CliqueClack TV

Bob’s Burgers – Sometimes it’s the dialog

What could possibly go wrong with Lynda's dream of hosting a charming bed & breakfast at 'Bob's Burgers'? Well ... everything. All for our benefit, I might add.

- Season 1, Episode 7 - "Bed & Breakfast"

I started my post last week with “Wow.”

But it was this week’s episode that really deserved the interjection.

You see, at Bob’s Burgers, it’s not always about what goes on during the half hour. (Despite the fact Teddy is covered in fungus beetles above. Or when Lynda walks in on her bed & breakfasts guests mid-S&M session. Or as we witness Bob shower in the restaurant slop sink. Or … well … you get the idea.)

Sometimes it’s what’s said during the half hour that elicits the “wow” you inevitably exclaim to yourself. I submit examples for your perusal.

“You always do this Lyn. Whenever you entertain you put way too much effort into it and drive yourself crazy.” – Bob
“What are you talking about? I’m a wonderful hostess.” – Lynda
“No, Lynda. You go overboard … and then — if people aren’t appreciative enough — you snap.” – Bob
THAT’S NOT TRUE … !!!” – Lynda

“We’re going to be a bed a breakfast. It’s so exciting!” – Linda
“I love bed and breakfasts. They’re so quaint.” – Teddy
“Aren’t they? Random strangers shedding skin cells all over the house …” – Louise

“So … let’s go around and we’ll play a little game! Let’s say what our most embarrassing moment was.” – Linda
“What about when Dad got a perm?” – Louise
“It wasn’t a perm. It was a body wave.” – Bob
“You looked like Barbra Streisand in The Main Event.” – Lynda
“You looked like Barbra Streisand’s pubes.” – Louise
“I did …” – Bob

“Gene … why are you in your underwear?” – Bob
“I was eating. What?!? You want me to get butter all over my clothes?” – Bob
“Yeah. Now we just take him out back and hose him off …” – Louise

“I’m cold! My nipples are so pointy! (depresses his nipple, points at bed & breakfast guest Norma) Ding dong! It’s for you!” – Gene
“Nuh-uh … nuh-uh.” – Nora
“Umm hmmm …” – Gene
“Nuh, uh.” – Nora
“It might be a package. You should answer it …” – Gene

“I study insects. Specifically the mating habits of my fungal beetles.” – Javed, B&B guest
“So what brings you here?” – Linda
“My fungal beetles feed on fungus. And this town has a very, very high of potency of fungus.” – Javed
“That’s actually our town motto.” – Bob
Fungus Town!” – Gene, raises hands above his head and shouts

(The Belchers retire for the night … all in the same bed)
“Lyn … stop stewing and go to sleep.” – Bob
“I can’t help it, Bob. Our guests are such party poopers. All of them. No one has any B&B spirit at all!” – Lynda
*huff* Okay, just go to sleep, all right? You’ll feel better in the morning.” – Bob
“Fine.” – Lynda
“Gene. Gene! Your foot is down the back of my underwear!” – Bob
“It’s warm down there. My feet are cold!” – Gene
“Yes … but it’s my ass.” – Bob
” … mmmmmmm …” – Gene
“Dad? Are you still awake?” – Tina
“Yes. Tina … I was just talking to Gene. Right? A second ago?” – Bob
“Do you think horses get songs stuck in their heads?” – Tina
“Oh my God! I don’t know. Tina … go to sleep!” – Bob
“Dad … do you want any chicken? Don’t tell anyone! There’s just enough for the two of us.” – Gene
“Just go to sleep! All of you!” – Bob

“Whoa! Look at all those males!” – Louis exclaiming at all the beetles Javed is carrying
“Yes, Tina! One of these lucky bugs will mate with the queen and she will bite off his head.” – Javed
“So romantic.” – Linda swoons

If you missed it, go visit the Fox site and get educated.

Photo Credit: FOX

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