CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – Let’s talk crap

Do you pooh in blue? You do, you do? In a diaper of blue? With Whoopi, too?

Tara: This week, we’re talking the poop. Literally.

Michael: Oh, crap. I just have one question: What is it with you and bodily functions? Because I’m really trying to figure this dilemma out about you.

Dude in the photo? Guy with the perplexed look on his face in the helmet on the bike? That’s me. Perplexed. Confuzzled. Bewildered.

I swear, had anybody been looking at me while I was watching these two spots, I must have mirrored his countenance.

Tara: The question is not what is up with me and bodily functions, but what is up with television commercials addressing them in such an “in your face” way. Also, I had no idea you were Chinese. Ko-Nee-Chee-Wah!

I’m interested in your opinion of the women “checking out” the baby in that first one. I mean, isn’t that kinda sick?

He’s. A. Baby.

And! What about the copy? Puh-leeze. “And when it’s number two,  I look like number one. I pooh in blue.” Geez. Why is this funny? Thoughts?

Michael: The inanity of these spots is beyond my comprehension, Tara. Either the directors got too much sun before the shoots or they were first-timers who won a bet. *shakes head in amazement*

But please explain to me: What do any of the characters Whoopi plays have to do with the subject of the piece? Am I missing something? Help me out here.

Tara: Again, I point out the ridiculous dialogue. “And when I laugh, I kind of spritz,” etc. I’m gaggin’! Also, why would Whoopi want everyone to think what they will logically think upon viewing this ad … “Good golly. Is Whoopi incontinent? She “must” be to endorse these! Poor gal!” I know at least now I will always have that *ick* feeling when I see her. I’ll wonder: “Uh oh, she just sneezed. Did she just … do it?” She’s ruined for me.

Michael: Tara? I. Have. No. Words.

Tara: … finally …

Michael: Hokay … you might hate me, but I didn’t even crack a smile at any of The Whoopster’s incarnations. Perhaps because she is as unfunny in the spots as incontinence. That’s what I’m thinking.

Wait … wait … a thought just occurred to me: Was she trying to be funny … and I missed it?

Tara: Yes. And she does that every, single day on The View. Obviously you’ve never seen it.

Photo Credit: YouTube

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11 Responses to “CommercialClack – Let’s talk crap”

May 20, 2011 at 10:00 AM

The reasoning behind why both of these commercials were made the way they were eludes me, but in trying to find the silver lining I just kept telling myself, “At least it’s not another fracking ED commercial.” I find an odd sense of comfort in that.

May 21, 2011 at 12:04 AM

Maybe we should do a ED commercial. That would make Michael faint.

May 21, 2011 at 12:12 AM

That shouldn’t be hard, they seem to pop up everywhere. You might even get a rise out of Michael.

May 21, 2011 at 12:47 AM

That’s my exact same reaction to every ED commercial. Some things are better left between a doctor and a patient.

May 20, 2011 at 6:38 PM

. . . . .

And here I was hoping you could explain this crap to me, Tom

May 20, 2011 at 11:07 PM

Sorry Michael, I’m too pooped.

May 20, 2011 at 6:44 PM

Both commercials are ridiculous. If I were Whoopie or anyone, I’d be embarrassed to endorse these products. The diaper one is so stupid. But thanks for the laugh, gurl!

May 20, 2011 at 6:48 PM

. . . . .

Michael < ------- obviously chopped liver

*glares at Maureen*

May 21, 2011 at 12:05 AM

Don’t you glare at my gurl. It’s my byline, so therefor, I’m funnier. Plus, I’m just funnier.

May 21, 2011 at 8:56 AM

I think it was about the time June Allyson became a spokeswoman for Depends that I quit trying to understand why advertising people do what they do.

Hmmm … one in three? Tara, Maureen, Nyela – that makes three. Come on, one of you ‘fess up.

Anyone got the statistics on ED? Tom? Michael? After all, commercials are here to educate, right?

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