CliqueClack TV

American Idol – James Durbin gets “Daughtried”

Another surprise elimination results in 'Idol' losing its dynamic rocker, whose "give rock a chance" motto left a mark.

- Season 10, Episode 36 - "Top 4 Elimination"

The landscape looked rather similar five years ago: The Top 4 were Taylor Hicks, Katharine McPhee, Elliot Yamin, and Chris Daughtry.

And on a night very much like last night, a surprise was in store then for Chris Daughtry, just as it was Thursday for James Durbin. It’s where the term “Daughtried” (“surprise elimination”) came from. Chris Daughtry was a heavy favorite on Season 5 of American Idol. He was electric … likable … dynamic. He was definitely a rocker. But his front-runner status only got him as far as the Top 4.

And James Durbin, the electric, likable, dynamic, definite rocker followed in his footsteps by being “Daughtried” five seasons later from the Top 4. He was a surprise elimination no one saw coming.

The surprising fact of the matter is he didn’t garner enough votes to remain in the competition. But others will decry that his downfall was his screaming. (“He’s just another stupid Adam Lambert!”) Or his emotional waterworks. (“Dude cried all the time!”) Or his interesting physical attributes. (“You didn’t really think someone with Asperger’s and Tourette Syndrome could actually win Idol, did you?”)

But regardless of your take on James, he knew how to work a song, whether a tender ballad or a rocking anthem.

You may have been “Daughtried” James, but it was a fun ride, and you did make a lot of people “give rock a chance” ….

Photo Credit: FOX

8 Responses to “American Idol – James Durbin gets “Daughtried””

May 13, 2011 at 2:15 PM

The only two reasons…wait, 3 reasons I enjoyed Ido this year: Steven Tyler, Casey, and James…I’ll hang on to the end…but I will miss James! He’s amazing–just downloaded all his tunes and Casey’s on iTunes for some rockin’ fun! ;) Both guys will have an amazing career–can’t wait for their cd’s!

May 13, 2011 at 2:33 PM

…… I had a soft spot for Casey too, Shaya. James had some awesome staging with his songs. The BEST! He’s going to UP and I felt awful for him last night. Losing Paul broke my heart. Cute little sh*t anyway….. *sigh*

May 13, 2011 at 2:28 PM

…….. My gosh. You could have knocked me over with a feather. After they made Lauren safe I thought …. ‘wait a minute…. something really bad is going to happen here’ I knew it was going to be one of the guys leaving. I was hoping for a James/Scotty finale even though I’ve been a Haley fan. *so shoot me….. I like her*

I think the bigger story of this week is GaGa looked like a transvesite skunk wednesday night. MY GAWD…….

May 13, 2011 at 2:41 PM

Idol is like a crap shoot…never ever knowing which way the dice will land and who will crap out!

May 13, 2011 at 2:57 PM

I was totally shocked. I was SURE it was going to be a finale with James and Scotty. Lauren is cute but she did not deserve to be in the top 3. Hey Gloria, I like Haley too! Now I hope it is between Haley and Scotty. Casey was my favorite but James was definitely a fan favorite so, they must have thought he was safe. He’s going to be like Daughtry and have a big career anyway.

May 13, 2011 at 3:16 PM

It should have been Haley!!!!

May 13, 2011 at 3:51 PM

So, did Haley benefit from the Casey voters? Did Lauren win them over with Trouble? Did the Gaga gag reflex make Scotty a winner? Did I really just see Chris Daughtry ride by on the back of a shark?

Tune in next week and we will answer none of these questions, because THIS. IS. AMERICAN. IDOL!!

May 13, 2011 at 8:22 PM

Ok, so I have a few opinions to add.. *clears throat*..

1. Haley should have gone, that is a no brainer.

2. Being Daughtry-fied is NOT such a bad thing.. just ask Chris.

3. (and most importantly).. THERE’S NO CRYING IN HEAVY METAL!! ugh!

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