CliqueClack TV

Saturday Night Live – Dana Carvey / Linkin Park

Wayne's World loves 'Winter's Bone', Church Lady loves Justin Bieber, and a roommate loves ... Justin Bieber. Dana Carvey was back to host 'SNL' this week! As usual, we'll have embedded clips of the skits here when we get 'em!

- Season 36, Episode 14 - "Dana Carvey / Linkin Park"

Cold Open: Wayne’s World — Best cold open in recent memory! You couldn’t have asked for a better start to a Dana Carvey hosted episode of SNL than a fucking Wayne’s World reunion. I’ll be damned if they didn’t look exactly the same as the last time they appeared on the show, which was probably like ten years ago.

Monologue: Dana Carvey — The Jon Lovitz appearance was the best part, while the rest was just OK. Hard to top the cold open!

i-Sleep Pro — A repeat commercial from the Bryan Cranston episode from last October.

Church Chat — I said this earlier and I’ll say it again: These great old-school sketch call-backs are doing a great job of reminding me how much most current sketches suck. What’s the hell sketch would Wiig or Armisen bring back in ten years that people would love to see? Nothing! Anyway, the Bieber cameo fit right in with the sketch and was well done for his drop-in.

Celebrity Teen Crisis Center — I have to admit I groaned when I saw this was going to be just a bunch of the cast doing impressions. It was obvious that we’d have to see the one thing Jay Pharoah seems to be able to do. Maybe that’s why they bring in these odd impression sketches and include him, because he doesn’t do much else?

The Roommate — Parts of this faux trailer appeared freakishly like a real movie promo. Then they threw in Samberg’s freaky Declan character and it got really strange. Not sure really what to think of this thing other than Samberg plays freaky/nerdy types freakishly well.

Musical Guest: Linkin Park — I’m way behind on what kinds of music Linkin Park is putting out these days, so the music in this episode was a bit of a surprise to me.

Weekend Update — Not a whole lot to note about this week’s WU sketch. I was sorta hoping for something from Carvey, but alas, he apparently needed a break for the next one.

Regis and Kelly — Cavey does a pretty damned good Regis impression. I had a funny feeling, right from the start, that we’d see Wiig do her Kathie Lee … and there it was!

Little Miss Little Girl Pageant — The best part of this sketch was Wiig’s answer to the one word to describe herself: “Me!” Other than that it was unremarkable.

Diedra Wurtz: Downsizing Expert — Really wasn’t feeling this one, by, y’know, that’s OK, it is what it is. Sorr-ay.

Super Bowl Bar Music — I don’t blame the bartender for jumping in — I’ve heard worse music from musical guests on SNL!

Photo Credit: NBC

9 Responses to “Saturday Night Live – Dana Carvey / Linkin Park”

February 6, 2011 at 2:05 AM

I enjoyed the clip of the wertz girl. I am nobody and I do want to apologize for that but it is what it isn’t and that’s just the way of the world and including all of those who abide in it.

February 6, 2011 at 3:44 AM

Diedra Wurtz reminded me of some lawyer commercial I see, usually late at night or during some judge shows, with Ronnie DEUTSCH. Yeah, she annunciates her last name loud and clear.

But, come on, you don’t want to see Gilly or Penelope revived in 10 years when Wiig gets to come back and host? :-)

February 7, 2011 at 5:44 AM

Absolutely not!!!

February 6, 2011 at 5:17 AM

did anyone notice they used phil hartman’s introduction for wayne’s world, and the church lady?

February 6, 2011 at 9:01 AM

I was about to mention that exact thing! It made me happy that they did that tip of the hat, but it made me miss him that much more.

February 6, 2011 at 11:41 AM

I would have liked to have seen Diedra Wurtz: Downsizing Expert as a voting option even though it wasn’t my favorite sketch either.

February 6, 2011 at 2:14 PM

As great as this episode was I don’t understand why with Dana Carvey, Mike Myers, and Jon Lovitz in the studio they needed a repeat skit and Justin Bieber in the 1st half. Though it may be just me being sick of Bieber showing up on every damn thing on television lately.

February 6, 2011 at 8:38 PM

Ack! Sorry for missing the Downsizing Expert sketch. Probably a little late to add it now…

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