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Modern Family- Who would you give your kid to?

If Luke is not only "normal," but actually "above average," what does that say about the rest of us?

It’s a decision every parent has had to make: who will take your child if something terrible happens to you. On this week’s Modern Family, the hijinks were turned up a notch, but it was still something that Cam and Mitch had to think about. After careful consideration, I have to say I’d give my kid to Jay and Gloria too.

Yes, Phil and Claire are the more natural choice, as they’re younger and are currently raising three children. Despite all of the wackiness in the episode, they’re raising three good children. Sure, Luke’s weird and Haley’s kind of shallow, but none of them seem to be doing drugs, drinking, or prostituting themselves out in general.

However, there’s the fact that three children make you tired, and Claire is kind of a crazy-pants. Plus, Phil is wont to wrap their mini-van with ill-conceived images of his family. There’s also the fact that as a one-income family with their entire livelihood based on the real estate market, I’m kind of shocked that they’re even afloat at all. How much longer can that really last?

That’s not to say Jay and Gloria don’t have their downsides: Jay, for instance, is probably going to be dead before Lily graduates high school. While Gloria is insane. Good thing Lily is a mute, because who knows what would start coming out of her mouth if she actually learned to talk. Hair rings? Also, I could definitely see Gloria taking full advantage of having a girl and turning into a pageant mom. Taking photos of your baby dressed as Carmen Miranda is hilarious, but having her actually trot up on a stage all spray tanned and using “pretty hands” is much more disturbing.

And let’s not even pretend that Cam’s family is an option. Because it isn’t.

The other thing that I found interesting about this episode is the fact that we’ve seen some evidence that Phil is smarter than he seems, but we really haven’t seen much from Luke other than that he’s a lovable idiot. Now we know that he’s a lovable, resourceful idiot, but I was still kind of surprised to hear the therapist call him “above-average.” What does that make “average?”

I also enjoyed the subtle “naughty” jokes that were thrown out. Phil’s wordless closing of the limo door after congratulating the happy couple, and Haley’s, “That’s not feet” in the locker room were both hilarious.

Overall, it was a strong episode — but I really want Lily to say something. She’s starting to freak me out a little bit.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | General | Modern Family | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Modern Family- Who would you give your kid to?”

April 21, 2011 at 9:59 AM

Great episode. The thing I didn’t get was Cameron and Mitchell making such a big deal about Gloria getting Lily’s ears pierced. Lots of parents get their babies’ ears pierced. I think it’s actually better to do it when the kid is too young to know what’s going on. She won’t even remember it! And now that it’s done, why would they let the holes fill in? Why make her go through it again when she’s older?

April 21, 2011 at 10:03 AM

I’m totally with Mitch and Cam on that one. I would be horrified if someone did that to my baby. I know a lot of people do it and for many it’s cultural, but if it were my baby – no way. It’s unnecessary and dangerous.

April 21, 2011 at 10:41 AM

You’re right, it’s probably cultural. But why let the holes fill in now that it’s done? My ears were pierced when I was a toddler, but I kept fussing with the earrings so my mom took them away and let the holes fill in – and I’ve never had the courage to get my ears pierced again. I really wish she hadn’t let the holes fill in, because now I want to wear earrings, but I’m a total wuss when it comes to needles. :-) I think Gloria saved Lily some potential trauma, and Mitch and Cam should let her wear her little baby earrings.

April 21, 2011 at 12:17 PM

Maybe your mom shouldn’t has raised a wimp. ;)


The episode was fun, I love the “It’s not feet” line.

April 21, 2011 at 4:54 PM

If it were me, I would have been angry too. But only because I think ear piercing is a right of passage of sorts. I don’t want someone else taking my little girl to have her ears peirced. I want to take her. I think of it along the same lines as the first haircut. :)

April 21, 2011 at 9:04 PM

KIDS need music more than ever!!! I did NOT appreciate the Anti-Music message given during last nights show. The writers need to undo the damage they’ve done. Music helps with brain development. The writers seem to be sensitive about other issues – but they REALLY missed the boat on this.

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