CliqueClack TV

Dancing With the Stars – Darn those sparkly costumes!

Geez. Now Karina took a nasty spill on Dancing With the Stars. Live T.V. is sure unpredictable. That's why it's such fun!

- Season 12, Episode 11 - "Season 12, Episode 11"

I’ve been picking on Ralph Macchio so far this season on Dancing With the Stars. He’s dorky and squeaky clean. And his arm quote unquote movements just make me laugh. I mean, even look at him in this picture. He positions his arms worse than C3PO sometimes. But that doesn’t mean I was wishing him ill will or anything. So when his partner Karina tripped on his massive cape-like thingy costume this week, I must admit to a small gasp. I knew something bad had happened, but because of the camera angle, we couldn’t really see what a big bumpy spill it was until the replay. However,  the audience reaction said it all. You could hear the oohs and ahhs, and then sense the massive support when Ralph picked her up and kept on going.

This is the second fall this season, next to Kirstie and Maks a couple weeks back. I have to say, I admire the way these celebs can keep it together when something bad happens and push on through. I’m not surprised. After all, Kirstie and Ralph are actors, and everyone knows the show must go on. I just know that I myself would probably stop and gawk if my pro partner wiped out. Or start laughing or panicking. Good thing you’re not watching me on this show then, huh?

The judges scores seem to take into account how hard it is to dust yourself off after a mishap and move along, too. If only we average folks got some sort of points or perks for plucking along in real life. Wouldn’t that be fabulous? Let’s say, when you go to get your taxes done, the Jackson Hewitt lady says “Hmm, the federal government wanted me to tell you they just loved the way you didn’t take any hostages when you lost your job, and went and replaced it with those three part-time positions. You get a Snickers, and an additional 12 thousand dollars for playing along!” If only life imitated art sometimes.

Well, THAT was certainly a digression. I hope you were able to follow me. It’s been a rather long day. Anyhow!

Let’s talk about the couples …

Kirstie and Maks: Although I would have told Maks there would be no way I’d shake my butt at the camera if I were Kirstie, I thought she was right back on track this week. And man! You can literally see those pounds dropping off her! Word is she’s lost 30 already. Go girl! And give Maks an extra grope for me.

Chris and Cheryl: They’ve always bored me. They’re still boring me. Why can I not get on board with these two? And why does Cheryl look thin one week, and have thighs like a tank the next? I’m confused.

Hanson at the breaks: Someone should tell the producers the theme “Guilty Pleasures” does NOT equal the Hansons. I mean, please. Was Chris Isaak not available? Now he’s a guilty pleasure baby!

Romeo and Chelsea: Romeo’s a player. he makes me sneer inadvertently.  And if anyone’s guilty pleasure after all this time is the song “My Heart Will Go On,” then you need some therapy. My. That was mean.

Chelsea and Mark: I don’t know if you’ve ever sprained your ankle, but I have a couple of times (just call me Grace) and when I saw Mark’s injury in rehearsal, I literally cringed. Good for him for performing. These two are my unabashed favorites.  Chelsea better find some competitiveness in her though, cause if you “love everyone”, you’re not getting the trophy. Get em Chelsea!

Kendra and Louis: Oh good grief. It was a strip fest. All that shaking just made me think of my Aunt’s jello molds, but the guys that are trapped by their girlfriends into watching this show are going to vote their asses off. Sigh.  And! Did Bruno actually say “Attack of the killer boobs?” Help me.

Hines and Kym: He’s around for awhile. But I thought only Carrie Ann was spot on about him tonight, when she said she could see him “thinking.” Me too.

What say you, friends? Who’s going home? I think it may be Chris …



Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Dancing With the Stars – Darn those sparkly costumes!”

April 26, 2011 at 7:10 PM

I looked away for a second and missed Karina falling. The judges were babbling on about it and I was clueless. So often Carrie Ann InBlahblah picks out stupid crap no one else, not even Len, took notice of. So, there ya have it.
Bruno’s Elton John video about left me mortified. I love that song and the video never gave me much thought. But now? Egads! MY EYES! MY EYES!

April 26, 2011 at 11:37 PM

I’m with you Marissa on that video and Bruno. That was way too much that I didn’t want to see and hope I never see again.

Well Gurl, great review. I personally have been a fan of Ralph’s from the beginning. He did a great job picking up and Karina’s fall. Still am entertained by Kirstie so, I was glad she did well this week. Kendra and Cheryl are both so irritating so, I wish they’d both leave. I am thinking the end will be Hines and Chelsea but who knows.

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