — but at least we’re finally getting somewhere.

I don’t understand Claudia Joy. Her keeping things from Michael is completely of her making, and it was ridiculous that she didn’t share her news about passing the bar with him. But clearly the story there is going to be Michael’s for once; even Emmalin and her problems with school will take a back seat to this: General Michael Holden is falling apart.

I don’t think his being pulled over by Pamela is going to be a big deal — neither for the drinking nor for how Claudia Joy might react the next time she sees Pamela — but the fact that Michael realizes that his life in the Army is over will be seismic. I’m curious if he had any ideas in mind when he asked his former superior what the alternative to Pentagon work is; do you think Michael might consider running for office next? Could be an interesting transition for him … certainly Claudia Joy would make a great candidate’s wife.

What really bothered me about Michael’s behavior was how he treated Claudia Joy. I may not understand her “handling” Michael, but he had no reason to snap at her the way he did. I know he must be feeling all kinds of pain and disappointment in himself, but she’s never been anything other than his better half. I don’t want to watch him wallowing in misery and mistreating her.

David’s (McCarrie McCausland) homecoming was done well, and I thought the way the group embraced him was really nice. How awesome is David clicking with Finn? I loved Finn’s bug collection, “Finn’s Field Friends.”

I’m not going to try and relate to what Joan must have been feeling, opening her heart and her home to a stranger and being rejected by him. But while it’s one thing to complain about the laughable speed at which David entered the Burtons’ lives, what was with the warp speed at which Joan reacted to David’s response to her? All we saw from her was hurt and dejection, not a moment of contemplating what he’s been through in life. If all he’s ever known are female guardians, and they’ve all abandoned him, then his hesitation at getting close to Joan is obvious; if he’s never dealt properly with his loss of a beloved mother, he’d be slow to replace her. I might be jumping on her too quickly right now, but oftentimes Joan is way too about “me” … I just hope she’s not rethinking taking David in because he’s more comfortable with Roland on night two.

Trevor and Roxy seem all patched up somehow, while Denise looks to be testing the waters for a return to work … or is that more Claudia Joy doing it for her? And how about how supportive of Denise working Frank was!

Then there’s Pamela … scorned ex-partner turned poor sap whose girlfriend’s using him? That’s what she’s doing now that her war with Chase is over? Wonderful.

Army Wives Battle Buddies need to become a thing of the past [51BrcurVH8L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Army Wives Battle Buddies need to become a thing of the past [51kaTVRmJ4L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Army Wives Battle Buddies need to become a thing of the past [51J6xOgGq5L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: Lifetime

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