CliqueClack TV

Here’s lookin’ up your old address, American Idol

Come Wednesday nights, it's not the stellar performances we look forward to. Per our host and buddy Ryan Seacrest, it's all about the 'cringe-chendos'.

- Season 10, Episode 27 - "The Top 8 Perform"

I don’t know what all the talk was last night about “stellar performances.”Did I miss these performances? Did I nod off or something? I don’t recollect taking any restroom breaks when they could have come on. Nor did I step outside for a breath of fresh air. I don’t believe there were any stellar performances. Someone’s pulling my leg.

I’ll tell you what I did see last night on American Idol — the same old glad-handing by the judges throughout the night. (Where was that waterboard … er … I mean Critique-O-Dunk Tank I suggested to help things along?) I saw the weird and the leery come out of Steven Tyler once again. (“Here’s to lookin’ up your old address” he oozed at Haley Reinhart after her rendition of “Call Me”.) I witnessed the Twizzler-flimsy moves of our resident scarecrow Paul McDonald flailing about the stage right from the start. I saw an offering by Scott McCreery which in my opinion was a mistake — “I Cross My Heart” over Harry Nilsson’s Grammy Award winning “Everybody’s Talkin'” from Midnight Cowboy.

And even though I’m taking Ryan Seacrest’s words out of context, they sum up this episode to a “T”: “… it definitely illustrates the insane level of uncertainty.” Yes … it certainly does.

I’ve decided to take three performances from Idol’s Music Of The Movies night and look into them a bit deeper. (The other contestants’ stage appearances I’m discounting as “just there.” Nothing spectacular about any of them, despite what the judges may have said.)

Casey Abrams sings Nat King Cole’s “Nature Boy”: Damn … was this move by Casey bold as all get out. I was all chest-puffed-out proud at himĀ  for sticking to his guns and not backing down on his song choice. But “Nature Boy” … ??? Really?

Not only was it a tough tune to tackle (a myriad of things could have gone wrong with it), but who today even knows about this tune in the bubblegum world of American Idol? (Except for me and a bunch of my ancient friends who are music freaks, I mean.) Still, I liked Casey’s “damn the torpedoes” fearlessness in thumbing his nose in Jimmy Iovine’s direction.

The result? I liked it, but there were some quirky things going on in Casey’s version. Interesting growls. Extended lengths of strange. A bit of seemingly appropriate but still odd skat punctuating the end of the song. As much as I thought his turn was bold and ballsy, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if he winds up once again in The Bottom Three.

Jacob Lusk sings “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”: This was nothing less than the perfect choice for Jacob. Dude’s very gratuitous with those plentiful runs though, isn’t he? It’s one of those signature characteristics he offers when he sings. It’s ingrained in him, practically expected when he takes the stage. I’m not a big fan of Jacob … but there are times when I’ve admired the cut of his jib. And with this performance? It fit him well.

(Funny Aside: Mr. Seacrest was enamored with his “cringe-chendos” during the performance. Whatta goof.)

Lastly, James Durbin getting his wail on. Again, here we have a song (Sammy Hagar’s “Heavy Metal”) which appears to be something not a lot of people have knowledge of. I happen to remember it fondly; I was at the premiere of Heavy Metal when it came out in the summer of ’81. It’s a bit of an awkward song, but James handled it well. He stuck it right back at Jimmy Iovine just the same as Casey did before him, holding fast to what he believed was the right thing to do. And, once again, it worked.

The difference between James and Casey taking chances and standing their ground, however, is that James isn’t in any danger of landing in The Bottom Three for having sung this rock rip-roarer; Casey very well may be.

Stellar performances? No. I don’t think so. Even calling out the three videos above and reviewing them once again, they fall short of “stellar” … way short.

Different? Bold? Daring? Yes. But not stellar.

Photo Credit: FOX

8 Responses to “Here’s lookin’ up your old address, American Idol”

April 14, 2011 at 10:30 AM

Michael..your descrition of Paul was stellar!!! When he dances around I think he looks drunk. But when you described him as a is it!!! I thought his performance was bad karoake..I FF ,thank goodness for the DVR. Scotty is so boring and I am a fan of country music. Casey is at least interesting and different. Haley doesn’t seem to ‘feel’her songs at all..she just signs them smiling away. She could sing a song about death and world destruction and smile and flip her hair the whole time.
The judges just seem like fans..adoring fans!

April 14, 2011 at 10:38 AM

. . . . .


Paul is Ray Bolger’s The Wizard Of Oz Hunk/ Scarecrow reincarnate.


Though, last night he did look like a stand-in reject from The Three Amigos, the awful 1986 vehicle starring Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short.

All he was missing was the sombrero.

April 14, 2011 at 10:50 AM

Michael, you made me spit my coffee out I was laughing so hard. I can picture him in that line-up now for the Three Amigos. If you are a guy and Steven Tyler compliments your outfit you know it’s out there and you should be questioning your taste levels.
If you are a 16 year old girl and he compliments your outfit..well that’s a whole different story!!

April 14, 2011 at 1:03 PM

Well even though it was a great song for James and he did a good job, hate personally HATE heavy metal. I just wanted to mute the TV during the whole performance. Still he will be safe.

I loved Casey but I agree with you. I am worried that because the “kids” don’t know the song, he may be in trouble. I voted a lot for him though so, I did my part.

Jacob IMO just looks like he is in pain the whole time he is singing. I just have a hard time watching him and not feeling that the song his is singing is depressing.

Lauren will be popular with the kids for singing a Miley song. Not me though.

Scotty definitely should have picked “Everybody’s Talkin’ at Me” but he is so popular with the grannies and the young girls, it doesn’t matter.

To me, Jacob and Stefano are the male Pia’s. Nice voices but boring.

OK, that’s my take. Great review.

April 14, 2011 at 10:16 PM

I like Paul!!! I don’t like Jacob. I am sad that Paul is gone so there you go.

April 14, 2011 at 11:54 PM

I thought Scotty’s choice of “Cross My Heart” was much better than clip of the cheesy way he was singing “Everybody’s Talkin'”. It is an overdone song, and sometimes when he gets stuck in his lower register he sounds like a parody of a country star instead of a current artist.

Michael, you are completely on track with the 3 Amigos comparison. I was trying to think what that suit reminded me of, and you got it. It didn’t have quite enough spangle to be one of Porter’s old suits, but I can easily imagine Steve Martin in it.

Steven Tyler needs to check the birth certificates of the contestants before he comments on their appearance. Crazy ol’ rocker is one thing, but Dirty Old Man is quite another.

August 10, 2011 at 6:11 PM

Hello. I see that you are using one of my images for your blog (Let’s go to the Movies). It is copyrighted and should not be used without my permission.


August 10, 2011 at 7:45 PM

. . . . .


Done and done. I’ve e-mailed you as well.

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