CliqueClack TV

But for two instances, American Idol was uninspirative

A superbly performed Leiber and Stoller tune highlighted the 'Idol' night. Plus, only one inspirational song actually WAS inspirational.

- Season 10, Episode 35 - "The Top 4 Perform"

I was going to squawk about Lady Gaga, a mentor who shouldn’t even have appeared on American Idol. Why? Because Jimmy Iovine (and I’ve said this time and again) told us there would be no mentors this season on Idol. But that’s rather the moot point … isn’t it? (By the by, her makeup scared the crap out of me.)

Hokay … how ’bout I bark about the judges and what they’re hearing … or not hearing, as is usually the case? But no point there, either, as they’re still pulling the same glad-handing, cutesy critiques they’ve been pulling all season. *sigh*

Well, that leaves dissecting inspirational songs and the Leiber and Stoller Songbook, the themes of this episode. And if you think themes such as those would lend to a good show, you might have another thing coming.

For his inspirational take, James Durbin chose Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'” … and it wasn’t that good. Adequate is the best I can come up with. I’ll tell you what wasn’t adequate, however — it was Randy Jackson’s post-performance gushing at James. Randy was talking out his ass. James performed nowhere near as well as Randy made it out to be. So even here, at this stage of the game with the Top 4, we see the judges still have no common sense and would rather kowtow to the kids rather than tell it like it is. I shouldn’t be left flabbergasted, but I am.

Haley Reinhart’s take on Michael Jackson’s “Earth Song” was outright painful; her screaming especially. You couldn’t not miss it. If you needed a restroom break during her stint, you could have heard her powering through the song through the closed door. But! In an interesting turnabout, Randy throws the kitchen sink at her as to what was wrong with her song interpretation … and I had to wonder: Where did that come from … ?!? Where was that kind of critique for James a few moments prior? Oh. That’s right. It was “Don’t Stop Believin'” a song Randy’s played a thousand times before, so it was difficult for him to come down on it, right? Conversely, it was nice to see Haley throw it right back at Randy and stand her ground, regardless of her craptastic performance.

“Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)” was Scotty McCreery’s choice for an inspirational tune. Nothing I say here is going to be original: It was timely, it touched people, it resounded with everyone, and it was the absolute perfect song for him to do.  (“You know what chew (sic) did?” JLo asked Scotty post-performance. I don’t know who “Chew” is, but JLo obviously did. Or … maybe it was just the “ethnic” coming out in her.)

Lastly, it was  Martina McBride’s  “Anyway,” committed by Lauren Alaina. And it was committed, all right … committed to the annals of “MehDom,” as it was a bore. Look … when someone (Steven Tyler in this case) compares what you did to a “Blue Plate Special,” it’s not a compliment. Not by a long shot. In other words, Steven couldn’t come up with a better metaphor. That doesn’t bode well. On the flip side, you have these respective quotes from Randy and JLo: “That was a great vocal performance.” “You know what was wrong with that performance? Absolutely nothing!” And both quotes were pure bullshit. Just because “Anyway” was Lauren’s song inspiration doesn’t let her off the hook … it was performed lifelessly. In some ways her performance was akin to Jacob Lusk’s swan song from the previous week — if you’re going to fill it with nothing but sucky effort, you need to be called on it not praised for it. *yeesh*

Let’s move on to the Leiber and Stoller Songbook and see if anything improves. But, wait … just for a moment, let’s consider three words for a second: Leiber. Stoller. Gaga. See anything that doesn’t fit? Anything wrong here? Yeah, I thought you’d pick up on that.

Despite each Idols‘ dubious familiarity with their tunes, Haley certainly came out with maximum capitalization for her effort. Matter of fact, she freakin’ hit it out of the park. Her “I Who Have Nothing” was an outstanding undertaking, and she made the absolute most of it. Scary as Lady Gaga’s mentoring and makeup were, they seemed to inject some much needed *umph* into Haley’s second turn on stage:

Scotty’s tune, however, was a disaster. I don’t know if he was trying to channel last week’s “Gone,” or if Lady Gaga’s mentoring session simply unnerved him, but his interpretation of “Youngblood” was clownish, an over-theatrical mess. Did. Not. Work. And Randy? Get real. “We didn’t see … both sides of a Scotty concert” because that is not who he is. “Scotty and Lady Gaga … I can’t think of a better fit,” Jimmy Iovine commented. His joke fell out of his mouth just as flat as the performance.

And good gordness: Lauren’s “Trouble” certainly was for her. She started out convincingly enough. And she made an attempt to get into the lyrics, but fell apart when the tempo of the song picked up. You could see the air being let out of her tires, the song and her confidence deflating right before our very eyes. It was almost uncomfortable.

And wow, James’ “Love Potion #9″ took on a life of its own … and not a good one, either. It was a stuttering, elongated, protracted, stretched out and pregnant slough. I couldn’t even call his ending theatrical or comical. It was just a mess, plain and simple.

Scotty and James have nothing to worry about. Haley doesn’t either. The truth of the matter is Lauren can’t keep her chin held high, and her confidence manifested into stage presence that cries “bold winner” when she’s up there. It will be her downfall.


