CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – The things they make edible these days

Is cat litter a good source of fiber? Tara and Michael don't go there ... but they do wonder who those mysterious test people are picked to whiff cat urine.

Michael: Holy, McMoley … I don’t even know where to begin with this one. So I’ll start with an observation: That squishy-headed, two-whiskered cat they have for a logo? They needn’t have trademarked it. Believe me, the mold was broken with that one. Instantly.

But here … this is the thing that struck me most of all: If you look closely, you’ll note there are seven people in the “test group.” Of the “interviews” given, only four of the seven had anything of import to state. That’s right! Not only are you in a cat litter commercial, but you’ve been “dissed” on live television for your participation! Not so embarrassing for the two folks you can’t see, but “Maude” in the long-flowing skirt at the left had to be disheartened they didn’t use her stint at the microphone. I can only imagine what she might have said to get her dialog nixed from the finished piece: “Wow! Corn! I can use it for Tabby’s litter box and use it to coat my catfish for frying! Score!”

Tara: I think it’s weird that only one test man actually smells it. One lady says “Wow” with it in her hand. And the other says “It makes me want to bring cat litter back into the house again,” without the “glass o’ urine” even near her in the shot. So … conspiracy? Editing tricks? Hmmm. And as for the others not chosen to speak, maybe they actually said “Ew! I smell cat pee really strongly. It’s like a cat is peeing on my head right now!” Who knows?

Tara: Holy Moses! I just noticed they eat the litter! That’s priceless!

Michael: That’s “The Power Of Corn.” Who knew? Well … the people who grow corn … that’s who!

Tara: Why do I hear Huey Lewis singing “The Power Of Corn” right now?

Michael: Why Tara? Because your mind works in mysterious ways. And how ’bout that background music? Every knows a snappy tune is essential to any good commercial. Oh … except this one. (Yes … that was snark.)

Tara: Loves snark.

Photo Credit: World’s Best Cat Litter

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5 Responses to “CommercialClack – The things they make edible these days”

January 28, 2011 at 12:11 PM

Makes me think, “It’s a floor wax … AND a dessert topping.” LOL

January 28, 2011 at 2:30 PM

. . . . .


I previously sold a product called “Nuts-Off” (really!) … something similar to WD-40. That was one of my catch phrases for the product:

“ … AND … it makes a great dessert topping, too!”

January 28, 2011 at 6:44 PM

LOL, a true classic skit if ever there was one. Makes me wish Mr. Aykroyd was more active on our screens these days, be they TV or theater.

Michael, you and that Vince guy should get together. After he proclaims, “You’ll love my nuts!” you can say, “And if you don’t, a quick shot of ‘Nuts-Off’ will fix you up in a jiffy.”

You did say it was a lubricant and not a form of chemical castration, right?

January 28, 2011 at 6:40 PM

I’m thinking the people whose comments were not shown might’ve said something like, “Man, this beer is really warm and flat…and tastes like piss!”

BTW, that logo reminds me of a tamagotchi pet.

January 29, 2011 at 12:20 AM

I noticed that the guy raises the glass to his face, gives the impression that he’s about to take a sip, and she announces that it’s cat urine… ewwww. Sick man, sick.

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