CliqueClack TV

Dancing With the Stars – For the first elimination I predict …

The couples on 'Dancing With the Stars' have had two weeks to show us what they think they're made of, before the first elimination Wednesday night. To me a few people could gladly go home, but I can only pick one. So here goes.

- Season 12, Episode 2 - "Season 12, Episode 2"

I’ve teased you enough to get you to read this article. But hey! The competition is fierce for your attention on the internet. And the competition is going to be fierce on Dancing With the Stars this season. But we’ll have to wait a few more weeks I’m afraid. For now Psycho Mike Catherwood is dancing history. He came out badly out of the box last week, and although he was a might better this week, he was still compared to “flies stuck on flypaper” and “a wasp at a picnic” by the judges. You’d notice if you weren’t so distracted by Lacey Schwimmer frolicking in a bikini. (I personally have noticed that when Lacey gets stuck with a bad partner, we see less and less costumes on her. Sort of like “Hey! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”)

Having said that, I’ll break the others down briefly. (Wait. Was that another dig on Lacey? Tara’s mean.)

Sugar Ray and Anna: I think the Sug’s days are numbered. He’s older, and for a boxer, we ain’t seeing too much fancy footwork.

Kendra and Louis: I wasn’t very surprised that Kendra had a meltdown over the whole “being a lady” thing. I watched her on that Bunny show, and she really is an amazingly athletic tomboy. She’ll stick for awhile because of her coordination. Oh. And “chesticles.” Chesticles always help, even if they do scare her partner Louis.

Chelsea and Louis: Sometimes I feel like I’m on a different planet than these judges. I loved her! The choreography was out there (in a good way), the costumes were excellent and she did not miss a step. She is one to watch.

Kirstie and Maks: I am so digging these two. I really thought they’d be at each other’s throats, but it seems to be a witty and equal partnership. And the girl moves for someone her age and size. You’re not going to see any fat jokes from me about her all season. I’ve started Zumba and have 20 pounds to lose. Just tonight, I could have cheerfully barfed after class. What she’s doing at a much larger size and with much more intensity brings out kudos from me! So there.

Wendy and Tony: I don’t know why I’ve always disliked Tony, bu there it is. Wendy is rather clunky, and frankly she’s a might bit scary isn’t she? Not that I have anything against women with very deep voices and attitude. No. Not at all. Really. Don’t hurt me. Especially when I say she’s the next to go ba bye.

Ralph and Karina: You don’t have to be a rocket surgeon to see this lovable dork moving right along for several weeks. (And no. I’ve never seen Karate Kid. Shoot me.)

Hines and Kim: I usually don’t like the football players on this show, but this guy is endearing. And he can dance. Who knew?

Chris and Cheryl: Chris admits he’s afraid of Cheryl, and frankly I don’t blame him. She’s a taskmaster. One of those kind of people who, if she was your friend, you end up going shopping when you want to nap, or having a raw steak even though you’re a vegetarian. Just so she won’t yell. Poor guy.

And as for Petra and Dmitry? So far, I just say “meh.”

What do you think so far? Who do you believe is going? We shall see …


Photo Credit: ABC

12 Responses to “Dancing With the Stars – For the first elimination I predict …”

March 29, 2011 at 12:44 PM

Kirstie’s a nutjob but kudos to her… she’s doing a great job… and Ralph is teh bomb. I’m hoping it’s those two in the finals.

March 30, 2011 at 12:15 AM

I really like her. I don’t think she’s nuts. I find her refreshing really.

March 29, 2011 at 1:42 PM

Pretty much agree with your assessment. I thought Chelsea and Mark were awesome last night, and was shocked at the marks they got.

Having watched the Bunny show, too, I’m kinda surprised how dedicated Kendra is, so far. I think she’s grown up a bit from the early days of that show, and hubby is more than happy for her to stay on for a good long while.

As the celebrities were announced, I wanted to root for Sugar Ray and Ralph Macchio (I did see all the Karate Kid movies; I was just at that age) but yeah the wrestler dude was pretty sharp last night, and his partner Cheryl has a good track record.

March 29, 2011 at 2:24 PM

Can’t. Stand. Cheryl.
That being said, Chris is nice to look at and he’s sorta charming.
The judges are in crack. Mark and chelsea dancing to Panic At The Disco song was sooooo kick ass.

March 30, 2011 at 12:16 AM

I’m glad you and Lisana saw the same thing about Chelsea and Mark. I thought I might be weird:)

March 29, 2011 at 2:38 PM

. . . . .

<—— reiterates: “When you’re pigeon-toed, it’s damn difficult to dance.”

March 30, 2011 at 12:17 AM

Agrees. Holy Moley I just agreed with you!

March 29, 2011 at 7:39 PM

Tara, LOL about Stacey. Ain’t it the truth? Would that I could have such power.

I’d never NEVER knock anyone about their weight especially when they are putting themselves out there for this type of competition. But I still think KIRSTIE (not Christy or Kristy…is everybody happy now?) is annoying as all git up. But I’ll tolerate her all season just for a weekly 90 second glimpse of Mak.

They all impress me to no end for the amount energy and raw physical endurance it takes to do this thing.

March 29, 2011 at 8:04 PM

. . . . .

You’ll note I didn’t make one single comment about your misspelling, Lois.

(When it comes to you, I know better …)

March 29, 2011 at 10:16 PM

Michael – Of course you didn’t, my dear, and it was noted. You, oh wise one, “know better” because if you started you’d have to keep it up. And we both know what a never ending task that would be.

March 30, 2011 at 12:20 AM

*gulp* Hey you two — look at that shiny thing over there!

March 31, 2011 at 1:46 AM

love Kristie and Ralph

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