CliqueClack TV

Vampire Diaries – I wanna be a super hero

How could I have thought this episode was going to be boring? With one dead, one stabbed, one freed, one stripped of his ring and one stripped of her powers, we had some real character shake-ups tonight.

- Season 2, Episode 15 - "The Dinner Party"

“There’s no such thing as a bad idea … just poorly executed awesome ones. ” – Damon

Forgive me, but when tonight’s episode of The Vampire Diaries began, I thought it was going to be a boring one. Jonathan Gilbert’s journal entries and Stefan’s story of redemption held all the makings of a snoozefest. Boy, was I wrong. …

Although the flashbacks (otherwise known as Bizarro Mystic Falls) weren’t my favorite part of the episode, seeing Lexi again was a treat. I get that she has served her purpose, both in her appearance last season and in these flashbacks, but I really like her and can’t help but think she’d be fun to have around. “Once you hurt, you can love.” Deep.

My favorite part was the Elijah is-he-no-he-isn’t-yes-he-is game — that was some serious payoff. With his resurrection, revenge and death, we had more makings of a super-hero theme, beyond Bizarro World — isn’t that what happens to all of the bad guys who take on caped crusaders, men of steel and the like? Note to self: Do some really good research before you decide to go killing anyone other-worldly. It’s very tricky. I still can’t decide if I loved Elijah flirting with Jenna or Elijah flirting with Damon more. Ditto for Alaric’s spur-of-the-moment stabbing or Elena’s spur-of-the-moment stabbing. It was all good! I only had a moment to mourn the absence of Caroline this week.

However, now that our heroes have the moonstone again, what does it mean for the impending vampire/werewolf battle? You know Tyler won’t be gone for long. …

This and that:

  • Jonathan is such a dick — first he tries to get Damon to kill himself by using the dagger, then he bullies Alaric into giving the ring back. He’s looking to get his hand chopped off again if you ask me.
  • Not that I’m a huge Bonnie fan, but I can’t help but think that with her powers gone and Katherine free, our fearless heroes have lost a bit of their advantage. I wouldn’t turn my back on the original sacrifice if I were the white hats.

Photo Credit: The CW

2 Responses to “Vampire Diaries – I wanna be a super hero”

February 17, 2011 at 10:44 PM

Now, my concern is that they used the dagger to kill Elijah (who wasn’t necessarily a threat to them), so what happens when Klaus shows up?

February 22, 2011 at 10:19 AM

Clearly that dagger is coming back out. They left themselves a nice little – even though he is currently dead – when we need him we can get him back.

Ian’s best scenes continue to be with Nina. As Catherine or Elena.

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