CliqueClack TV

Being Human – Sally can finally leave the house

The episode felt like one too many storylines were crammed into one hour. However, Sally finally learned how to get outside, and Josh made friends!

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "Some Thing to Watch Over Me"

The SyFy cast of Being HumanI’m still holding on to the show, but Being Human is wearing thin on me. Maybe it’s because the three roommates don’t do enough with each other; I want to see more of a relationship growing between the three of them. Instead, we keep seeing them go off to have separate storylines. I’d much rather see one big strong storyline that brings the three of them together.

Aiden gets more heartache when the son of a man he killed decades ago recognizes him at the neighborhood watch. As soon as the man confronted Aiden about it, I knew this wasn’t going to end well. Like last week, Aiden chooses to stop Bishop from getting another vampire in his ranks, but once again at the cost of the person’s life (although nice fake-out by having Aiden see the guy pick up his newspaper). As much as I like the idea and the majority of Aiden as a character, Sam Witwer is still playing him really stiff. However, I still like Aiden far better than Rebecca, who was thankfully absent from this episode.

On a side note, some of us at CliqueClack have been discussing the difference in violence and gore between the various vampire shows. While Being Human has less blood than True Blood so far, when blood is shown it becomes that much more shocking. Case in point: tonight when Aiden feeds off the blood bag. It’s a short scene and it’s not like there’s gore involved, but seeing him going to town on that bag was a quiet sort of horrifying.

I felt like Sally’s storyline was rushed. They could have her learn from the ’80s ghost for at least another episode before he went to the great beyond. Heck, they could have ended this episode with him putting the moves on her and used the next episode to have him apologize and teach her more. Her little speech convincing him to go visit his old girlfriend felt forced because she had just met him. But at least Sally can go wherever she wants now, which I’m hoping will open up her character to more adventures with the guys.

In a lot of ways, Josh’s storyline was the most interesting, but the least developed. I did have to laugh that the one person in the house who really did not want them to get involved with the neighborhood watch was also the one who actually got involved with the neighborhood watch. The two friends he made will make for a more interesting case — thank goodness they weren’t written off this episode. It was a nice twist that his new guy friend is not freaked out about Josh attacking (and almost killing) the neighborhood graffiti threat. Something tells me Josh isn’t used to keeping friends for long since becoming a werewolf.

While Danny still seems to be missing Sally, I’m going to keep my theory that he actually killed her. Maybe the blonde friend that was introduced at the end of the episode is his accomplice. My one hope for the show is that Sally will interact with the guys more now that she can travel and that the writers focus more on one-storyline episodes rather than splitting the protagonists up.

Photo Credit: SyFy

2 Responses to “Being Human – Sally can finally leave the house”

February 2, 2011 at 9:26 AM

Yes they each do their own things on their own but the friendship bond will evolved with each episodes.

You will see more of Josh in the next 2 episodes (if I remember correclty) and more of Sally exploring her ghost “power”.

I had the chance to see 6 episodes and to know a bit about whats is going to happen and I cant wait to see more! All I can say is that its going to become way more serious then now… its really worth to stick on.

February 2, 2011 at 9:45 PM

I absolutely advise that you watch the UK’s version of Being Human, as the US’s (actually I hear it is Canadian?) is -strongly- watered down. From what I’ve seen of SyFy’s series, while it contains some of the basic elements of the original series, it throws ridiculous mainstream trends into the mix, mainly into its dialogue which turns less genuine and more hokie. And the SyFy series, I must say, does not manage to reach the same emotional heights as the BBC series. But perhaps this is all a matter of opinion.

Plus there’s the added bonus that with the UK series, you’d know what happens in this story arc already XD I’m actually amazed that there are still people left “unspoiled.”

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