CliqueClack TV

Everyone ends up where they belong on Chuck

The Volkov storyline came to a close and everyone ended up exactly where they belonged. The mission to bring down Volkov was so well-done that I didn't think the last ten minutes could possibly overshadow it, but it did.

- Season 4, Episode 13 - "Chuck Versus the Push Mix"

Tonight’s “Chuck Versus the Push Mix” could easily have been the season finale, but thankfully the show got a full-season pick-up.

There are many reasons why Chuck is a fan favorite, but I think the overwhelming reason is the characters; we fans love the characters. While in most episodes the whole team and extended family seem very connected to each other, tonight’s end showed how they have all created their own intimate families as well. Ellie, Awesome and now baby and grandma. Casey and Morgan have become a team, Morgan and Alex have a great thing going, and Casey is getting another chance with Alex — seeing the three of them walk down the hospital hall together was touching. And, lastly, Chuck and Sarah.

After all that Chuck and Sarah have been through together, to see them sitting in the hospital hallway — just the two of them — was perfect; so perfect that Chuck picking that moment to propose to Sarah, despite the location and all that was going on around them, was heartening. I loved it. It was fitting for them and better than the vineyard proposal could possibly have been.

I’m looking forward to watching these relationships progress from here, with the exception of Mary Bartowski. As I wrote after last week’s episode, I’m not sure how she fits into their lives. Hopefully the CIA will make Mary go through months of debriefings, so she can show up only occasionally. I don’t want her sticking around permanently.

Other stuff:

  • I love how Morgan has matured and become a valuable member of their CIA team, and especially that he still has occasional “Morgan” moments, like not wearing anything under his wetsuit and walking around the boat with his flippers still on.
  • The end to the Volkov case seemed to come fairly quickly, but Chuck’s plan was perfect and I appreciated the way it played out.
  • Little pet peeve: How did they bring down Volkov within a few months, but Frost couldn’t do it in 20 years? Is there more to her story?
  • No bullets in the gun — so Chuck!
  • Casey rocks! When his heart monitor showed his heart stopped, I knew that there was something going on, but I didn’t expect that he was tricking the assassin. Nice move.
  • I’m not a fan of Jeffster, but how did I not think of “Push It” for the song? I hope the show cuts down on the Jeffster appearances. It was fun at first, but now … just annoying.

Photo Credit: NBC

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3 Responses to “Everyone ends up where they belong on Chuck”

February 1, 2011 at 11:44 AM

I think the Volkov story simply ended quickly because they weren’t sure whether or not this would be the series finale or not. Maybe they will add more to his story now that the season is either 24 or 25 episodes long. Like a commented last week, Timothy Dalton was too good of a villain to be done with so quickly.

I have a sinking feeling Chuck will pull an Alias with Mama Bartowski before the show is over so that is my guess where her character is going from here.

February 2, 2011 at 12:34 AM

Agreed Timothy Dalton was exceptional as Volkov. I wonder if Gary Cole is gonna walk Sarah down the isle, or maybe we might get someone new. I think that this would be a great time to delve a bit more into Sarah’s past. Not asking for much just someone who made her the person she is today.

February 2, 2011 at 12:37 AM

I’m hoping that they will bring Volkov back. If a show could find a way to work his character into a story, it is Chuck. He is such a great bad guy. I’d actually rather have him back than Mary Bartowski. I just don’t trust her or really care for her.

I agree, John, I’d like to get more backstory on Sarah. We know more about every other character.

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