CliqueClack TV

Parks and Recreation – A real goddess

Everybody's making great strides this week on 'Parks and Recreation:' Leslie takes control of her womanhood, Ben gets away from his bedbugs, and April and Andy buy silverware (and marshmallow shooters).

We’ve seen a little bit of Jerry’s art talent – most notably when Leslie threw his painting into the lake during the series premiere – but this week we get to see just how magnificent he can be. He creates a totally rockin’ painting for the public art show of a centaur who just happens to look exactly like Leslie (and have a spectacular rack). It also involved Tom as a fat baby which just somehow works.

Seeing herself with said awesome rack, getting ready to put an arrow into the ass of anyone who would dare mess with her is just what Leslie needed to get her groove back. She’s been beaten down by government lately, and hasn’t been her usual take-charge self. With a boss as hands-off as Ron Swanson, it’s easy to see how Leslie would have trouble with Chris trying to tell her what to do – especially when it comes to matters of the heart, a place Ron dares not tread.

I still love how Ben and Leslie still haven’t actually verbalized feelings for each other, but seem to have come to some sort of unspoken agreement. Even Ben said to Andy, “I think we like each other,” instead of, “I think I like her,” when Andy was asking him about the weird vibe in the room when he and April came home.

That’s pretty impressive, considering that Leslie and Ben are giant goons who have been tiptoeing around each other for the entire season. The last two episodes have shown a lot of progression though, so I can’t wait to see where this leads.

I also sincerely hope that we get to see more of Ben turning April and Andy into adults. While the whole “eating turkey chili out of a frisbee” thing was a bit over the top, it was nice to see the apartment of a young, underemployed couple that doesn’t look like a Pottery Barn catalog. I’ve lived in my fair share of crappy apartments, and you rarely see one on TV. April and Andy’s really works in that I can almost taste the lead paint on the walls.

Their relationship and married life is so weird and interesting to me. We’ve gotten a few glances into it so far, so I’m really hoping that we get to see more of Ben living with them and what that life is like. Although with all of their rent money spent on XBOX 360s and stuff from Bed, Bath & Beyond, I’m not entirely sure how much longer they’ll actually have a place in which they can all be roommates.


Photo Credit: parks and recreation

4 Responses to “Parks and Recreation – A real goddess”

April 28, 2011 at 10:20 PM

Ben taking a peek at the painting was about the cutest thing ever. Can I just fold him up and take him home with me?

April 29, 2011 at 3:46 PM

If neither of them pay any bills, how did they even get a house and still have electricity?

April 29, 2011 at 4:13 PM

His friend Burley had been living there up until recently and I think they were paid up until that point (by Burley). Now they are going to milk Ben for all they can:)

April 29, 2011 at 6:23 PM

So when do you consider it pornography?

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