CliqueClack TV

Glee not so gleeful in the checkout line

Another 'Glee' glut of promotion courtesy of your local retail establishment. It's not the kids who dig the show complaining, however.

Huhoooooooo-boy … here we go with another one. It seems the glut of celebrities “faux pas”- ing on magazine covers and within their pages is motoring relentlessly forward on all thrusters these days.

Kim Kardashian is still reeling from her layout (or so we’re told) and now comes Lea Michele of Glee raising the hackles of customers in Target checkout counter lines.

To be fair: It is Cosmopolitan we’re talking about here, a publication known for its racy and provocative covers. And the one featuring Michele isn’t breaking any new ground; it’s just going with the flow of what they’ve been doing for years and years and years. And quite well, I might add.

My take? It’s just another working cog in the Glee machine, chugging along relentlessly, cashing in on the promotional juggernaut that it is. But don’t blame Cosmopolitan for doing what it does best. It was a long, long time ago supermarkets and other outlets took individual charge in covering up racy magazine covers by putting them in a slipcase or behind cover barriers with only the title of the publication visible. If consumers have a qualm about a magazine, they might want to address the concern with the store they’re frequenting. That will get better results. Squawking to Cosmopolitan will only fall on deaf ears.

And, oh … New York mom Ms. Trefcer? Trust me: Your son isn’t offended by the Cosmopolitan cover. Not in the least. You may be … but, believe me, your son is not.

Photo Credit: Cosmopolitan

Categories: | Clack | General | Glee | News | Open Letters | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Glee not so gleeful in the checkout line”

February 6, 2011 at 12:17 PM

best shot I’ve ever seen of her, Hell I might even buy the magazine! :-)

February 6, 2011 at 1:46 PM

don’t see anything unusual about the cover. I don’t watch Glee though, does it have to do with the type of character she portrays?

February 6, 2011 at 2:07 PM

Can’t stand Glee – and her singing is the reason. All the other female characters have fantastic voices. Hers sounds like she’s singing through a hose inserted in her nose.

PS – she doesn’t have much boobage, does she? Looks like well defined man pecs to me. LOL

April 1, 2011 at 3:24 AM

yes..totally agree with u ..her character in Glee is bloody annoying and her voice …arrrghhhh and they kill us by giving her the solo all the tyme…

February 6, 2011 at 2:16 PM

There’s this nifty invention called a push-up bra, Lea…. get one.
Small-breasted is fine… total lack of cleavage while wearing a plunging neckline is another.

February 7, 2011 at 6:40 AM

I find it funny that while the people in a rage about the cover are saying it’s too sexy, half the comments on HERE are more offended by the lack of real cleavage.

Ah, the internet.

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