Photo Credit: FOX

11 Responses to “But for two instances, American Idol was uninspirative”

May 12, 2011 at 12:16 PM

I liked the inspirational performances more than you Michael. but the whole Gaga thing was painful to watch and I didn’t see that she helped any of them except maybe Haley. Haley performance definitely should put her in the top 3. I totally agree with you about Lauren and James last performances. Embarrassing and painful. And I would be shocked if it isn’t Lauren that goes home. BTW, you missed all the fun last night! LOL!

May 12, 2011 at 6:03 PM

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Of the four inspirational performances, Maureen, all but Scotty’s were gag(a)-tastic.

Don’t get me wrong: I love inspirational music at the right moment (read: gospel or in church or in the mood) or when done correctly (read: well). But James, Haley and Lauren didn’t do any of those things, not even in the remotest sense. Thus, my comments.

May 12, 2011 at 12:31 PM

You’re so right. Haley’s “I Who Have Nothing” was the best of the night. When she sings like that, I really like her.

Scott did a good job with his first song, but the second one was so awkward. He does this T-rex thing with his hands that bugs me so much. I wish someone would tell him to stop that.

James… I’m so bored with him. I feel like he never does anything different with his voice or his songs. It always comes down to screaming and generic rock poses (ending your performance with a fist in the air? Are you auditioning for a guest spot on Glee?).

I think Lauren did a decent job with “Anyway” – it wasn’t boring, but I’ll admit it wasn’t thrilling. But you’re right, she’s lifeless in general. That was more apparent with the second song, because she was trying to move around a bit. She’s so sluggish, even when she’s swiveling her hips and prancing around. It’s like someone drugged her. Where’s the spark? She’s got a great voice, but she doesn’t give off any energy. Maybe if she drank a few cans of Red Bull before the show…

May 12, 2011 at 6:03 PM

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Ruby: I will admit to Haley’s “I Who Have Nothing” giving me goosebumps. Honestly.When she sings like that, nothing can stop her.

Whereas I was in James’ corner for winning this thing, I’m now vacillating between he and Scotty. Scotty’s got it going on a lot of different fronts.

And I’ll recant my “boring” comment about Lauren and change it to “bland” instead. She wasn’t boring because I caught myself mesmerized during her “Anyway” performance; I wanted to see where she would take it … and she didn’t. She didn’t take it anywhere. I kept waiting for something, anything that would cause me to cheer her, but it didn’t come. “Cute as a bug’s ear” will only get you so far.

May 12, 2011 at 12:34 PM

I guess you had your snark producer fixed, didn’t you, Uncle Gabby? If you truly cut the judges’ out of the picture, Lady Gag-gag, and Jimmy Iovine’s lack of judgement in even bringing Lady Gag-gag there in the first place, the night was not nearly the fizzle you described.

Randy was third string quarterback when Simon was there and the female judges played his counterpoint. Randy is third string quarterback now to Steven’s banter and JLo’s gushing. Who thought I would ever long for the old stand-by “pitchy”.

But this season still has the best Top 4 from any previous season. When we get to the two songs a week stage of the competition, the contestants usually work on one to the detriment of the other. Scotty’s career is solidly launched, and I think he’s got his head on straight. Lauren will make a good opening act for Scotty’s concerts … with the occasional duet to make her look good. [BTW – Didn’t she have some “ouch” moments of flat as a pancake on her second song? Or are my ears going bad?]

James still has a lot to learn about what is commercial and what isn’t, and he isn’t going to learn that here. Haley thinks she already is a star, but the concert tour will take that out of her.

I like your writing, and a lot of your specific comments are awesome, but last night’s show was more enjoyable than the impression you give here. [Uninspirative? Really? Where’s my OED?]

May 12, 2011 at 6:04 PM

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Nyela: I appreciate that it was enjoyable to you. Everyone has different trigger trippers. And no, of course the night didn’t “fizzle”, but it certainly didn’t have any snap, crackle or pop. A majority of the show was gunmetal gray for some of the contestants. And, for me anyway, I’m either becoming acclimated (in a blue plate special kind of way) to James’ screaming and theatrics or I’m paying them no mind.

Did I leave you with the impression it was not an enjoyable episode? Because I don’t believe I said any such thing up there. I chided and snarked and called out and whined and verbally pointed and exclamated and such. But I didn’t say I didn’t enjoy the show. There’s always something to talk about in an Idol episode … but not always something I want to talk about.

You bet: Lauren did have some “ouch” moments. There were foibles in that performance along with the bland. Your ears aren’t failing you. And I’m on board with your James assessment. He can work it, but there are times things don’t. Just like Scotty: Was he trying to recreate his “Gone” moment from before? Because, if so, it didn’t work this time around.

And I’ll stand by my wrap-up, Nyela, as well as nod at you that you found the performance enjoyable, but there were few there for me to do same.

May 12, 2011 at 1:50 PM

One thing positive about Lady GaGa and her makeup…she can go out in public minus it and no one would have a clue who she is. Other then that..once again…Haley was the shinning star of the night!

May 12, 2011 at 6:04 PM

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You ain’t kiddin’, Mikki

May 12, 2011 at 3:32 PM

I have erased what I have written 3x so as not to be too unkind to the “mentor”, but that was an extremely poor choice of mentor.

May 12, 2011 at 6:08 PM

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Don’t hold back, bsgfan2003! Let it all out!

May 12, 2011 at 6:20 PM

Fine then, someone should find gaga a good exorcist, because she seems possessed. Scotty’s instict to kiss his Crucifix was well founded.

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